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Crash for lag on pvp -> dishonor


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so doing ranked -> crash becouse of lag bomb and i get dishonor when it was not my foult? stupit shit ever also please don't RELATE personal rewards in pvp for all team but try a way to focus on the one becouse i see loot of shitty pp and lot of fucking cheater (also not-so-strangely related to bomb lag), so do something about if you care of players

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Don't play ranked until you get your internet fixed.


> This is 2018, you really shouldn't play gw2 on public wifi spots.


so basically i never lag in pve i never lag in other online games, i play games from almost 20 years on pc and you tell me to check mi internet? your responce is vicious, i see that lag before only when in game there are someone using alternative programs or bad server optimization, so if there was bad server i will have got same lag and crash also in pve full of pp like istan but all goes ok in that so why in pvp i got this trouble? and not in all maches, also like other discussion there is a bad machmaking maybe is that so if possibile i ask anet to check a way to "rank" outside external factor and outside bad group performance, becouse if one gold tier is playing in ranked whit bronze i tink e he play good more than the bronze so why he need to be blamed for other pp foults? or for the bad luck in machmaking? or for server lag ? all those factors don't have to do with personal skill but are external factar that need to be avoided from classification points.

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