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End Game Woes?

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Okay here me out i bought this game a year and half ago. Bought both DLC's and as I reached lvl 80 I felt good about it. The game was fun, the environment was beautiful everything to the end of my story was great with killing Zaitan. I give this game a 10/10. I played Path of fire first to get a mount for my characters but i felt very well weak with my necro reaper specialization and noticed that in videos i've seen they wrecking enemies with not problem since my guess was they raided and got better loot to do better DMG.

I felt like raiding would be fun and cool but I keep getting kicked. I made a engineer lvl 80 to at least support with turrets and healing instead so I don't die but I get kicked again 30 seconds in. I'm a hands on type of guy and I fell like the end game was raiding and getting that sweet loot.

Guild Wars 2 was literally my first MMO I did from start to finish for story. I join guilds and they rarely on, i aks for help at the Aerodome for thirty-minutes asking and asking people to let me join but no one cared. I took a break for a few months up to now and I feel like its the same. Today I got kicked 8 times in fractals, raids, hell i usually the last one or few two die and go down since i do a potion healing build with my Engineer. I know i maybe doing something wrong but at least some criticism be nice instead of a straight up kick after a wipe. I have a job and college but i want to make the best of time I have with this game.

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Mind posting your build?


Also the meta has prety much been set in raids:

2 mesmers to provide perma quickness, alacrity, and every other boon in existence

1 druid for perma 25 might to 10 people, spotter, sun+frost spirit and healing that hits 10 ppl

1 warrior for banners, empower allies and possibly some cc

6 dps slots (possibly 5 if taking a 2nd healer)



Dps rankings from most to least wanted:



Edit 2

Raid doesn't give you better gear, unless you define better as looks

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The right skills and stats make a gigantic difference. The difference in difficulty is also insane. One Youtuber and Streamer (Woodenpotatoes) even beat the entire base game without using skills, just with the NPCs and his ranger pet. The expansions definitely don't allow you to do that and require you to use builds that are a bit more optimized to be able to face the different types of enemies. A huge part of this is also learning to avoid most of their damage, which can be very tricky at times.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The right skills and stats make a gigantic difference. The difference in difficulty is also insane. One Youtuber and Streamer (Woodenpotatoes) even beat the entire base game without using skills, just with the NPCs and his ranger pet.


What? Really?


I tried googling for that but I can't find the video(s) .. mind sharing? I'm very interested in seeing that.



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Unless you need legendary armor, there's no need to raid. It's much more of a time commitment than the rest of the game, and not really anything special in terms of rewards. Every bit of content after the base game is "endgame", so there's fractals, plus the expansions and living world episodes.

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> @"Kovac.4372" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > The right skills and stats make a gigantic difference. The difference in difficulty is also insane. One Youtuber and Streamer (Woodenpotatoes) even beat the entire base game without using skills, just with the NPCs and his ranger pet.


> What? Really?


> I tried googling for that but I can't find the video(s) .. mind sharing? I'm very interested in seeing that.





3 Parts, each are 5 to 8 hours long. He uses a skill once accidentally, but it didn't do anything. A few sections (like the Zhaitan fight) require to use cannons and their skills, but besides that he really didn't use anything himself

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So, back to the original post.


If you intend to raid, and you have no experience doing so, it is highly likely LFG runs that are not specifically Training Raids will choose to kick you. More often than not, they want somebody who is experienced with the encounter, mainly because organizing a group of ten isn't easy, let alone a group of ten complete strangers who don't necessarily trust each other that are then expected to work as a team to overcome challenging content. My advice is to look into joining one of the Raid Training guilds that advertise on these forums, or keep an eye out for their advertisements in Map Chat.


You also mentioned some negative experience with Guilds, including ones that are not very active. In such cases, don't be afraid to keep trying. Finding a community that you are comfortable can make or break a gaming experience.


Finally, your fundamental understanding of group compositions for end game content may need revising. It is great that you developed your own build that lets you survive longer, but that does nothing for the other four to nine players in the group if your build doesn't contribute anything substantial to their composition. For example a raid group with four dedicated support players has all the Boons and healing a group would need in most situations, leaving the six other positions to be filled with players that are dedicated to maximum damage output in order to meet enrage timers, or specific mechanics. Bringing a niche, unproven build like yours to end game content may not be the best thing to do.

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Also you can get legendary armor from pvp ranked league seasons (when they are up) and world vs world. Both ways (especially pvp) easier imho then raids, and don't require you to put up with all the meta and elitism crap.


Downside is that raid armors have special transformation animations to them, the others don't. But stat and functionality wise all 3 sets are equals.

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