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Bring Back No Downstate!


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> @"archmagus.7249" said:

> As a roamer I hated the no downstate event. It made outnumbered fights nearly impossible.


Wow, it was the exact opposite for me. As a roamer I won quite a few outnumbered fights that I wouldn't have stood a chance if they could have rezzed each other.

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Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.


So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.

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> @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.


> So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.


I'm all for it. I roam on core warrior.

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> @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.


> So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.


No downstate affected only one ability - Gyro rez/stomp. Out of the traits that it affected (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed), only 3 were used pretty much ever. And even then they have non-downed related bonuses as well.


Disabling stealth would mean disabling two entire combo/field interactions, as well as make a *ton* of widely used traits *and* skills useless (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth). This is why there won't be a "no-stealth" event.


> @"Farout.8207" said:

> > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> > Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.

> >

> > So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.


> I'm all for it. I roam on core warrior.


I too, often like to watch the game play for me.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> > Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.

> >

> > So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.


> No downstate affected only one ability - Gyro rez/stomp. Out of the traits that it affected (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed), only 3 were used pretty much ever. And even then they have non-downed related bonuses as well.


> Disabling stealth would mean disabling two entire combo/field interactions, as well as make a *ton* of widely used traits *and* skills useless (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth). This is why there won't be a "no-stealth" event.


Meh. There are many traits and skills that help res downed players. Ressing faster traits? Useless. Signet of illusion of life? Useless. Warrior's downed ability? Useless. Ranger elite spirit? Useless. Search and rescue? Useless. Medic's feedback? Useless. Transfusion for Necro? Useless. Gyro for ressing downed player? Useless. So let's not talk about impact cause if they're willing to nuke all of the support related traits, nuking boon-when-stealthed/condi cleanse when stealthed and damage modifier when revealed is easy and not really that bad.

General purpose of stealth is misdirection and ambush. Mesmer would suffer a bit more than thief. deadeye can still sit somewhere elevated and pew pew from distance. Thief can still shadowstep in and dagger you, a lot, or condi spike like mad. there's a better counterplay with no stealth. So it would be just fine.


Heck, they could even leave the effects in, just show the enemy model regardless of stealth status.





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> @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.


> So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.


That will never happen. As soon as they throw out the idea, thief forum will be filled with qq threads. Then they'll say it's not a good idea. Much like stealth gyro in HoT. Thieves were qq'ing all over the place because there was another class which bested them in stealth, with an AOE reveal. Thus, it got nerfed.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > No, No Downstate still favors the bigger zerg. If anything, all it does is make people more cautious when engaging in a fight as far as zerging goes. The worst part of it is that it brings out all the Mesmers and Thieves that Stealth Gank people left and right. Rarely while I was participating in the No Downstate did I ever see a smaller group win against a larger group, and only then was because the larger group made a miscalculated bombing mistake. With Downstate you give a smaller group the capability to still be in the fight if they can manage to get their downed players up in time. Strategy comes into play with Downed state. There are several skills that allow players to place traps down on a downed player giving them the opportunity to take out more players that come to the aid of the downed to try to revive them. The reason why so many people liked No Downstate is the same reason they want to take away Sieges. It helps to level out the playing field against larger opponents. People want to win. By any means necessary. If that win is taken from them for some reason then they cry foul and moan and complain until it is removed so they can get their win. Nobody wants real balance in this game. They want whatever they can get to make it in their favor, plain and simple. Was Meteor Shower bugged? Yes. Was it OP? I don't think so. It finally gave Elementalists a reason to play and be useful in WvW again. Now look at them. Gutted and rarely used. Once again, it's Scourge Wars 2. Downstate is in the game for a reason just like Siege. It helps to balance out the game and level the playing field.

> >

> > you lost all credibility when you said bugged meteor wasn't OP.


> It wasn't OP. People could move out of the Area of Effect. They could Dodge. People who weren't Glass Cannons could survive the hit, I did on my Trailblazer Ranger. Could the damage be toned down a little bit? Sure, but it shouldn't have been gutted as much as it was. Could MS have been put on a longer Cool Down to make it more balanced? Absolutely. Ele Meteor Shower was a counter to Scourge Zerg AoE's. It was nice actually having an answer to that face roll crap meta we have going on right now. I'm so sick and tired of Firebrand, Spellbreaker, Scourge Zergs it's not even funny. To say it was OP is wrong. It was strong, yes, but not OP.


Obviously I dodged out of most of them, but at some point one meteor is going to hit you. Minstrel Firebrands should not get 1-shot by a skill, it's dumb. You probably only survived because of signet of stone. Not all classes have a saving grace like that, nor should they be required to use it every time a meteor is cast. If you are saying damage could have been toned down a bit, then you are essentially agreeing it was too powerful. To go back to your original post about this, I saw Weavers before the broken meteor fiasco, and I still see them after. They are a really good DPS option if you have a good weaver. If you never see them, maybe it's something to chalk up to different server playstyles or perhaps difference between NA and EU.

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> @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> > > Let's first have a whole week of no stealth. Easy. You see someone? You engage them face on. What? Problem? Why? Oh, you rely on one-shooting players out of stealth? Boo-hoo, too bad, you'll get over it. Thief and mesmer and engie have plenty of mobility to disengage anyway.

> > >

> > > So after that week is done, we might get combo week. No down state AND no stealth. Also no complaining that enemy players clump up into uniblob dashing your hopes of farming unsuspecting noobs with your thief/mesmer gank group.

> >

> > No downstate affected only one ability - Gyro rez/stomp. Out of the traits that it affected (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed), only 3 were used pretty much ever. And even then they have non-downed related bonuses as well.

> >

> > Disabling stealth would mean disabling two entire combo/field interactions, as well as make a *ton* of widely used traits *and* skills useless (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth). This is why there won't be a "no-stealth" event.


> Meh. There are many traits and skills that help res downed players. Ressing faster traits? Useless. Signet of illusion of life? Useless. Warrior's downed ability? Useless. Ranger elite spirit? Useless. Search and rescue? Useless. Medic's feedback? Useless. Transfusion for Necro? Useless. Gyro for ressing downed player? Useless. So let's not talk about impact cause if they're willing to nuke all of the support related traits, nuking boon-when-stealthed/condi cleanse when stealthed and damage modifier when revealed is easy and not really that bad.

> General purpose of stealth is misdirection and ambush. Mesmer would suffer a bit more than thief. deadeye can still sit somewhere elevated and pew pew from distance. Thief can still shadowstep in and dagger you, a lot, or condi spike like mad. there's a better counterplay with no stealth. So it would be just fine.


> Heck, they could even leave the effects in, just show the enemy model regardless of stealth status.






Not sure why you noted Warrior's downed ability. None of them worked so that wasn't part of this discussion. Search and Rescue, Illusion of Life, Ranger's Elite Spirit and Medic's Feedback are not *widely used* as my post suggested a Stealth disabling would affect. Transfusion? Sure, got me there. I guess that's used often enough, though it still heals allies apart from reviving - so wait, yeah, falls under my original post anyway...


11 out of 12 traits in Shadow Arts are stealth related. How can someone justify removing an entire traitline of a profession for an event just because they can't handle some misdirection?


>! It can't be justified.

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> @"Farout.8207" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > No, my hands were free to write it while I was leaning on my dual EP crutches.


> I've seen you around, you're really fast...




100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running every day

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