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Compare a few classes for me?

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It takes a lot to invest in new classes, so, I'm looking to expand away from Holosmith a bit, as I've played most of my time on that character.


I'm looking for how they perform, over all pve content, not simply just Raids.


1) How is Guardian vs DH? and the Condi Firebrand?

2) How does guardian power builds compare to the rev power and condi?

3) How do they compare to the soulbeast power and condi?


How do classes like the above compare, contrast, and differ? What makes one of them better than the others for fractals, or raids, or open world?



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Discussing balance and performance for open world pve is usually considered pointless because any class played competently can handle open world pve. Fractals and raids are the only things challenging enough that the differences between classes should matter to you. In short, play whatever you enjoy in open world pve.


For fractals, burst damage is much better than condi. Power holosmith is great at burst, there is no reason for your 2nd geared character to be a power guard, as power guard or power dh are basically the same as power holosmith. Your not adding any versatility to yourself by gearing a guard when you have a holo. For fractals, gearing a chrono, druid, or warrior would actually allow you to fill more than the single role you currently fill.


For raids, same story, chrono druid or warrior will give you more versatility, but condi builds such as condi renegade or condi mirage can also give you more versaility, as the longer fights in raids make condi builds viable, and often even better than power builds. Again, dh would be redundant for the most part.

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In fractals burst is king hence power soulbeast, dh, holo and weaver all work. If ya already play a good holo I would consider weaver the only real improvement. Perhaps soulbeast could also be good.


For raids everything can work but some professions are simply better suited for the job. Power soulbeast and dh/Guardian are strong in some niche roles. Overall condi rev and power holo would be simply better and are stronger in the meta than rangers/Guardians in most cases.


Like I consider power holo, dead eye/daredevil, weaver better than most power builds.


Rev, engi/holo and mirrage are stronger condi specs.

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> @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> In fractals burst is king hence power soulbeast, dh, holo and weaver all work. If ya already play a good holo I would consider weaver the only real improvement. Perhaps soulbeast could also be good.


> For raids everything can work but some professions are simply better suited for the job. Power soulbeast and dh/Guardian are strong in some niche roles. Overall condi rev and power holo would be simply better and are stronger in the meta than rangers/Guardians in most cases.


> Like I consider power holo, dead eye/daredevil, weaver better than most power builds.


> Rev, engi/holo and mirrage are stronger condi specs.


condi engi/holo will not really achieve meta status for most though. Its simply too hard to play for like 99% of the players. Most holo pugs i meet can't even play power holo with rifle on a decent level. A new player needs to spend hours on golem to reach decent numbers on the condi build. Fast kit swapping is hard for most players and most even try to play engi without kits.


On topic: Guard and all his specilisations bring a lot of utility even when played full dps. DH has a group wide block and can bring projectile defense etc.


Slb power has really strong single target dps but lacks on cleave. It's nice to play and has high potential damage and one is meta in fractals. Lacks cleave damage and is not that easy to play on a decent level. The condi variant is very easy and forgiving to play and still decent in raids. Just don't play condi in fractals.


Rev is quite bad in fractals but really strong in raids. The power variant has ok dps with the small ui exploit but low burst so dh, slb, weaver and holo are usually better in fractals.


All have different gameplay and none of them is simply better or worse than the rest. Only rev doesnt have a strong fractal speedrun build though.


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