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New player, what to expect from Customer Support.

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Dear Arena Net and fellow players!


I'm let's say new to the game, 4 weeks and a few days in. I really like the game so far and I have tried a few classes to see what would suit me. I laso bought the harvesting tools off from Gemstore a while ago. Unfortunately, due to my own stupidity, I deleted a character which had them on it and didn't check first. I submitted 2 tickets to ArenaNet and I didn't get an answer since opening the ticket. I don't know if this is common or not, but I wouldn't like to buy them again for that amount of gems. If someone could tell me how long is the usual wait time, I would be grateful. Thank you. Original ticket : 6 days ago, Last activity: 5 days ago (without answering). 2nd ticket: 3 days ago Last activity: 2 days ago(again, no answer)

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Besides what @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: ignore the "last activity." It's relatively meaningless. For example, if staffer A places it in staffer B's queue by mistake and A sends it back, you'd see activity, without anything resembling progress. The opposite is even possible: there's no activity while a lot of progress has been made (e.g. if your issue is one of several similar ones that popped up the same day, probably one player would see a ton of activity while the rest wouldn't see anything until it's ready for resolution).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Due to high volume, ticket responses are slower than usual, up to 1-3+ weeks.


I have been waiting more than 6 weeks for customer support to help me with an issue, all I got was an automated response that they see the ticket. If you want help from customer support, just hope that it isn't important.



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