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Roller Beetle is a misfire

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I like Beetle, its a nice addition, but the movement on it is just < searching for a proper word > bad.


Plus this high speed mount, in my opinion, does not fit into the GW2 world, it ruins traversing throughout the old maps, so I highly recommend to not use it in Core Tyria.


Also you have to wait until you can just sprint for a bit what makes this mount even more useless- better to use any other mount, and it will be faster and more controlable riding.


Of course the Beetle is optional, but even though they wanted to give some people nostalgia, I think this mount doesnt belong to GW2 and should stay as GW1 thing.



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I like Beetle, its a nice addition, but the movement on it is just < searching for a proper word > bad.

Well there had to be some trade off or it would be way too good by comparison.

> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Plus this high speed mount, in my opinion, does not fit into the GW2 world, it ruins traversing throughout the old maps, so I highly recommend to not use it in Core Tyria.

Why does it ruin it? You mean it ruins it for you maybe? I think it's great going through the old maps using these mounts in core Tyria, so I do recommend it.

> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Also you have to wait until you can just sprint for a bit what makes this mount even more useless- better to use any other mount, and it will be faster and more controlable riding.

A little bit of patience doesn't make it useless. As I said, it has crazy speed so some limitation makes sense. You'd be surprised what people could do if it started with a full endurance bar.

> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Of course the Beetle is optional, but even though they wanted to give some people nostalgia, I think this mount doesnt belong to GW2 and should stay as GW1 thing.

In a world with Golems and all kinds of tech meets nature meets magic stuff, I don't see why it wouldn't fit. Besides, isn't PoF the biggest homage to GW1 to date?



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Honestly I don't see why people have an issue with the beetle. Sure it doesn't really do anything new, but is that necessary? The Jackal is basically just a raptor with portals, and they could easily have slapped the portals on any other mount. The mount is practically free, and the collections can be done relatively fast.


I thoroughly enjoy the Beetle mount and even use it when it isn't the fastest option. Besides, being able to cross a core tyria map in less than a minute is so satisfying.

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I disagree. It is perfect because it doesn't add new utility, it is just a fun thing to do. It is completely optional, which fits a mount that is locked behind an episodic map. If it was better then any of the core mounts at what they do that would have been a huge failure.

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I think the whole idea was to introduce a mount type that would be optional. So it's a take-it-or-leave-it situation. Up to you. There's no faster way to cross a map, but it's useless for anything short range or precise (even discovering WPs isn't easy on it). It's only a 'misfire' if you expected it to replace your other mounts.

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> How is it becoming more and more essential? Other than the occasional mastery point, for which mesmers with the mount are happy to make a portal, I haven't really seen an actual need for it. So what have I missed?


Probably referring to the expectation that you have one. In bounty/hp trains, if you want to keep up, a griffon is often pretty much necessary.

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GW2 is a game that focuses on exploring, on enjoying the views even though you have seen them for -- times.


Why do the designers even try to make something looking beautiful while you can just use the Beetle because its fast and just go to point A to point B?


There would be a reason to put them in Core Tyria if the maps would be larger. And now with the mounts they look like PvP maps.


Also in the first years of GW2 they were assuring, claiming, swearing on all the gods that GW2 will never have mounts.


They used a most common way to attract people that play MMORPG, and to me- running to such rubbish- means that this game doesnt keep their promises- in story, in design, in marketing and in few years it will dissapear from the market.


I play for 5 years and I remember when I read such interview.


HoT was a success because it had something that was pretty original- Gliding.


After the Beetle I kinda wish they'd never introduced the mounts and I am very afraid what other weird ideas the mount team will have...


I am very afraid where this beautiful game is heading to, but I wait till Expansion 3, then I will decide whether this game is worth playing or not. As for now I am in the middle but more heading to the point I wont be playing this game anymore.

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