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[Suggestion] New Cosmetic Auras/Infusions

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I adore the current cosmetic infusions (especially the Queen Bee Infusion)! I need more and I have some ideas:

**1. Swarm Infusion*** A similar effect to the Locust Swarm Necromancer Warhorn ability * Similar to combining Queen Bee Infusion + Poly-luminescent Undulating Infusion (Black) but with locust instead of bees.![](https://i.imgur.com/QjaAl4z.gif "")

**2. Stone Creature Infusion*** Similar to that of the dwarf Ogden Stonehealer (and presumably most dwarfs), turns character's skin to stone.![](https://i.imgur.com/Ru6y16h.gif "")

**3. Scholar's Infusion*** Imagine Nightfury but replace the bats with those adorable book birds from The Sanctum Library!![](https://i.imgur.com/0CrgiTr.gif "")

I'm sure that infusions which have little/no connection to the current story are probably the furthest thing from ArenaNet dev's minds but I would sell my soul for any of these. What do you guys think? Do you have any cosmetic infusion ideas?

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