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Can not Continue Story Line

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I am a returning player after a few years and started a new char and have done Queensdale and Divinity Reach points of interest vistas etc and am level 17.

This was done before starting my story line and now I can not get the disguise from the bandit hideout to continue my story.

How can I solve this problem ?

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Are you talking about Infiltration? : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltration


If that’s it, go to the cave. There is a bandit right in the first section. Kill him. He’ll drop a bundle on the ground. Pick it up and you’ll be transformed into a disguised bandit. You can then go to the door and talk to the guard on the other side.


Edit: If you’re killing the bandit and he’s not dropping the disguise then try a [client repair](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client). Something like that is probably from corrupted data.

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Your level and map completion shouldn't have any effect on the story, so that's not likely the problem.


If I'm right about the story step you're on (might want to give the name of the step), you go to an instance and find one lone bandit you can kill, and a closed door beyond them. After you kill the bandit, look for a slight golden sparkle on the ground. That's where the disguise is, and it's sometimes a bit away from where the bandit actually fell.


If you still can't find it, your best bet is to contact support. Maybe they can bump you past the step, or something.

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How far can you get before you get stuck? And what exactly happens, or doesn't happen when you get stuck?


Are you able to enter the story instance? Is the bandit there for you to kill? Does he drop the disguise? Are you able to activate it?


If you can give us more detail we might be able to work out what's wrong and help you fix it.

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