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[Elite suggestion] MARTIAL SOUL (support spec)


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**Spec idea : MARTIAL SOUL**


(name opened to suggestion. Inspired by martial artists from D&D)


**Description and Lore :** Becoming a great warrior is about going beyond your limits always. The warrior go as far as their body can take them. But they are some who are able to go beyond. Because the world is full of dearing fights where courage and frail bodies are insufficient. After having perfectionned their body and techniques as much as it can be done, they imbued themselves with ther form of energies. They opened to them and make it grow through their metabolism. Life magic, ki, spirit gift,… the explanation vary depending on culture. But one things remains always true : those who achieve such enlightnement acquire exceptionnal metabolism that can only be forged in the heat of battle. They truly became a source of life force for themselves, but also for their allies and can perform extraordinary physcical feats inspired from powerful animals. Those warriors chose this difficult training to guide their kind on the most challenging fights and have acquired a great sensibility to life. That’s why they are ready to lead the charge, inspire their companions with surnatural arias and offer them a part of their strenght. They bring what’s needed for simple mortals to fight surhumans foes, a blessing in this time. They are the pulsing heart and spearhead of valiant troops They are called the Martial Souls.


**Themes :** Ki, auras and war song, spear fighting, animal-inspired moves


**Assets :** Powerful support spec that provides healing and boon while possessing good survivability and control over the fight.


**WEAPON : SPEAR** (two-handed). Powerful and versatile weapon with range-increased melee attack and a ranged option.

Spear is the most ancient weapon in History. Yet, no matter how much time has passed and techiques evolved, it remains one of the most common and effective weapon used. Its elegance and usefulness in a great variety of fights make it an ideal choice for Martial Souls, who enhanced its potential almost as much as themselves.

Spears use the same skin as aquatic spears but are larger and longer (like staffs)


• **Burst : Impaling charge:** Charge your foe , strike him (2.5) and launch him (240) Combo finisher leap 3/4s. Cd 8s. Range 600.


• **Auto-Attack 1 ) Spear slash :** Slash your foe with the spear blade. 0.8. 1/2 Range : 240.

**Auto-attack 2 )Feint to legs :** Pierce your foe down. 0.8. 1/2. Range : 240

**Auto-attack 3 ) Strike to the head :** Pierce your foe high. Grants fury (3s). (1.1 .1/2. Range 240)

Time for auto-attack chain : 2.2s Cleaves

• **2) Spear throw :** throw your spear at the target. The longer you channel, the higher the damage and range. At maximum strength, the spear pierces and inflicts infirmity (2s). Projectile finisher Damage : 1.0/1.4/1.8. Cast : 3x 1/2s. Cd 0s. Range : 400/700/1000

• **3 ) Unforgiving assault :** Attack foes in front of you with repetitive strikes (4.0, x8). Can move slowly (50%) while striking. Last strike inflicts vulnerability (x8, 10s) 5 targets. 2s, Cd 10s. Range : 240.

• **4 ) Guard breaker :** strike your foe at the head with the shaft (1.2), stunning them (1s). Impossible to block. 1 targets. 3/4s Cd 15s. Range 130.

• **5 ) Protector defense :** for 2s, you block attacks coming at you and nearby allies (radius 180). When channeling ends, you strike foes around you (1.0). Damage is increase (0.15) up to ten times for each attack blocked. 3 targets. Cd 25s.


• **MECHANICS: Vital Energy and Mystic Bursts (F2)**. Gain access to a pool a vital energy that increase up to 20 stacks the same way as adrenaline when this one reach its maximum. Martial Soul is limited to tier 3 bursts. If he doesn’t have enough adrenaline, the missing stacks are taken from vital energy. In addition, the champion can use a Mystic bursts among a selection of three. Mystic burst can be activated when vital energy reach 20 and cost 15. They count as tier 3 burst.

• **Predator assault (F2) :** (tiger and wolf). Leap at your foe at inhuman speed, ignoring incoming attacks and obstacles for 1s. Damage him (3.2) and inflicts poison (x3, 8s). Cd 15s

• **Watcher move (F2) :**(raven and eagle) : Jump on the targeted area, removing movements-impeding conditions (range 600, radius 240). Damage foes (1.4, 5 targets) and blind them (5s). Heal allies in the target area (2800, 0.6, 5 targets) Cd 15s

• **Guardian stand (F2) :** (bear and dragon) Unleash a succession of strikes to foes before you (3.0, x6, 5 target), plus a last strike (1.0) that knockdowns foes. Incoming damage is reduced by 50% while channeling the skill. Also grant stability (x2, 3s) and retaliation (4s). 3s+3/4s , Cd 15s


**SKILLS: Auras**

Principle : when an aura is activated, this one and all other gain a level of intensity (note : represented by arrows on the skill icon), up to three levels. Each level reinforce the effect of auras.

Activating an aura at level three triggers additionnal effect for this aura, double cast time , activate an explosion finisher, and reset it and all others to level 0. (the warrior also shouts some words).

Levels are lost outside of combat.

Auras have 5 target (allies and ennemis distinctively).


• **Healing ) Aura of Restoration :** Heal you and nearby allies (1500, 0.5, radius 600).

Bonus per level of intensity: +500 (0.25) healing.

Max intensity effect : Heal yourself (3000, 1.0) and grant protection (4s) to yourself and nearby allies.

Cd 10s. Cast : 1/2s.

• **Utility 1 ) Aura of Envy :** grant might to yourself and nearby allies (x2, 15s, radius 600).

Bonus per level of intensity: +2 stacks of might.

Max intensity effect : Grant swiftness (8s) and quickness (4s) to yourself and nearby allies.

Cd 15s. Cast : 1/2s.

• **Utility 2 ) Aura of Purity :** Remove 1 condition to yourself and nearby allies (radius 600).

Bonus per level of intensity: +1 condition removed.

Max intensity effect : Remove 2 boons to nearby ennemies. Damage ennemies for each boon removed (0.6 per boon), heal allies for each condtion removed (600 (0.1)).

Cd 15s. Cast : 1/2s.

• **Utility 3 ) Aura of Flames :** Grant yourself and nearby allies a stacking effect for 10s that affect next attack : +10% damage and inflicts burning (x1, 5s) (radius 600).

Bonus per level of intensity: +1 stack.

Max intensity effect : Grant fire aura to nearby allies (4s, radius 240) and create a fire field combo on your current position for 4s that damage foes (1.5, x3, radius 240) and inflicts burn (2s, x3).

Cd 15s. Cast : 1/2s.

• **Utility 4 ) Aura of Disruption:** Inflicts weakness to nearby ennemies (6s) (radius 600) and project a wave around you that destroy projectiles, daze (2s) and damage them (1.0, 5 targets, radius 180)

Bonus per level of intensity: increase the wave radius by 60 and add 2s of infirmity.

Max intensity effect : interrupted foes are stunned (2s). Break out of stun.

Cd 20s. Cast : 1/2s.

• **Elite ) Aura of Zeal :** gain +5 vital energy. Grant nearby allies vigor (8s, radius 600),

Bonus per level of intensity: grant a barrier (1200, 0.4) to yourself and nearby allies.

Max intensity effect : grant aegis (6s), stability (x2, 4s) and resistance (4s) to yourself and nearby allies. Recharge all mechanics skills and weapon swap.

Cd 20s. Cast : 1/2s.


**TRAITS :**

Line 1 : Personnal resilience and damage.

Line 2 : Vital energy related

Line 3 : Auras and support aspect


- **Spear mastery :** can wield spear

- **Minor Expert ) Leading champion :** gain access to uras, vital energy and mystic bursts. Burst skills are limited to tier 3 but can use vital energy in complement of adrenaline.


• **Major Expert 1) Surnatural stamina :** reduced the effect of some conditions

- Weakness : endurance degeneration and glancing chance reduced from 50% to 30%

- Blind : 50% chance to miss next attack

- Poison : healing reduction reduced from 33% to 20%

- Chills : cooldown duration increased by 33% instead of 66%

- Infirmity : movement speed reduced by 33% instead of 50%.

- Slow : skills speed reduced by 33% instead of 50%


• **Major Expert 2) Essence of life :** increase max vital energy from 20 to 30.

• **Major Expert 3) Leader’s zeal :** Convert 25% of your boon duration into bonus critical damage.


- **Minor Master) Overflowing power :** For each point of vital energy you spend, heal yourself and nearby allies (80 (0.01), 5 targets, radius 360) and damage nearby foes (0.06. 5 targets, radius 360, cannot critical hit)


• **Major Master 1 ) Spearmaster :** increase attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 25% while wielding a spear. Spear throw now only use maximum strength, that channels in 1s.

• **Major Master 2 ) Sacrifice for illumination :** Reduce max health by 20%. You gain 3 points of vital energy every 3 seconds while in combat. Overflowing power deals 33% more damage and heals 50% more.

• **Major Master 3 ) Source of strength :** Increase concentration by 150 and heal effectiveness on allies by 10%.


- **Minor GrandMaster ) Battle blaze :** when activating an aria or a mystic burst, you and nearby allies (radius 360) gain one stack of vital strength for 15s, up to 5 stacks. Each stacks reduce incoming damage by 2% (direct and condition) and grant +40 précision.


• **Major GrandMaster 1 ) Force of nature :** when activating a mystic burst or an aura, gain one stack of stability for 3s. You deal +7% damage while under the effect of stability.

• **Major GrandMaster 2 ) Paragon :** When you have 10 to 19 vital energy stacks, you can activate F2 to cast a battlecry based on your mystical burst that cost 10 points. (Cast : 3/4s Cd : 15s)

- **Predator threat :** reveal nearby foes (5s), damage them (1.0) and inflict vulnerabilty (x8, 8s) (5 targets, range 600). If at least one foe is affected, grant yourself and nearby allies quickness (3s). (5 targets, range 600).

- **Watcher cry :** Damage nearby foes (1.0), blind them (5s) (radius 600, 5 targets) and grant nearby allies superspeed (5s) and regeneration (15s) (radius 600, 5 target).

- **Guardian roar :** Damage nearby foes (1.0), inflict incitation (3/2s) and weakness (5s) (5 targets, radius 360). For 5s, each strike you take grant yourself and nearby allies might (x1, 5s). 3/4s. Cd 15s


• **Major GransMaster 3 ) Perfect lesya :** All auras are at level 1 intensity minimum.









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Updated. Changing the original name "Sublimartial" to "Martial soul" (yeah, maybe I should go leazy and call it "champion"). Also change "fight songs" to "auras" to suit more the themes of the spec and distinct from shout and mantra. (technically, there is a part of shouting and singing but the source of effect is the energy within the warrior).


Trivia: it would be a warrior with ranger and guardian feats. Auras are of course inspired from aria, anthem and songs of the paragon of GW1. Mystic bursts are inspired from norn transformations in GW1 (those who know will recognize them.) For the spear, I customed it basing myself of what I know of the weapon and what would be cool/useful for warriors right now. I feel like I should give it a ranged option, since we are currently lacking that a bit.

I think, as many do, that the next spec should be support-oriented. I thought in this sense. I've also considered a spec that would use the power of spirits of nature, just like transformation in GW1. The martial Soul is somehow the fusion of this concepts.


I regret I couldn't place another combo field, but except fire and smoke, warriors can't really summon a lot of them.

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Elite specializations tend to have only a single name, so Martial Soul kinda stands out.


Among the names I'd consider are _Vindicator_ (Synonymous with Champion), _Enlightened_ (If you're going with martial arts and a concept of wholeness), _Thaumaturge_ (Magician, miracle-worker), _Vagabond_ (Traveler, seeker) or _Paradigm_ (Exemplar).

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> @"TheSwede.9512" said:

> Elite specializations tend to have only a single name, so Martial Soul kinda stands out.


> Among the names I'd consider are _Vindicator_ (Synonymous with Champion), _Enlightened_ (If you're going with martial arts and a concept of wholeness), _Thaumaturge_ (Magician, miracle-worker), _Vagabond_ (Traveler, seeker) or _Paradigm_ (Exemplar).


Yeah i know it is normally a single name, but couldn't find


I like _Vindicator_ a lot :) .

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