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New boss release rate

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So Ive been raiding for a while and apperently new bosses are released at a laughably low paste,whats that all about?

As an ex-wow player it just boggles my mind that people who raid have to wait more than 6 whole months for 3 new bosses 0_0"

Im not expecting the abundance of new content wow had in a b2p game but the amount of new pve grouped instanced content is just so low that I cant understand how can someone call himself a raider.

If somones main attraction is instanced group pve content apperently a-net massage to them is this is not the place for you.

Im really not that big on raiding anymore and casually enjoy the open world content more(which is why im here) but the whole thing just seems really lazy

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>casually enjoy the open world content


If you ask for any content that isn't exactly this; then you'll get an army of angry casuals telling you how you're a minority; this content isn't good and just a side project and only their open world / living story content matters.


If you say that regardless of that, content is very slow, they'll say you're playing too much or playing through it too quickly.


If you compare to other games or the content cadence we've literally had in the past; they'll deny most of it.


The truth is, anet's content output has drastically reduced.


If you enjoy hardcore or skill-based mmorpg gaming, then yes this is not the right game for you. If you aren't heavily invested into communities or the game, I suggest you find something else. It hasn't and won't get any better.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> >casually enjoy the open world content


> If you ask for any content that isn't exactly this; then you'll get an army of angry casuals telling you how you're a minority; this content isn't good and just a side project and only their open world / living story content matters.


> If you say that regardless of that, content is very slow, they'll say you're playing too much or playing through it too quickly.


> If you compare to other games or the content cadence we've literally had in the past; they'll deny most of it.


> The truth is, anet's content output has drastically reduced.


> If you enjoy hardcore or skill-based mmorpg gaming, then yes this is not the right game for you. If you aren't heavily invested into communities or the game, I suggest you find something else. It hasn't and won't get any better.


I understand that gw2 is a casual mmo at heart and ita main target demographic are very casual players.

Which is fine since Im very casual myself, but more than 6 month for 3 raid bosses and a fractal per year is something I cant wrap my mind around.

The thing is that withiut a "hardcore" community there is no community at all due to the trickle down effect...if there are no hc raiders,there wont be casual raiders since there bo where to progress

no casual raiders>no occasion raiders = a very poor pve community

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I know. I fully agree.


But you need to understand, GW2 is the friendliest community. They're casual players and everyone who's more hardcore is a toxic elitist. So we've bullied out all the veteran minorities. PvP, WvW, raiders, you mention it.


And now... we've only got more elitism as veterans play selectively together - it's hard to cater to casuals if there's hundreds for every veteran. So raids and fractals become more toxic and the gap further widens. PvP struggles with toxicity, afkers and awful matchmaking more than before. WvW lacks commanders and guilds, and the ones who remain are often elitist and selective against pugs. Funniest part is that they have to be, if they want organisation. If they allow anyone; they literally get so many very casual players it's impossible to organise. You MUST choose one or the other.


But hey, don't mind me. I agree a healthy, diverse community is much better. But that's not the GW2 way.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> I know. I fully agree.


> But you need to understand, GW2 is the friendliest community. They're casual players and everyone who's more hardcore is a toxic elitist. So we've bullied out all the veteran minorities. PvP, WvW, raiders, you mention it.


You keep making this claim, yet have neither shown this to be true, nor does your language paint you as a very pleasant person. Calling others toxic in this case is kind of ironic.


> @"Etheri.5406" said:


> And now... we've only got more elitism as veterans play selectively together - it's hard to cater to casuals if there's hundreds for every veteran. So raids and fractals become more toxic and the gap further widens. PvP struggles with toxicity, afkers and awful matchmaking more than before. WvW lacks commanders and guilds, and the ones who remain are often elitist and selective against pugs. Funniest part is that they have to be, if they want organisation. If they allow anyone; they literally get so many very casual players it's impossible to organise. You MUST choose one or the other.


> But hey, don't mind me. I agree a healthy, diverse community is much better. But that's not the GW2 way.


and all those issues would go away if you actually decided to join a guild and start playing with people. You know, the thing most sane people playing an MMO would chose to do.


Considering GW2 has been on a constant up sloap since mid HoT, I think Arenanet is doing a good job. Now there has always been those doom and gloom people around who can only see the game through their own narrow perception, lucky enough they usually leave after a short while and move on to a different MMO to annoy people.


> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> So Ive been raiding for a while and apperently new bosses are released at a laughably low paste,whats that all about?

> As an ex-wow player it just boggles my mind that people who raid have to wait more than 6 whole months for 3 new bosses 0_0"


The release schedule for raids is lagging behind. Supposedly the next raid wing is done and just need voice over work to get completed. So with some luck it will release with the next living world episode.


Instanced content is not the primary focus of the game. It never has been. That is unfortunate for people who enjoy this content (like myself) but it's a fact you need to accept and live with in current GW2 world. Reminding the devs that we want regular content updates isn't wrong though.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > I know. I fully agree.

> >

> > But you need to understand, GW2 is the friendliest community. They're casual players and everyone who's more hardcore is a toxic elitist. So we've bullied out all the veteran minorities. PvP, WvW, raiders, you mention it.


> You keep making this claim, yet have neither shown this to be true, nor does your language paint you as a very pleasant person. Calling others toxic in this case is kind of ironic.


> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> >

> > And now... we've only got more elitism as veterans play selectively together - it's hard to cater to casuals if there's hundreds for every veteran. So raids and fractals become more toxic and the gap further widens. PvP struggles with toxicity, afkers and awful matchmaking more than before. WvW lacks commanders and guilds, and the ones who remain are often elitist and selective against pugs. Funniest part is that they have to be, if they want organisation. If they allow anyone; they literally get so many very casual players it's impossible to organise. You MUST choose one or the other.

> >

> > But hey, don't mind me. I agree a healthy, diverse community is much better. But that's not the GW2 way.


> and all those issues would go away if you actually decided to join a guild and start playing with people. You know, the thing most sane people playing an MMO would chose to do.


> Considering GW2 has been on a constant up sloap since mid HoT, I think Arenanet is doing a good job. Now there has always been those doom and gloom people around who can only see the game through their own narrow perception, lucky enough they usually leave after a short while and move on to a different MMO to annoy people.


> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > So Ive been raiding for a while and apperently new bosses are released at a laughably low paste,whats that all about?

> > As an ex-wow player it just boggles my mind that people who raid have to wait more than 6 whole months for 3 new bosses 0_0"


> The release schedule for raids is lagging behind. Supposedly the next raid wing is done and just need voice over work to get completed. So with some luck it will release with the next living world episode.


> Instanced content is not the primary focus of the game. It never has been. That is unfortunate for people who enjoy this content (like myself) but it's a fact you need to accept and live with in current GW2 world. Reminding the devs that we want regular content updates isn't wrong though.


What Im saying goes past beyond that my friend, its not that instanced content isnt the primary focus of the game but the pace of new contrnt is so slow it might as well not be there at all.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > I know. I fully agree.

> >

> > But you need to understand, GW2 is the friendliest community. They're casual players and everyone who's more hardcore is a toxic elitist. So we've bullied out all the veteran minorities. PvP, WvW, raiders, you mention it.


> You keep making this claim, yet have neither shown this to be true, nor does your language paint you as a very pleasant person. Calling others toxic in this case is kind of ironic.


Is that not exactly what most players do with "toxic pvp community" and "toxic wvw communtiy" and "toxic raiders"





> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> >

> > And now... we've only got more elitism as veterans play selectively together - it's hard to cater to casuals if there's hundreds for every veteran. So raids and fractals become more toxic and the gap further widens. PvP struggles with toxicity, afkers and awful matchmaking more than before. WvW lacks commanders and guilds, and the ones who remain are often elitist and selective against pugs. Funniest part is that they have to be, if they want organisation. If they allow anyone; they literally get so many very casual players it's impossible to organise. You MUST choose one or the other.

> >

> > But hey, don't mind me. I agree a healthy, diverse community is much better. But that's not the GW2 way.


> and all those issues would go away if you actually decided to join a guild and start playing with people. You the thing most sane people playing an MMO would chose to do.


> Considering GW2 has been on a constant up sloap since mid HoT, I think Arenanet is doing a good job. Now there has always been those doom and gloom people around who can only see the game through their own narrow perception, lucky enough they usually leave after a short while and move on to a different MMO to annoy people.


Hahaha. I'm in 2 WvW guilds. It's impossible to get the pugs off us regardless. Pretty sure I've literally been flamed for asking pugs not to add to our guild raids.


I'm in 3 PvE clear / statics. It's not hard to get rid of the pugs; you just kick any that won't conform to your rules. And suddenly you're toxic. As clearly seen this is regarded as toxic by plenty of casuals. Yet, most of the members in these guilds happily help out others. EACH of these statics gladly trains new pugs willing to learn. But still considered toxic.


Oh and... Each of these statics needs pugs on their clears because none of them have enough members remaining interested in weekly clears. Turns out 8 months of 0 content isn't great for player retention.


If i wasn't playing with guilds and communities, i'd be long gone. But i find it funny; still calling yourself friendly while telling me to quit and play another game if I dare not to praise it. Glad we're friendly and open to discussions here!

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > I know. I fully agree.

> > >

> > > But you need to understand, GW2 is the friendliest community. They're casual players and everyone who's more hardcore is a toxic elitist. So we've bullied out all the veteran minorities. PvP, WvW, raiders, you mention it.

> >

> > You keep making this claim, yet have neither shown this to be true, nor does your language paint you as a very pleasant person. Calling others toxic in this case is kind of ironic.


> Is that not exactly what most players do with "toxic pvp community" and "toxic wvw communtiy" and "toxic raiders"




So what you are saying is: people on forums overreact and bring their own subjective displeasure on issues in. Geee I've never seen that happen before, ever and definately not in MMOs.


Have you seen the nonsense on the spvp forums? According to people there every class is overpowered. Maybe judge the game on people in game and how you interact with people instead of forum drama and stop being part of the problem.


> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > >

> > > And now... we've only got more elitism as veterans play selectively together - it's hard to cater to casuals if there's hundreds for every veteran. So raids and fractals become more toxic and the gap further widens. PvP struggles with toxicity, afkers and awful matchmaking more than before. WvW lacks commanders and guilds, and the ones who remain are often elitist and selective against pugs. Funniest part is that they have to be, if they want organisation. If they allow anyone; they literally get so many very casual players it's impossible to organise. You MUST choose one or the other.

> > >

> > > But hey, don't mind me. I agree a healthy, diverse community is much better. But that's not the GW2 way.

> >

> > and all those issues would go away if you actually decided to join a guild and start playing with people. You the thing most sane people playing an MMO would chose to do.

> >

> > Considering GW2 has been on a constant up sloap since mid HoT, I think Arenanet is doing a good job. Now there has always been those doom and gloom people around who can only see the game through their own narrow perception, lucky enough they usually leave after a short while and move on to a different MMO to annoy people.


> Hahaha. I'm in 2 WvW guilds. It's impossible to get the pugs off us regardless. Pretty sure I've literally been flamed for asking pugs not to add to our guild raids.



There is ways to stay clear of PUGs in WvW, tag down, go to a boarder, etc. Yes, this might be more difficult in T1 than it is in T3.


> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> I'm in 3 PvE clear / statics. It's not hard to get rid of the pugs; you just kick any that won't conform to your rules. And suddenly you're toxic. As clearly seen this is regarded as toxic by plenty of casuals. Yet, most of the members in these guilds happily help out others. EACH of these statics gladly trains new pugs willing to learn. But still considered toxic.


> Oh and... Each of these statics needs pugs on their clears because none of them have enough members remaining interested in weekly clears. Turns out 8 months of 0 content isn't great for player retention.


So it's not a static but part static. I currently run with my old part static, have joined a 2nd one last week and have been running training runs for months (beside the 5 month break I had) ever since last year. If people call you toxic, it's how you have behaved towards them (or forum drama to which you are actively adding with your attitude).


> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> If i wasn't playing with guilds and communities, i'd be long gone. But i find it funny; still calling yourself friendly while telling me to quit and play another game if I dare not to praise it. Glad we're friendly and open to discussions here!


I'm just responding to you in kind. You seem unhappy so an alternative course of action is the most reasonable approach. If you are this unsatisfied, maybe you need to move to greener pastures. If you consider my advice to seek a game you enjoy as toxic, you and I have very different definitions of what toxic means.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > I know. I fully agree.

> > > >

> > > > But you need to understand, GW2 is the friendliest community. They're casual players and everyone who's more hardcore is a toxic elitist. So we've bullied out all the veteran minorities. PvP, WvW, raiders, you mention it.

> > >

> > > You keep making this claim, yet have neither shown this to be true, nor does your language paint you as a very pleasant person. Calling others toxic in this case is kind of ironic.

> >

> > Is that not exactly what most players do with "toxic pvp community" and "toxic wvw communtiy" and "toxic raiders"

> >



> So what you are saying is: people on forums overreact and bring their own subjective displeasure on issues in. Geee I've never seen that happen before, ever and definately not in MMOs.


> Have you seen the nonsense on the spvp forums? According to people there every class is overpowered. Maybe judge the game on people in game and how you interact with people instead of forum drama and stop being part of the problem.


You are a part of the problem. You tell others to leave if they disagree with you while stating you're the friendliest community. That's absurd. I get it, openworld PVE so friendly because frustrations don't exist. Yet put those same players in any competitive environment and they lose their minds.


Having incentives to behave well isn't the same as being friendly. Hence why, if there are no incentives, you also don't see any special "friendliness".


Forum drama? Cute. Reddit and ingame aren't too different.




> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > >

> > > > And now... we've only got more elitism as veterans play selectively together - it's hard to cater to casuals if there's hundreds for every veteran. So raids and fractals become more toxic and the gap further widens. PvP struggles with toxicity, afkers and awful matchmaking more than before. WvW lacks commanders and guilds, and the ones who remain are often elitist and selective against pugs. Funniest part is that they have to be, if they want organisation. If they allow anyone; they literally get so many very casual players it's impossible to organise. You MUST choose one or the other.

> > > >

> > > > But hey, don't mind me. I agree a healthy, diverse community is much better. But that's not the GW2 way.

> > >

> > > and all those issues would go away if you actually decided to join a guild and start playing with people. You the thing most sane people playing an MMO would chose to do.

> > >

> > > Considering GW2 has been on a constant up sloap since mid HoT, I think Arenanet is doing a good job. Now there has always been those doom and gloom people around who can only see the game through their own narrow perception, lucky enough they usually leave after a short while and move on to a different MMO to annoy people.

> >

> > Hahaha. I'm in 2 WvW guilds. It's impossible to get the pugs off us regardless. Pretty sure I've literally been flamed for asking pugs not to add to our guild raids.

> >


> There is ways to stay clear of PUGs in WvW, tag down, go to a boarder, etc. Yes, this might be more difficult in T1 than it is in T3.


If you're a random that doesn't kill enemies; sure. I literally have players who will flame me on mapchat while being on my follower list and chasing any public or open raid I do. Yet still refusing to play with us, of course. Then suprised we're not catering to them. Turns out players care about your effectiveness of killing players and giving loot more than about howmuch they like you. Who'd have thought? ;)



> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > I'm in 3 PvE clear / statics. It's not hard to get rid of the pugs; you just kick any that won't conform to your rules. And suddenly you're toxic. As clearly seen this is regarded as toxic by plenty of casuals. Yet, most of the members in these guilds happily help out others. EACH of these statics gladly trains new pugs willing to learn. But still considered toxic.

> >

> > Oh and... Each of these statics needs pugs on their clears because none of them have enough members remaining interested in weekly clears. Turns out 8 months of 0 content isn't great for player retention.


> If people call you toxic, it's how you have behaved towards them (or forum drama to which you are actively adding with your attitude).


I think you're toxic. You berate players that don't agree with you, are happy to berate them for having a "bad attitude" while pretending you have a great attitude; except your attidude is no different outside of "positivity". Towards the game, mind me, not towards players that disagree with you. Players that disagree or dare offer criticism? You tell them to leave the game and that they're not welcome; yet you tell me I must be welcoming of everyone who plays like you.


By your own statement, I consider you toxic and that's probably because you are. No worries, I am too ;)

I'm on the forums to speak my mind regarding the game. Not to cuddle eachother and praise eachother about how amazing we all are. Especially if I consider it a blatant lie.



> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > If i wasn't playing with guilds and communities, i'd be long gone. But i find it funny; still calling yourself friendly while telling me to quit and play another game if I dare not to praise it. Glad we're friendly and open to discussions here!


> I'm just responding to you in kind. You seem unhappy so an alternative course of action is the most reasonable approach. If you are this unsatisfied, maybe you need to move to greener pastures.


I'm responding to you in kind. You, as most casual players, make impossible demands from others without taking their wishes into account. If they disagree, well fuck them and let them go play something else. You'll state anyone can play how they wish - as long as it's your way. Others clearly are not welcome, and neither are their viewpoints because they're "negative". They should leave and move to greener pastures because "they" are toxic.


You're just what, kindly telling me to leave the game rather than give criticism towards a game I enjoy playing; becauase i'm unhappy about the direction it's going? Yeah, that sure is friendly. I'm sure I'm toxic. HOW DARE YOU BE UNHAPPY! EITHER BE HAPPY OR GO TO GREENER PASTURES.


How do you "return in kind" yet I'm toxic and you're "the friendliest mmo community" which clearly i'll be excluded from? Do you hear yourself?

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> What Im saying goes past beyond that my friend, its not that instanced content isnt the primary focus of the game but the pace of new contrnt is so slow it might as well not be there at all.


Everyone of us who is raiding has made this claim in the past. If you take a look at the size of Anet and all the stuff they are catering to you'll realize very fast that they are not able to deliver more or faster. I'd also like to have a new fractal every two months and 3 raid wings per year but sadly that's unrealistic. Remember the last releases of the Living Story? Both patches came later than promised and in terms of Domain of Kourna it is kind of obvious that the map or at least the meta isn't like it was supposed to be at first. If we follow the release pattern precisely the next LS should be shipped out with the end of the Festival of the Four Winds. Not going to happen in the slightest.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> snip


You do you, your rant just shows how unhappy you are.


I'm not telling you to leave the game because you disagree with me, I was recommending such action because you have been showing that you are unhappy, very negative on the forums and clearly not satisfied with the direction the game is headed. Feel free to ignore my advice.


On the casual aspect, cute. I wish I was but nice of you to assume. Shows how careful you read what people write.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > What Im saying goes past beyond that my friend, its not that instanced content isnt the primary focus of the game but the pace of new contrnt is so slow it might as well not be there at all.


> Everyone of us who is raiding has made this claim in the past. If you take a look at the size of Anet and all the stuff they are catering to you'll realize very fast that they are not able to deliver more or faster. I'd also like to have a new fractal every two months and 3 raid wings per year but sadly that's unrealistic. Remember the last releases of the Living Story? Both patches came later than promised and in terms of Domain of Kourna it is kind of obvious that the map or at least the meta isn't like it was supposed to be at first. If we follow the release pattern precisely the next LS should be shipped out with the end of the Festival of the Four Winds. Not going to happen in the slightest.



If they cant deliver a raid wing a fractal every 6 month something is really weird.

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Sorry, but calling Cyninja toxic - one of the more helpful & friendlier people here in this subforum at least (I'm only reading and posting here because of too much garbage in the others which also don't interest me as instanced content player) - is just beyond any reasonable mind. Maybe you need a rest - from the game and/or the forums. Your posts are peppered with so much frustration which is not very healthy for the psyche. Just an advice, no offense!


> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> If they cant deliver a raid wing a fractal every 6 month something is really weird.


The dev team is not that big and my latest information was that fractal & raid team are one single team now. Having only 5-10 people working on all the instanced content seems reasonable for me as measured on the actual releases but I'm not a professional developer so I have no clue about their productivity. I'm not sure but I think we don't have much more info about that.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > snip


> You do you, your rant just shows how unhappy you are.


> I'm not telling you to leave the game because you disagree with me, I was recommending such action because you have been showing that you are unhappy, very negative on the forums and clearly not satisfied with the direction the game is headed. Feel free to ignore my advice.


> On the casual aspect, cute. I wish I was but nice of you to assume. Shows how careful you read what people write.


Yes, and clearly being unhappy isn't allowed. Are you suprised people are unhappy? They're not even allowed to voice their concerns. As per your posts. They should make their own, seclusive groups and seperate themselves or go to greener pastures.


I LOVE playing with my groups. Except at some point, it became impossible to get our players to our maps due to the amount of casuals that wanted to follow.

So we stopped to lead for them and asked more requirements.


There are REAL REASONS players are unhappy. You tell them to do something else, leave, don't be negative, ignore it, that it was always like this, and so forth without even considering their arguments. If not that, you tell them that "anet has better data" and to prove impossible to prove statements. At no point do you even consider they might actually... have a point.


It's fine. I'd rather be friendly and happy. It's almost like... perhaps we have real concerns. It's fine, I'm sure you know better.


About the casual comment, I said you do something many toxic casuals do. Not that you are one. Maybe you should read.

In the meantime; I'll teach the WvW vets they don't have a choice. They get to either be toxic, form guilds or play casual. And trust me; most of them don't want to flame or be toxic. But plenty of htem will agree - it really is their only choice.


I'm out of here; you're literally repeating popular arguments when players aren't positive. I'm sure letting the raid community, wvw community and pvp community drastically decrease and alienate themselves further makes the game friendlier, more inclusive and better in the long run. Goodluck.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> @"Etheri.5406":

> Sorry, but calling Cyninja toxic - one of the more helpful & friendlier people here in this subforum at least (I'm only reading and posting here because of too much garbage in the others which also don't interest me as instanced content player) - is just beyond any reasonable mind. Maybe you need a rest - from the game and/or the forums. Your posts are peppered with so much frustration which is not very healthy for the psyche. Just an advice, no offense!


> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > If they cant deliver a raid wing a fractal every 6 month something is really weird.


> The dev team is not that big and my latest information was that fractal & raid team are one single team now. Having only 5-10 people working on all the instanced content seems reasonable for me as measured on the actual releases but I'm not a professional developer so I have no clue about their productivity. I'm not sure but I think we don't have much more info about that.


If the fract/raid team is 5-10 people it makes sense.

Didnt realize anet is such a small company.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > If the fract/raid team is 5-10 people it makes sense.

> > Didnt realize anet is such a small company.


> Hehe, they are not, indeed but the huge majority of devs/the staff is working on other things like LS and the gem shop of course. ^^


But LS releases are rather slow aswell...

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > If the fract/raid team is 5-10 people it makes sense.

> > > Didnt realize anet is such a small company.

> >

> > Hehe, they are not, indeed but the huge majority of devs/the staff is working on other things like LS and the gem shop of course. ^^


> But LS releases are rather slow aswell...


So, what do?

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > If the fract/raid team is 5-10 people it makes sense.

> > > Didnt realize anet is such a small company.

> >

> > Hehe, they are not, indeed but the huge majority of devs/the staff is working on other things like LS and the gem shop of course. ^^


> But LS releases are rather slow aswell...


The general guess is that there is a third expansion being worked on (if the past Living World into expansion into Living World is any idicator).


To summarize: no one is happy with the Release schedule, least of all Arenanet.


We can only hope that the next episodes are on track.


Do remember also:

- it's Summer, people are on vacation

- we are in the middle between 2 (possible) expansions. PoF is almost 1 year old, content has been completed and the next expansion has not been announced thus there is no hype (it would be to early for that too)

- WoW has an expansion coming out


Realistic all speaking, expect 2-3 more months of slugging along. Things will likely pick up towards the end of the year, beginning of next year. Hopefully the devs can get the next raid wing ready for Episode 5 and possible a fractal for Episode 6.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> @"Etheri.5406":

> Sorry, but calling Cyninja toxic - one of the more helpful & friendlier people here in this subforum at least (I'm only reading and posting here because of too much garbage in the others which also don't interest me as instanced content player) - is just beyond any reasonable mind. Maybe you need a rest - from the game and/or the forums. Your posts are peppered with so much frustration which is not very healthy for the psyche. Just an advice, no offense!


> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > If they cant deliver a raid wing a fractal every 6 month something is really weird.


> The dev team is not that big and my latest information was that fractal & raid team are one single team now. Having only 5-10 people working on all the instanced content seems reasonable for me as measured on the actual releases but I'm not a professional developer so I have no clue about their productivity. I'm not sure but I think we don't have much more info about that.


GW2 isn't the "friendliest" community. It's a community that heavily censors any negativity to pretend to only be positive. That creates a delusional environment, not a healthy nor friendly one. You only read this forum because the other ones are... literally in an unhealthy state. And so is this one.


I'm yet to see proper counter arguments. You and them both literally copy paste the standard responses which are far from relevant.


Constant stuff along the lines of "oh you want this content? Sorry, this content is and never was relevant!".

"Prove it!" while never proving ANY statements.

"I don't need to prove it, i'm happy and anet knows better! So your concerns are fake!"

"Oh if you're unhappy you should leave"

"Being this unhappy is mentally unhealthy"


Yet at no point did we have a reasonable discussion. At no point even with "non toxic" "reasonable" members can you have a discussion. Just whiteknighting with copy paste generic responses. What's the point of discussion, criticism and forums? OH right, spreading positivity and being PMA. My bad.


I don't blame the devs working on this content; far from. At no point did I say that, either. I do think the dev teams make mistakes and could do things better. But hey, i'm a super negative player so there's that. Having criticism isn't the same as bashing devs; which I did not do. What I do bash is the community and this "must be super positive" attitude. I'm not talking about friendly; i'm talking about overly positive.


There is no quality feedback on these forums - as you stated you don't even bother reading them - because of exactly this. You rather read something that makes you feel warm inside than something that improves the game long term.


And yes; I really think the GW2 community is among the most delusional i've encountered, which is progressively getting worse. Sorry but how are we tolerant and friendly if we literally tell any "minority" they're irrelevant and should leave? Anyone unhappy the same. Anyone with struggles the same.


Unhappy? Go somewhere else. Not part of the casual group? Go somewhere else. Enjoy WvW? Side project. Enjoy pvp? Side project. Enjoy raids? Side project. Enjoy the combat? Side project. Enjoy story? OH HEY WELCOME :D Disagree? Go somewhere else! Feedback? Quick report it and have some fluff!

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> >casually enjoy the open world content


> If you ask for any content that isn't exactly this; then you'll get an army of angry casuals telling you how you're a minority; this content isn't good and just a side project and only their open world / living story content matters.


> If you say that regardless of that, content is very slow, they'll say you're playing too much or playing through it too quickly.


> If you compare to other games or the content cadence we've literally had in the past; they'll deny most of it.


> The truth is, anet's content output has drastically reduced.


> If you enjoy hardcore or skill-based mmorpg gaming, then yes this is not the right game for you. If you aren't heavily invested into communities or the game, I suggest you find something else. It hasn't and won't get any better.

I believe we can agree that Anet is always delivering too slow and too little too late. And that applies regardless of the parts of the game you enjoy. Open world content, story, dungeons/fractals/raids, guild missions, achievements, pvp, wvw etc.

And people on reddit always treat Anet as a small indie company. We cant do this - we cant have that - because it is too much work. So of course Anet can lean back and just continue their glacial slow speeds of everything - and still most of the time release something with a lot of flaws.

Anet is a company with like 80mil of revenue per year and should not be treated as such. Saying something is too much work is most of the time not acceptable for such a large company.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> There is no quality feedback on these forums - as you stated you don't even bother reading them - because of exactly this. You rather read something that makes you feel warm inside than something that improves the game long term.


No, I rather visit reddit because there's a lot more of competence bundled because - I don't know why - people like the reddit platform. (Ok, I also believe it's because of its functionality and usability) Maybe I'm too old for it but I don't like reddit, still go there because I get so much more informations about actual things going on - about everything that has to deal with the game. Reddit reaches a lot more of players nowadays that's why a lot of Anet devs post there as well and not in the official forums. I don't see a flaw here - the best option wins.


I don't know how big other MMO communities are on reddit but most of the people I spoke to were stating that the GW2 reddit is something very special and bigger than others. And when I'm browsing there I don't see very much toxicity around. On the contrary, people celebrate other people's legendaries, map exploration, first raid kills, tattoos, pictures, stories and the list goes on forever. On this side we both see that as players who prefer certain content niches like WvW or raiding are freaking small. We don't need to like that and even today I thought to myself: "Ah geesus, go away with your tattoo stories 'n skrit." But in the end I realize that those people have a huge amount of supporters, bystanders, friends or guild mates celebrating and cheering with them. Not my world, yes, but that's literally the core of the GW2 community. And on this side the toxicity level is almost zero.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > >casually enjoy the open world content

> >

> > If you ask for any content that isn't exactly this; then you'll get an army of angry casuals telling you how you're a minority; this content isn't good and just a side project and only their open world / living story content matters.

> >

> > If you say that regardless of that, content is very slow, they'll say you're playing too much or playing through it too quickly.

> >

> > If you compare to other games or the content cadence we've literally had in the past; they'll deny most of it.

> >

> > The truth is, anet's content output has drastically reduced.

> >

> > If you enjoy hardcore or skill-based mmorpg gaming, then yes this is not the right game for you. If you aren't heavily invested into communities or the game, I suggest you find something else. It hasn't and won't get any better.

> I believe we can agree that Anet is always delivering too slow and too little too late. And that applies regardless of the parts of the game you enjoy. Open world content, story, dungeons/fractals/raids, guild missions, achievements, pvp, wvw etc.

> And people on reddit always treat Anet as a small indie company. We cant do this - we cant have that - because it is too much work. So of course Anet can lean back and just continue their glacial slow speeds of everything - and still most of the time release something with a lot of flaws.

> Anet is a company with like 80mil of revenue per year and should not be treated as such. Saying something is too much work is most of the time not acceptable for such a large company.


Are you sure anet is making that much money? The attitude and a 5-man fractal/raid team screams tiny indie thing to me.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > no casual raiders>no occasion raiders = a very poor pve community

> Funny thing, the community was doing just fine before raids were introduced.




There was no raiding community before raids...heck

Dungeons are deserted and Fractals are too small in number to form a instanced group pve-community around them

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