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Is it time to finally remove the gems (RL money) --> gold conversion?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> You're assuming everyone who buys gems with gold would buy all the same items with real money if gold wasn't an option. I think it's unlikely that's the case.


As a highlight, consider most free-to-play mobile games. They usually have a way to build resources without paying, and for some, seeing how far they can get without the paywall is a form of gameplay. Gold -> Gem trades do exactly that for GW2 outside of the initial purchase price.

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I do not see an issue either.


1. Non of the BiS equipment can be bought straight (except the gen1 legendaries which was a mistake and is why any other legendary cannot be sold). You can only speed things up not buy right away. At least some effort is required no matter what.

2. It gives a great alternative to RMTs. Even if the RMTs are cheaper you have to be an a unique kind of fool to risk your account and maybe even your credit card when you have a legal alternative.

3. Everything is mostly cosmetic or the advantage is insignificant compared to actually learning to play. Thus no issue of endangering the game like with games that actually sold game breaking stuff in their store (AA).

4. The only competitive mode is sPvP and it is not affected by purchases. Fractals and Raids are more about learning to play than the equipment and you will get what your need from gameplay as you play so not much incentive to buy things with gems. To be really carried in those modes to the point of not doing anything for the rewards would mean spending thousands (especially if you want to be carried through 150 raid encounters for sth like the legendary armor) . Not enough people willing to do that for them to be an issue for the game. WvW is also very skill based or based on numbers and coordination. The rest of the game is balanced around exotics.

5. Additionally any farming requirements on this game are pretty forgiving. The grind is really minimal for the industry. And there is no gear treadmill. So you never feel any real urgency to buy things faster unless you lack self-discipline.

6. You would have to cancel gold to gems as well and that would remove a nice gold sink and in-game goal for the ppl farming in the game a lot.

7. It would remove revenue from Anet with nothing to replace it. It would make the game less sustainable if anything.


So this system seems quite fine to me in general.

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The only thing ANet is selling is gems. ANet isn't selling gold, other players are. Anet just facilitates the exchange (and takes out a [transaction fee](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Currency_exchange "transaction fee") as well). ANet isn't selling Legendaries. Another player has to put in the time to craft it and put it on the trading post. ANet isn't selling Ascended gear, you still have to level your crafting skill, and other players still have to gather/craft the materials you need to do so. ANet has always supported the philosophy of players trading their cash for other players' time. And if players didn't want to put Legendaries or crafting materials on the TP, no amount of bought gold can get you those items. Furthermore, if you want Legendary armor, you have to play the game. A LOT. And as already stated, BiS trinkets also cannot be bought.


Removing the gem exchange WILL hurt ANet's revenue. Because people deprived from being able to buy gems with gold are not necessarily going buy the gems themselves now. Some probably can't afford to. And people who can't exchange gems for gold probably won't buy those gems in the first place.


There is also no competitive advantage to "buying" BiS gear. Because thousands of players already have it by playing the game. The only possible advantage is against new players who haven't had the time to earn/craft it themselves yet. And there is little advantage over them either, because it makes no difference in PvE since you're not competing, and a new player's problem in WvW is knowledge and experience, which will far outweigh a few percentage points in stats, and will be almost fully superseded by the serious WvW players who have been properly geared for years.


Finally, it's hard to argue this is going the harm the game. It has been in place for 6 years. Any measurable harm--if it exists--has already occurred. At this point, only an update to the system could bring down the game.

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