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[Suggestion] Have Females Ride Side-Saddle


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> @Thelgar.7214 said:

> We need a slider > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:


> > on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining.


> 'cuz it's a Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 by Mattel.


Riding a broom like that? Ginny Weasley and the whole team of the Holyhead Harpies would hit everyone with a bat-bogey hex who would suggest such an horrendous thing.

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> @Lancaeron.1524 said:

> Truth is, I've never rode a horse before, but I've seen horseback riding in movies, such as Gone With The Wind, in which women rode side-saddle, and men did not.


See this post on the main reason they did so, and by that i mean it was expected for woman to ride "dignified". Riding side saddle is very uncomfortable, and just absolutely painful after any duration of time, plus its not very safe either.


: > @Auralae.7482 said:

> > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > do you want to trigger people, because this is how you trigger people...

> >

> > on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining. People jsut love to get triggered.

> >

> > I'm in favor of side saddle, as my patriarchy-glorifying scantly clad female ele gets too many clipping issues with her skirt.

> >

> > god look at that, this is 2017... what sexist kitten is this...

> > http://i68.tinypic.com/9760pt.jpg


> And just to clarify...


> It would be appropriate for any gender to ride a broom side saddle. Straddling a broom with full weight on it in the air would quickly become painful and be fairly unstable. (Beyond that, people don't complain because the broom is a gem store item that is not necessary to access game content).


> I don't know how much horseback riding you've done, but there's a good reason for straddling a broad-backed riding animal, particularly if the animal is going at a full gallop or has an unusual gait. I was on my first horse at age 3 months. I was solo riding not too long after I was walking. Side saddle riding is horrible. And yes, it absolutely is sexist because the only reason for it was from gender-based social conventions for modesty, which clearly aren't present in Guild Wars 2. Without such gender-based conventions for modesty, nobody would ever choose to ride side saddle. If the sole issue is clipping, then a side saddle animation would not needed for characters, male or female, who wear pants.


> In other words, if optional by character and for both male and female characters in order to avoid clipping issues, then that's one thing. If it's for some sort of mandatory throwback to unsafe riding practices based on archaic social perceptions of gender that uses clipping as an excuse, regardless of what the character is wearing, then of course people are going to be opposed. I suppose it's your choice to try and make it into some sort "kitten drama," however it doesn't really get to the reason why a lot of people would not want to see it introduced into GW2.


> lmao. The forums filter the abbreviation for social justice warrior.



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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> Mmm... I can just picture the horrible mess when your springer does a 30 feet leap and you can't grab a hold of it with your legs.


Let's just be honest and say that riding a springer in real life would make your back a twisted mess, on top of crushing your genitals. The thing bounces at least your character's height every second. Riding it side saddle would just send you off the side, probably breaking your leg in the process.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @Shaaba.5672 said:

> > One of the reasons I didn't get into Guild Wars 1 was a silly reason. I didn't like how the females were animated. They posed and ran super girly and it turned me way, way off.


> That is actually still the case in GW2, you know? ;) I am not a fan of how unrealistic they sit on the ground (which is especially embarrassing for heavy armor professions), how they "jog" rather than run, how frail their shoulders look, their idle posture, etc.


Sure, that's true, but did you SEE the women in GW1? Even just standing they had their hands in a weird pose that reminded me of a Barbie doll. Then you saw them run ... Honestly, I couldn't take it. GW2 is much better.

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> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining


I only play female characters so I didn't notice if it is different for males. With the broom, however, sidesaddle makes much more sense than astride. Plus it's gliding at a sensible distance over the ground and not zooming over the landscape.

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> @Lancaeron.1524 said:

> Truth is, I've never rode a horse before, but I've seen horseback riding in movies, such as Gone With The Wind, in which women rode side-saddle, and men did not.


When you ride a horse, there is a great amount of work done with the thighs and knees to help with balance, absorb shock, help guide the horse, and just to keep secure in your seat. There's a reason why those side saddle riding ladies tended to be riding "genteel" horses and you don't see someone saddle breaking a horse while side saddle. The loss of stability and control in that position is huge. It's scary and dangerous, particularly when jumping or riding on rough terrain. I used to have a horse that would buck every third stride. I can't imagine having to ride side saddle on her.

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> @Auralae.7482 said:

> > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > do you want to trigger people, because this is how you trigger people...

> >

> > on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining. People jsut love to get triggered.

> >

> > I'm in favor of side saddle, as my patriarchy-glorifying scantly clad female ele gets too many clipping issues with her skirt.

> >

> > god look at that, this is 2017... what sexist kitten is this...

> > http://i68.tinypic.com/9760pt.jpg


> And just to clarify...


> It would be appropriate for any gender to ride a broom side saddle. Straddling a broom with full weight on it in the air would quickly become painful and be fairly unstable. (Beyond that, people don't complain because the broom is a gem store item that is not necessary to access game content).


> I don't know how much horseback riding you've done, but there's a good reason for straddling a broad-backed riding animal, particularly if the animal is going at a full gallop or has an unusual gait. I was on my first horse at age 3 months. I was solo riding not too long after I was walking. Side saddle riding is horrible. And yes, it absolutely is sexist because the only reason for it was from gender-based social conventions for modesty, which clearly aren't present in Guild Wars 2. Without such gender-based conventions for modesty, nobody would ever choose to ride side saddle. If the sole issue is clipping, then a side saddle animation would not needed for characters, male or female, who wear pants.


> In other words, if optional by character and for both male and female characters in order to avoid clipping issues, then that's one thing. If it's for some sort of mandatory throwback to unsafe riding practices based on archaic social perceptions of gender that uses clipping as an excuse, regardless of what the character is wearing, then of course people are going to be opposed. I suppose it's your choice to try and make it into some sort "kitten drama," however it doesn't really get to the reason why a lot of people would not want to see it introduced into GW2.


> lmao. The forums filter the abbreviation for social justice warrior.


Just to clarify, its a game, no horse is getting injured and no human is at risk of falling. Making it optional is fine.

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As a real-life former equestrian, with real-life family who are equestrians, who understands that this is a game and that no horses, oversized bunnies, land manta rays, raptors, or possessed magical sand jackals are being harmed in the making of this mount, say no.


Equality, for one thing. Looking ridiculous, for another. Serving utterly no purpose and diverting resources to something that looks ridiculous and serves no purpose would be a third. Even optionally this is absurd. I mean, I know that to each their own and stylistic choices, and whatever, and that's fine and you do you, but at some point, we can all agree that resources are better spent elsewhere. I'd rather have new complete armor sets, or new maps, or new legendaries, or new... literally anything else other than for 10 people to have the option to ride side saddle on a gigantic leporidae mount.


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> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > @Auralae.7482 said:

> > > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > > do you want to trigger people, because this is how you trigger people...

> > >

> > > on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining. People jsut love to get triggered.

> > >

> > > I'm in favor of side saddle, as my patriarchy-glorifying scantly clad female ele gets too many clipping issues with her skirt.

> > >

> > > god look at that, this is 2017... what sexist kitten is this...

> > > http://i68.tinypic.com/9760pt.jpg

> >

> > And just to clarify...

> >

> > It would be appropriate for any gender to ride a broom side saddle. Straddling a broom with full weight on it in the air would quickly become painful and be fairly unstable. (Beyond that, people don't complain because the broom is a gem store item that is not necessary to access game content).

> >

> > I don't know how much horseback riding you've done, but there's a good reason for straddling a broad-backed riding animal, particularly if the animal is going at a full gallop or has an unusual gait. I was on my first horse at age 3 months. I was solo riding not too long after I was walking. Side saddle riding is horrible. And yes, it absolutely is sexist because the only reason for it was from gender-based social conventions for modesty, which clearly aren't present in Guild Wars 2. Without such gender-based conventions for modesty, nobody would ever choose to ride side saddle. If the sole issue is clipping, then a side saddle animation would not needed for characters, male or female, who wear pants.

> >

> > In other words, if optional by character and for both male and female characters in order to avoid clipping issues, then that's one thing. If it's for some sort of mandatory throwback to unsafe riding practices based on archaic social perceptions of gender that uses clipping as an excuse, regardless of what the character is wearing, then of course people are going to be opposed. I suppose it's your choice to try and make it into some sort "kitten drama," however it doesn't really get to the reason why a lot of people would not want to see it introduced into GW2.

> >

> > lmao. The forums filter the abbreviation for social justice warrior.


> Just to clarify, its a game, no horse is getting injured and no human is at risk of falling. Making it optional is fine.


Nowhere did I ever say making it OPTIONAL wasn't fine, but thanks for letting me know it's a game because I totally wouldn't have known that if it weren't for you!

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I feel that far too many people in this thread have idea how saddles work.


First off Springers... Gravitational magic is what keeps a person firmly and comfortably in the saddle, thighs and legs simply have nothing to do with riding a Springer. How do you thing you can withstand 40 foot drops on one without injury?


The raptor saddle and griffon saddle however utilize air magic, and electro magnetic power thanks to Asura technology. The wind resistance would otherwise be a pain while riding these swift animals and likely to blow a person right off.


The animals themselves are attuned to their rider especially as the rider gains a greater mastery and understanding of the creature, and control of the mount is clearly done empathicly.


I'm sure we could ride blindfolded, backwards and upside down in comfort and safety.

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> @Lokki.1092 said:

> I feel that far too many people in this thread have idea how saddles work.


> First off Springers... Gravitational magic is what keeps a person firmly and comfortably in the saddle, thighs and legs simply have nothing to do with riding a Springer. How do you thing you can withstand 40 foot drops on one without injury?


> The raptor saddle and griffon saddle however utilize air magic, and electro magnetic power thanks to Asura technology. The wind resistance would otherwise be a pain while riding these swift animals and likely to blow a person right off.


> The animals themselves are attuned to their rider especially as the rider gains a greater mastery and understanding of the creature, and control of the mount is clearly done empathicly.


> I'm sure we could ride blindfolded, backwards and upside down in comfort and safety.


Praise the Eternal Alchemy!

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Absolutely not, for all the reasons others have already mentioned. The gendered armor and gendered poses are bad enough as it is, the last thing I want in this game is for more sexist BS to be pushed (or flat-out forced, in this case, if we ever want to ride at all) onto female characters while the dudes get to look competent, impressive and practical.

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Yes, but make it mandatory for male characters, because of the risk to, well, equipment down there. Can't have that, nee> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> do you want to trigger people, because this is how you trigger people...


> on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining. People jsut love to get triggered.


> I'm in favor of side saddle, as my patriarchy-glorifying scantly clad female ele gets too many clipping issues with her skirt.


> god look at that, this is 2017... what sexist kitten is this...

> http://i68.tinypic.com/9760pt.jpg


Ah, your tears are delicious.

But well, with this logic, we also need this for male characters. Especially burly Norn and humans, due to the risk to their equipment otherwise.

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> @Maunzi.3764 said:

> Yes, but make it mandatory for male characters, because of the risk to, well, equipment down there. Can't have that, nee> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > do you want to trigger people, because this is how you trigger people...

> >

> > on a side note, females ride sidesaddle when using the broom toy... I don't see anyone complaining. People jsut love to get triggered.

> >

> > I'm in favor of side saddle, as my patriarchy-glorifying scantly clad female ele gets too many clipping issues with her skirt.

> >

> > god look at that, this is 2017... what sexist kitten is this...

> > http://i68.tinypic.com/9760pt.jpg


> Ah, your tears are delicious.

> But well, with this logic, we also need this for male characters. Especially burly Norn and humans, due to the risk to their equipment otherwise.


Why not? If they added side saddle riding at least one of my characters would use it. The nice thing about having options is more people get what they want. It's win win.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:


> Haha, yes. Actually yes, back in the 1800's and pre when that was the only way women rode, many horses were ruined because of the technique. Side saddle was for modesty and style not comfort. The animals paid for it....



Haha, citation needed.




"(Is it bad for the horse? Despite the sidesaddle’s inherent lopsidedness, equine veterinary experts at Leesburg’s Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center pointed to a 2006 Austrian study that found no evidence that a sidesaddle would harm a horse with a healthy back.)"

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> @Moyayuki.3619 said:

> Even though women IRL can ride in saddles perfectly fine like any man can, the only instance this would aesthetically look better is when a toon is wearing a skirt. As it is, the clothing gets artificially stretched out and it looks weird.


And in that case, it ought to apply independent of gender, because the skirt/robe clipping through the mount looks no better on a male than a female.


In other words I am **all for it**, but **please please please** make it apply based on clothing, not on gender. Male chars wearing robes look butt ugly on mounts due to the clipping and stretching, too :disappointed:

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> @fungihoujo.8476 said:

> Are there even horse mounts? We have a lot of people talking about riding real life horses, but I'm pretty sure none of you have rode a bunny before.


> ... at least, I hope not...


Well, I imagine riding a raptor wouldn't be too far off from riding an ostrich, but I can't think of anything similar to a springer that people actually ride.

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