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How to win a axe condi mirage?


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In a 1v1 scenario they're so strong with their constant confusion application, do they also have blind? I'm not sure since I've only fought them in team fights. Anyways their constant clone generation, condition application(confusions, blind), target breaking, stealths and blocks, it's really annoying and I cant find an effective way to fight against them. Even on my core warrior with cleansing ire, cleansing 3 conditions each burst I cant keep up and I can't counter pressure with all the clones, blinds, blocks and dodges, I'm already having a hard time surviving, let alone killing them...

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Play as a core guardian and condi (and power) mesmers will run away from you like the plague. Atleast i will.


Works for some. I fight anything and everything. Condi mirages i win more than I lose on my DPS mirage. I also run Axe in my DPS build so it tends to surprise them when I pull it out. Core guardian (at least a good friend of mine's core symbol guard) is deadly vs condi builds. unless you are a scourge and you get the boon strip off, you are going down. I even hate fighting him on my DPS mirage. He def gives me a run for my money at times.


GS ambush clears clones fast. Typically faster then they can get rid of mine. Mirages also hates condi.

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Mesmer dmg / mobility / defense is all heavily dodge-dependent. Also the mesmer mobility is it's defense (see jaunt).


So while you kite the mesmer has to blow defensive cds to chase. That gives you some relief from dmg and some windows to attack.


Aside from that dodge the right stuff and don't blow attacks onto dodges.

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Look for the non-evade windows. Axe mirages have tons, also it's very easy to hit them during the axe animations.


Also remember that a mirage uses Mirage Cloak for mobility, ambush skills (burst, interrupts, depending on his build) and defense. When you see him using it offensively / for mobility, you will have lots of opportunities to burst him down right after.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> Core guardian is basically the counter to condi mirage IMO.


> Power Mirage, if played well, can shut down cMirage


Both of these claims I can agree with. Guildie of mine runs a special symbol core guard. Condi mirages are nothing to him. Even lot sof DPS ones are nothing as well.


As a DPS Mirage, I do shut down Condi Mirages more often than not.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Look for the non-evade windows. Axe mirages have tons, also it's very easy to hit them during the axe animations.


> Also remember that a mirage uses Mirage Cloak for mobility, ambush skills (burst, interrupts, depending on his build) and defense. When you see him using it offensively / for mobility, you will have lots of opportunities to burst him down right after.


Unless ofc said Mirage jaunts right after an offensive Mirage Cloak to avoid said burst, or de-targets right after. How I love to de-target :)

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Breath stay calm and ready.

wait you do not want to waste valuable cooldowns.

anticipate the engagement, dodge his burst let him blow his cooldowns on your defense and punish.


It's like fighting a thief, axe mirage will ignore LoS. Their condi burst period is longer but unless they have blink or portal they shouldn't be able to reliably escape so long as you have a gap closer or some powerful ranged pressure. This is why Guard is a strong option.

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A lot of mirage play style also revolves around landing multi clone shatters. Whether i am mirror blade -> jaunting -> into 3 mind wracks or axe 3 collecting and centering clones on you into cry of fustrationing, the more you sit still the more you are helping me land each shatter.


So when a mirage starts doing their condi or power dance its wise to use kiting skills to mitigate the burst.


Also, mirage is one of those classes where the less you understand their cooldowns, the more you suffer simply because trying to interpret their animations while fighting against them etc. Is very hard....better to just play the class for a few days to understand them

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> @"bendrix.8024" said:

> In a 1v1 scenario they're so strong with their constant confusion application, do they also have blind? I'm not sure since I've only fought them in team fights. Anyways their constant clone generation, condition application(confusions, blind), target breaking, stealths and blocks, it's really annoying and I cant find an effective way to fight against them. Even on my core warrior with cleansing ire, cleansing 3 conditions each burst I cant keep up and I can't counter pressure with all the clones, blinds, blocks and dodges, I'm already having a hard time surviving, let alone killing them...


I main guardian but have been playing warrior lately. I can prolong as SB, but I have not been able to fight mesmers at all. No matter what warrior build you use, you either lack damage to kill images fast enough or condi removal.


I have not lost a solo to battle to Mesmer on my gurdian since I can remember. Guardian is loaded with aoe damage and condi removal.

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