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Deleted Account- I sent in a ticket to ask a question and my account was deleted [Addressed]

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Full disclosure I am using my sisters account (with her knowledge and permission, she is out of town and has no internet access) to access the forums because my ticket, submitted 4 days ago through my free to play account has not been answered.


I submitted a ticket on June 22 2018 Making inquiries about deleting my free to play account and using that email address, which is my primary email, for my paid account. I got confused when purchasing the game over a year ago and ended up creating a whole new account. I have not used the free to play account since creating the new paid account. When I received the response to my ticket It stated that the email address associated with the free to play account would not be able to be used with any other GW2 account. It also stated that if i wanted to move forward with the deletion of the account I needed to respond and give permission for the account to be deleted. I did not respond to the email because I did not want to proceed with any activity regarding deleting the free to play account. My email account has not been hacked or used by any other person. I have logged in and played the game several times since the email exchange on my paid account and have had not problems. 4 days ago I tried to log in and play my paid account and was unable too. I received the message "the code you have entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again." So I tried to log into the website to submit a ticket and a message popped up and said the account had been deleted.


I do not understand how this has happened. I can still log into my free to play account on the website but I am unable to log into the game with it. I submitted the ticket 4 days ago about my account being deleted under Hacked/compromised accounts but have not received any help or been contacted in any way. I have screen shots of the initial email asking questions about deleting my free to play account. I was very clear in the email about which was a free to play account and which one was the one I wanted to delete. I also never gave any permission for any further action to be taken in regards to ether account.


I would really like some help in finding out what happened and fixing this. I am very upset that a years worth of work and money where lost with no explanation. I know I will never get all the work back but I had purchased all the expansions and living world stories. Along with all of the gems I had purchased in game for back pieces, makeover kits, mount skins, etc. I was so proud of all the achievements I had reached in the small amount of free time I have.


please could someone help me fix this.

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Only the CS Team can assist you. You can contact them through the 'Support' link above/below and submit a ticket using the 'anonymous' option, if you can't log in. Though, you've already submitted a ticket, so that should be sufficient.

Due to high volume, ticket responses are slower than usual, and can take up to 1-3+ weeks.

Are you sure it said "The _code_ you have entered in invalid"? Not 'password' or 'information'? It's possible the account was compromised. Regardless, as above, only the CS Team can assist you.


Good luck.

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By the way, depending on your email provider, you might use the same email inbox with multiple addresses, by adding a '+' and some letters to your inbox name. E.g., you can create one GW2 account with fancyguy@outlook.com and another with fancyguy+gw2@outlook.com. It will all end up in the same inbox.


AFAIK Outlook.com (aka Hotmail aka Windows Live) and Gmail definitely support it.

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Inculpatus cedo.9234 yes I'm sure it said "code" . that's why I was so confused at first. Its something I had never seen before. When I try to log into the website It clearly says the account has been deleted. I was hoping someone who works for GW2 would see this post and maybe be able to help the ticket move faster. I feel selfish thinking that way, like jumping the line at the movies, but I'm so confused and frustrated. It was a suggestion from some people in one of my guilds to try posting here.


Ray Koopa.2354 I use google mail and have both my emails logged in and combined. I just hate having multiple emails. I didn't expect to be able to do what I wanted but it would have made my life simpler and would have gotten ride of a free to play account that I never used which always kinda bothered me. I was considering just rotating email addresses in the future so I could get things organized as I wanted but never got around to it.


TheQuickFox.3826 Thanks. I'm hoping someone from support, or someone who can help the ticket move along faster will see this. I have actually never been on the GW2 forums before. I know how forums work in general so that's why I followed some Guild mates suggestion to post here. another guild mate suggested direct messaging a particular person in the forums but I cant figure out how to do that. So *shrug* this is all I have except sitting and refreshing my ticket every 5 min.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hi Dezzra,


> Did you submit a ticket on this (from your own account, of course)? And could you please post the ticket number? Thanks!


The Id number listed is

Id 7016116

Submitted from the account- Avatar

Elana Asi.4035

I think that's what you are asking for.

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