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[SUGGESTION] Give Weaver F5 skill that...


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> @caveman.5840 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > Kyon gets it, we need those damage buffs and I look forward to the ones involving sword :heart:

> >

> > I'm happy we got responses on the subject from a Dev in regards to f5.


> when and where did the devs respond ?


On Reddit earlier this week, or last week, can't remember, Karl confirmed the damage buff on sword. As for the F5 someone said it somewhere, can't remember.

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> @MyPuppy.8970 said:

> > @caveman.5840 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > Kyon gets it, we need those damage buffs and I look forward to the ones involving sword :heart:

> > >

> > > I'm happy we got responses on the subject from a Dev in regards to f5.

> >

> > when and where did the devs respond ?


> On Reddit earlier this week, or last week, can't remember, Karl confirmed the damage buff on sword. As for the F5 someone said it somewhere, can't remember.


[it was said here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/home/leaving?target=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGuildwars2%2Fcomments%2F74qjlh%2Fpath_of_fire_devs_here_ask_us_anything%2Fdo0is4r%2F%3Fcontext%3D3 "It was said here")

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> All garbage ideas. Have the F5 be weave self and let unravel be an elite.


And then? Weave Self and Unravel are bost barely ever beeing used since FGS is a thing and will always be a thing I imagine. If Weave Self was F5 you'd just use it as much as you can to abuse the bonus stats as the lowered CD doesn't really solf the problem that you cannot instantly react (2s CD is still more then none to access your 4&5's) and how much do you think you'd have to buff Unravel to make it a reasonable elite to be considered over FGS?


To call all other ideas "garbage" while going into so little detail about your own suggestion is quite rude, most people here have spend time thinking about their ideas about pros and cons while you just barge in and call everything garbage :D


> We had considered this at one point early on, but decided not to go with it. The weaver’s mechanic and trade offs are designed with needing to go through main-hand to off hand. We left Unravel as a unique utility option for the purpose of improving rotations or providing instant access to needed weapon skills, but did not want to embed it into the core of the specialization.


Karl's response to Unravel as F5 Question


Now I'm curious though, how did they think Weaver should make up for those trade offs?

Looks to me like they just pushed as much damage mods into the traits as possible to make Weaver even remotely viable - which is terrible design for a spec that is supposed to be super flexible weaving through his attunements and juggling the elements to combine and create new spells, all of that screams flexible spellslinger like gameplay that can quickly adapt - weaver does none of that, weaver just hopes nothing goes wrong so he can profit on his insane damage mods which barely ever happens. Please make Weaver more skill based and less "oh god please let my enemies be stunned for 4 more seconds so I can pull off all my damage"

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:


> Now I'm curious though, how did they think Weaver should make up for those trade offs?

> Looks to me like they just pushed as much damage mods into the traits as possible to make Weaver even remotely viable - which is terrible design for a spec that is supposed to be super flexible weaving through his attunements and juggling the elements to combine and create new spells, all of that screams flexible spellslinger like gameplay that can quickly adapt - weaver does none of that, weaver just hopes nothing goes wrong so he can profit on his insane damage mods which barely ever happens. Please make Weaver more skill based and less "oh god please let my enemies be stunned for 4 more seconds so I can pull off all my damage"


Although I like that yolo playstyle, the damage really seems not to be there :/ It's ok vs classes with reasonnable sustain, but against high burst specs and heavy sustained specs, the fight is not really in your favor. It's still fun though. I wish there was more variety in the evade animations, sometimes i feel like a ballerina. Gymnastics moves would be nice.


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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > All garbage ideas. Have the F5 be weave self and let unravel be an elite.


> And then? Weave Self and Unravel are bost barely ever beeing used since FGS is a thing and will always be a thing I imagine. If Weave Self was F5 you'd just use it as much as you can to abuse the bonus stats as the lowered CD doesn't really solf the problem that you cannot instantly react (2s CD is still more then none to access your 4&5's) and how much do you think you'd have to buff Unravel to make it a reasonable elite to be considered over FGS?


> To call all other ideas "garbage" while going into so little detail about your own suggestion is quite rude, most people here have spend time thinking about their ideas about pros and cons while you just barge in and call everything garbage :D


> > We had considered this at one point early on, but decided not to go with it. The weaver’s mechanic and trade offs are designed with needing to go through main-hand to off hand. We left Unravel as a unique utility option for the purpose of improving rotations or providing instant access to needed weapon skills, but did not want to embed it into the core of the specialization.


> Karl's response to Unravel as F5 Question


> Now I'm curious though, how did they think Weaver should make up for those trade offs?

> Looks to me like they just pushed as much damage mods into the traits as possible to make Weaver even remotely viable - which is terrible design for a spec that is supposed to be super flexible weaving through his attunements and juggling the elements to combine and create new spells, all of that screams flexible spellslinger like gameplay that can quickly adapt - weaver does none of that, weaver just hopes nothing goes wrong so he can profit on his insane damage mods which barely ever happens. Please make Weaver more skill based and less "oh god please let my enemies be stunned for 4 more seconds so I can pull off all my damage"


I think you overestimate FGS' usage. If Unravel is made an elite I would always use it as a weaver, provided it received extra buffs of course.


Weave Self as F5 is not meant to fix the problem. That is already being fixed with Unravel as the elite. WS as F5 is just the icing on the cake, just like Chronos get a new F5 that is super good, why would this be a bad thing again? It could be balanced accordingly (reduced stats).


Unravel as F5 is a very bad idea.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> I think you overestimate FGS' usage. If Unravel is made an elite I would always use it as a weaver, provided it received extra buffs of course.


> Weave Self as F5 is not meant to fix the problem. That is already being fixed with Unravel as the elite. WS as F5 is just the icing on the cake, just like Chronos get a new F5 that is super good, why would this be a bad thing again? It could be balanced accordingly (reduced stats).


> Unravel as F5 is a very bad idea.


I can see where you're going but I don't see what kind of buffs you think unravel as an Elite should get. While at the same time, weave self as an F5 would need significant nerfs.

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@"Razor.6392" I find the F5 for Weave Self interesting as well as making Unravel an Elite.


Can you provide details on how the new Unravel Elite would work? Does it become a toggle-stance (like what I proposed for F5), or is it just a more spammable version of the Unravel utility skill?

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I found your new post:


> @Razor.6392 said:

> You can always buff Sword's range, damage or cast times, same with other stances, but the one thing that needs actual changes and maybe a rework, is the inability to access #3 #4 and #5 abilities at will. This is a heavy limitation on a weaver's potential.


> Unravel is the skill that fixes all non-numerical problems with Weaver, and everyone knows this. However, it's perceived as weak and not worth the utility slot. (It is very hard to fit into an ele's utility slot nowadays).


> So make Unravel the elite, and put a nerfed Weave Self (stat wise, and maybe remove it from the Stance category) as our F5, just like Chronomancers get Continuum Split (which also has a 90s CD, further decreased by Alacrity).


> Obviously to fit into Elite category it would need buffs so give it something like:

> * 3 charges up from 2.

> * 30s recharge per stack

> * 5s cooldown between uses

> * Light aura on use

> * Pulsing quickness for the duration(?)


> What do you think? I really feel like this would be the fix to the class plus it would make it much more pleasant to play (and on par with the ridiculousness that are other PoF specs).



Going to add your idea to the original post in this topic so it's in the list with the other ideas.

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> @juno.1840 said:

> @"Razor.6392" I find the F5 for Weave Self interesting as well as making Unravel an Elite.


> Can you provide details on how the new Unravel Elite would work? Does it become a toggle-stance (like what I proposed for F5), or is it just a more spammable version of the Unravel utility skill?


Just like it currently works. It's still a stance after all. Could gain buffs based on the attunement activation, boons, condi clear, quickness, aura, idk. Whatever fits the theme.


I would go with numerical stat increase (moving it from Weave Self to Unravel). Weave Self could instead get something else.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

> @MrRay.3027 said:

> > @ROMANG.1903 said:

> > I agree with giving unravel as baseline. However for something you need to access easily, F5 isn't a great key. Why not put it on weapon swapp?


> You know you can rebind every key, right?


But binding it would also change the settings on my others characters, which I don't want to change. I suggested weapon swapp because it's easy access and Ele doesn't have weapon swapp atm. Also it makes sense since it's actually a weapon ability swapp...


I also suggest to increase Unravel's number of charges and make it work only once, not on a duration. I fully atuned to Air but now I'd like to dual atune to Air/Fire, without having to wait until the end of the effect for that...



[edit] oops made a duplicate


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