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How to defeat a Weaver?


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Riptide is very interuptable, you can interupt it at the very start of the animation, and at the end. If that fails, knock the ele out of the water field riptipe makes, in order for ele to do the double blast in earth, they need to slightly move so that the dodge roll ( for evasive arcana blast in earth) doesn't land outside the circle, most weavers will riptide, move forward slightly and than dodge backwards earth attunement earth 2 for water double blast. This is a very preventable combo if you time CC and knockback correctly, (MAGEBANE TETHER WILL INTERUPT EVERYTHING EVEN TWIST OF FATE)


On another note, weaver is very viable in pvp, just take cele amulet against teams with power damage, you will stack up to 900+ extra armor if you use earth and weave self elite, which is basically 20 seconds of god mode that generates around 40 seconds of protection if you use the weapon swap right and have some boon duration >.< My best advice to those that do not think ele is pvp viable, is don't waste the elite skill, 2 second attunement swap from weave self basically makes an elementalist keanu reeves/chuck norris/goku. If you rotate correctly one can even tank most 1vs3s while prepping up a 9k churning earth because 2 second attunement swap generates might stacks


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> @"ProDecius.2609" said:

> Riptide is very interuptable, you can interupt it at the very start of the animation, and at the end. If that fails, knock the ele out of the water field riptipe makes, in order for ele to do the double blast in earth, they need to slightly move so that the dodge roll ( for evasive arcana blast in earth) doesn't land outside the circle, most weavers will riptide, move forward slightly and than dodge backwards earth attunement earth 2 for water double blast. This is a very preventable combo if you time CC and knockback correctly, (MAGEBANE TETHER WILL INTERUPT EVERYTHING EVEN TWIST OF FATE)


> On another note, weaver is very viable in pvp, just take cele amulet against teams with power damage, you will stack up to 900+ extra armor if you use earth and weave self elite, which is basically 20 seconds of god mode that generates around 40 seconds of protection if you use the weapon swap right and have some boon duration >.< My best advice to those that do not think ele is pvp viable, is don't waste the elite skill, 2 second attunement swap from weave self basically makes an elementalist keanu reeves/chuck norris/goku. If you rotate correctly one can even tank most 1vs3s while prepping up a 9k churning earth because 2 second attunement swap generates might stacks



Cele amulet not only reduces your damage - it also reduces your healing power significantly. Yes, you can use it, it is better against some compositions but a lot worse for others. I'll give you that, we can play around and adjust with four amulets, more or less.


Also noone said ele is trash (well... S/D is not really). But it is a lot worse and way less versatile than it's competitors. Mirage has way more mobility and smashes a lot of builds to pieces. Spellbreaker can run nto teamfights and give great support with pressure and interrupts. Holo just as well. Drooid has roughly the same sustain as weaver but still more rezz potential. The new soulbeast is braindead and also has a huge lot more damage (less sustain though, in my experience).


Weaver can only stall stupid people. And when you 1on2 some for longer than 20 seconds and keep the point decapped, they are just way worse than you are (well, depending a bit on the classes, but generally speaking).

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Honeslty once you go cele you don't go back >.< menders is better for litterally only scourge, I would rather have celestial vs condi mirages because condition damage is more effective against them than power. On menders, weaver can easily be killed in mere moments by deadeye, holo, spellbreaker, power mirage, rev, even nerfed as hell fresh air ele, berserker soulbeast, and most of all reaper.


Celestial has less power damage, but the crits are about equal to menders crits because of the ferocity, it makes the might stacking more valuable because you are buffing two stats you have invested in, masters fortitude gives one 5 percent extra life from power and condition damage, the best rune choice for ele synergizes with celestial stats giving you a +36 to all stats and every time you are in an attunement you get a 120 bonus to a stat. less damage ? because of the might stacking you very often crank up to 1000 condition damage and can buff that considerably with the weave self elite, 3 k burn ticks and 2 k bleed ticks all day long.


Menders weaver is honestly trash campared to cele, healing power without toughness is useless because everything in the meta game kills you instantly so no time to heal. This has a lot less to do with what is meta on weaver, and a lot more to do with what everyone else is playing, menders may have been the best ele amulet for a long time now, but ONLY CELESTIAL offers armor and healing power, but cele not only has armor and healing power, it has vitality as well. It's seriously so good and I'm clueless to why people are picking up to it so slowly. But even phantaram was forced to use cele on his lightning rod build 50 percent of this games during his stream, armor AND healing power, the burst builds in the meta are just obsene atm, anything but cele is suicide and is basically throwing the match as far as I'm concered.


House elementalist knowns no pvp amulet but the pvp amulet of the old meta, known as celestial

Shop smart shot celestial mart

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> @"ProDecius.2609" said:

> Honeslty once you go cele you don't go back >.< menders is better for litterally only scourge, I would rather have celestial vs condi mirages because condition damage is more effective against them than power. On menders, weaver can easily be killed in mere moments by deadeye, holo, spellbreaker, power mirage, rev, even nerfed as hell fresh air ele, berserker soulbeast, and most of all reaper. Celestial has less power damage, but the crits are about equal to menders crits because of the ferocity, it makes the might stacking more valuable because you are buffing two stats you have invested in, masters fortitude gives one 5 percent extra life from power and condition damage, the best rune choice for ele synergizes with celestial stats giving you a +36 to all stats and every time you are in an attunement you get a 120 bonus to a stat. less damage ? because of the might stacking you very often crank up to 1000 condition damage and can buff that considerably with the weave self elite, 3 k burn ticks and 2 k bleed ticks all day long. Menders weaver is honestly trash campared to cele, healing power without toughness is useless because litterally everything in the meta game kills you instantly so no time to heal. This has a lot less to do with what is meta on weaver, and a lot more to do with what everyone else is playing, menders may have been the best ele amulet for a long time now, but ONLY CELESTIAL offers armor and healing power, but cele not only has armor and healing power, it has vitality as well. It's seriously so good and I'm clueless to why people are picking up to it so slowly. But even phantaram was forced to use cele on his lightning rod build 50 percent of this games during his stream, armor AND healing power, the burst builds in the meta are just obsene atm, anything but cele is suicide and is basically throwing the match as far as I'm concered.


> House elementalist knowns no pvp amulet but the pvp amulet of the old meta, known as celestial

> Shop smart shot celestial mart


Well, I do not completely disagree as I said. But with cele you die to condi mirages for example or drive them off point. :wink: Mender's is far from useless - as is cele, sage and avatar. It all depends on the composition and your role. All this does not make ele a good choice for a side noder though.


Also, don't mean to be mean, but reading a block like this makes it really hard to focus on your points. Could you maybe add some paragraphs or something? :tongue:

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I'm honestly expecting leadership rune to be removed and condi meta to roll back in, so at that point celestial would be suicide and we should play menders exuberance next season, half of the classes use leadership rune, how is it still a thing, And no cele is far more effective vs condi mirage because they have poor condition cleanse.


Think about this, 460 * 7 is 3220

1050 * 2 + 560 * 2 is 3220 celestial was normalized not overnerfed

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> @"ProDecius.2609" said:

> I'm honestly expecting leadership rune to be removed and condi meta to roll back in, so at that point celestial would be suicide and we should play menders exuberance next season, half of the classes use leadership rune, how is it still a thing, And no cele is far more effective vs condi mirage because they have poor condition cleanse.


> Think about this, 460 * 7 is 3220

> 1050 * 2 + 560 * 2 is 3220 celestial was normalized not overnerfed


Second point... well, it depends. No meta build uses it so maybe it is just less useful now. A single amulet with 3220 vitality wouldn't be used either (yes, I am overexaggerating).


And the problem ist, condi mirage has enough cleanses and evades to outlast even sages (assuming equal skill). Sword weaver lacks cover conditions so even those single cleanses they have work pretty well. It really depends on CDs and skill in that setup. Sage can be great against some builds: Less bunkering potential but a lot more pressure.

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