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questions on unbound magic, working on first ascendants.

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I am wrapping up lw season 3.


i see that a lot of the vendors sell ascended items. During my pass through i accumulated roughly 4k ish unbound magic and hardly any of the trade in items required.


My questions:


is there an order to get them all? Can I get them all from one area?


I have a condi mesmer , power guardian, condi necro. Should i pay any of the teleports first?


Any guides or tips to help would be appreciated.

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Each vendor has unique skins/accessoirs/amulets (not nesassary all of them). but they all have the same stat combos to choose. So for you trinkets it shouldnt matter.

But watch out, i think some rings are "unique", so you can only wear one of them/char. (not sure about that, but you can read it on the item)

The fastet map would be the bitterfrost one, you can simply gather those winterberries in the wood part of the area (something like 27/Character/Day).

These you can also use to get more unbound magic since its super fast to get.


For your power guard though i would recommend to get you trinkets via fractal/laurel vendor, but its good to get everything else.

The portal scroll/foliant is awesome to get your other toons there, if you don´t want to play this story. the more chars you have the more "value" it gets.


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Your best bet is to invest into Teleport scrolls for each map. This way you won't need to use teleport to friend for all your alts. Any lv 80 can use them and get into map. As you might need to farm on several characters to speed up. Here is the list of trinkets from lw3 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unbound_Magic



I was getting ring, earring, back item from Bitterfrost (this map is easies and has no limits of 50 item per day), another earring from Ember bay. Amulet from Lake Doric or Sirens landing and the last ring from Draconis Mons.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Your best bet is to invest into Teleport scrolls for each map. This way you won't need to use teleport to friend for all your alts. Any lv 80 can use them and get into map. As you might need to farm on several characters to speed up. Here is the list of trinkets from lw3 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unbound_Magic



> I was getting ring, earring, back item from Bitterfrost (this map is easies and has no limits of 50 item per day), another earring from Ember bay. Amulet from Lake Doric or Sirens landing and the last ring from Draconis Mons.


A note on this - Bitterfrost (the most efficient UM-farm) has no need for a portal scroll, as the portal from Frostgorge Sound opens account wide once any character does the story.

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Personally, if you're looking to get ascended jewellery, I'd suggest getting the three pieces of the Blood Ruby set from Bloodstone Fen as a start: Backpack, Amulet and Ring (purchased with Blood Rubies and Unbound Magic). It's one of the few ascended sets in the game where you can reset and re-choose the stats over and over again, it just requires a purchasing of an item in Bloodstone Fen for 100 Unbound Magic each time.

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> Personally, if you're looking to get ascended jewellery, I'd suggest getting the three pieces of the Blood Ruby set from Bloodstone Fen as a start: Backpack, Amulet and Ring (purchased with Blood Rubies and Unbound Magic). It's one of the few ascended sets in the game where you can reset and re-choose the stats over and over again, it just requires a purchasing of an item in Bloodstone Fen for 100 Unbound Magic each time.


While I *love* that function, Blood Rubies are probably the hardest of the materials to actively farm.

Personally, I've got all the Home Instance nodes and don't really farm any of the maps, so they all trickle in at roughly the same pace.

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> Personally, if you're looking to get ascended jewellery, I'd suggest getting the three pieces of the Blood Ruby set from Bloodstone Fen as a start: Backpack, Amulet and Ring (purchased with Blood Rubies and Unbound Magic). It's one of the few ascended sets in the game where you can reset and re-choose the stats over and over again, it just requires a purchasing of an item in Bloodstone Fen for 100 Unbound Magic each time.


In all honesty, play a season of spvp and get whole set of mist jewelry ( that has all the stats in game and can be reset) + back item, WOULD be much easier and quiker then farm bloodstone rubies

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Not sure if this helps, but here is a list I shared in another post a long time ago for the cost of each LW3 zone. Keep in mind that trinkets have to be unique so you will need a ring and accessory from 2 different zones. I had other level 80s at the time but didn't want to run the story so I bought the portal scrolls for a couple of the zones and used those to portal my alts in for gathering.


**Bloodstone Fen:** (These are stat changeable by using the Bloodstone Capacitor)

Ring - 2000 UM + 100 BR

Amulet - 3000 UM + 125 BR

Backpack - 5000 UM + 200 BR


**Ember Bay:**

Accessory - 4000 UM + 150 PW

Backpack - 5000 UM + 150 PW



Ring - 2000 UM + 200 WB

Backpack - 5000 UM + 400 WB

Accessory - 4000 UM + 300 WB


**Lake Doric:**

Amulet - 3000 UM + 125 JF

Backpack - 5000 UM + 200 JF


**Draconis Mons:**

Backpack - Collection Achievement

Ring - 2000 UM + 100 FO

Amulet - 3000 UM + 125 FO


**Siren's Landing:**

Back - 315, 000 Karma + 200 OP (sold at heart vendors)

Amulet - 3000 UM + 125 OP


**Total Unbound Magic Required**

Backpack - 5000

Amulet - 3000

Accessory 1 - 4000

Accessory 2 - 4000

Unique Ring 1 - 2000

Unique Ring 2 - 2000

**Total -20000 UM for full set**


**Side notes:**

-- Keep in mind that if you are going Vipers Condi, you will need trinkets from LW3 maps as they are not available from LW4 maps.

-- You can get core stat (including Berserkers) from Fractal and Laurel Vendors as well

-- The LW4 zone Sandswept Isles sells a Ring and Accessory as well for 2000 - 4000 Volatile Magic and 100 - 150 Difluorite Crystals. Gathering Volatile Magic is tied into a Mastery track so you will have to train this before gathering in these zones.

-- You can also, get the Mist Talisman (Amulet), Mist Pendant (Accessory) and Mist Band (Ring) through the BUY-2046 Fractal Vendor, Skirmish Vendor (WvW) and the Ascended Armour League Vendor (PVP). Each of these costs a combination of the respected currency for that game type e.g. Pristine Fractal Relics + Integrated Fractal Matrix. The benefit of these trinkets is like the Bloodstone Fen trinkets, you can reset the stats through a Mists Capacitor. All stats from all expansions and core are available as well.


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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > Personally, if you're looking to get ascended jewellery, I'd suggest getting the three pieces of the Blood Ruby set from Bloodstone Fen as a start: Backpack, Amulet and Ring (purchased with Blood Rubies and Unbound Magic). It's one of the few ascended sets in the game where you can reset and re-choose the stats over and over again, it just requires a purchasing of an item in Bloodstone Fen for 100 Unbound Magic each time.


> While I *love* that function, Blood Rubies are probably the hardest of the materials to actively farm.

> Personally, I've got all the Home Instance nodes and don't really farm any of the maps, so they all trickle in at roughly the same pace.


Hmm, maybe. It might take more time than the others, but it's basically no effort: I go to Bloodstone Fen every day for about 10 minutes to harvest the ~10 nodes of flax there scattered about up high. In that time I mine a little bloodstone ore and complete two of the daily achievements there on my travels. Sure it takes a little time for the stores to build up. But that combined with the bloodstone ore in my home instance has enabled me to get three full sets of the jewellery now.


> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > Personally, if you're looking to get ascended jewellery, I'd suggest getting the three pieces of the Blood Ruby set from Bloodstone Fen as a start: Backpack, Amulet and Ring (purchased with Blood Rubies and Unbound Magic). It's one of the few ascended sets in the game where you can reset and re-choose the stats over and over again, it just requires a purchasing of an item in Bloodstone Fen for 100 Unbound Magic each time.


> In all honesty, play a season of spvp and get whole set of mist jewelry ( that has all the stats in game and can be reset) + back item, WOULD be much easier and quiker then farm bloodstone rubies


That's a good piece of advice, however I'm not sure about easier, and don't forget the vast majority of players do not enjoy sPvP (As an sPvPer myself I know sadly how small that community has become). Not to mention it's only available at certain times. I was thinking about this too actually a while ago, but in the end I decided upon the Bloodstone ruby jewellery set again, as the 100 Unbound Magic to reset the stats for me is easier/cheaper to obtain compared to the 250 shards as I have an unbound magic set of harvest tools. However you could definitely get a combination of the two and have all your accessories that you could change the stats on if needed in future.

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:


> That's a good piece of advice, however I'm not sure about easier, and don't forget the vast majority of players do not enjoy sPvP (As an sPvPer myself I know sadly how small that community has become). Not to mention it's only available at certain times. I was thinking about this too actually a while ago, but in the end I decided upon the Bloodstone ruby jewellery set again, as the 100 Unbound Magic to reset the stats for me is easier/cheaper to obtain compared to the 250 shards as I have an unbound magic set of harvest tools. However you could definitely get a combination of the two and have all your accessories that you could change the stats on if needed in future.


It is something to keep in mind then a good investment if you ask me. Mist jewelry can be obtained trough Fractals and WvW but it seems spvp is the easiest. After one season i had enough ascended shards to get full set of trinkets. Glory shards are tradable and really cheap x250 is somewhere about 1.5 gold


> @"taconight.3167" said:

> im going condi mirage, so i'll need all these items. Is there any recommended path of which ones are best for condition? Thanks for linking that list, i have a long way to go.

check my post above. I think most would agree its the optimal path for first set of trinkets


> @"phs.6089" said:


> I was getting ring, earring, back item from Bitterfrost (this map is easies and has no limits of 50 item per day), another earring from Ember bay. Amulet from Lake Doric or Sirens landing and the last ring from Draconis Mons.



BTW if you are lucky in Ember Bay or have a spare 30 gold to buy the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Strange_Rock ,you can get a ring in under 20 minuts



guide on howto, thanks to dufy http://dulfy.net/2016/12/12/gw2-strange-rock-ascended-ring-guide/

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Yes, the normal shards are quite cheap, and if newer players don't have a mountain of Unbound Magic available (which the OP does not seem to have) the shards would likely be a cheaper alternative to buy the reset capacitors with. Still those Ascended Shards (account bound ones) I use for Legendary armour, so am not really keen to use them for ascended jewellery. I guess each to their own.


> @"taconight.3167" said:

> im still learning my class, and im a little intimidated by pvp.

If you don't enjoy it, or don't feel comfortable doing sPvPing then certainly don't do it. I know we've drifted a little off your original top, but hopefully the take home message you're getting from this thread is that there are various ways to achieve what you want: Which way is 'best' is entirely an individual decision. And that is a great thing I think; it's always nice to have options.




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> @"taconight.3167" said:

> im about 6k unbound magic, and just hit 200 winterberries. I don't have an alt factory to get all the gear done in a few days. so the 30ish berries is all i can get? Any suggestions on the other areas in terms of easiest to hardest for gar?


I f you go trough frozen chests it will get you another 20 berry per day, collect 10 orbs of magic for daily, that is another 2-5, those are easy in bitterfrost, dive and get them under water.


Lake Doric and Sirens Landing > Ember Bay> Dragonic moans ( map says it has 3 layers but before you get use to it, it would seem there are 8 layers if not more)




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The nice thing about bitterfrost is 1) the nodes are always in the same location, so it's easy to learn a harvesting routine, 2) it's per character, so you can get a scroll, take all your alts, and get load of berries. If you get the karma upgrades, you can also get a fair amount of karma drop from the hordes of trash mobs in between you and your berries. With that karma, you can get yet more berries from the heart vendors. There are also berries from the chests. There are a few from the dailies, though that isn't per character. You'll have plenty of berries in no time, and you can always consume the excess for unbound magic (either to buy accessories, or to buy magic-warped bundles/packets; the packets sometimes drop ascended mats you can use for weapons and armor). You can get all types of trinkets other than amulets, plus ascended breathers if underwater combat is your thing.


Note that the ring and accessory are both "unique", so you won't be able to equip two of either (unless you infuse/attune one of the rings).


One other suggestion: if you ever plan on making Aurora (legendary trinket based on LS3 map collections), prioritize unlocking that before you really start grinding on LS3 maps, to avoid having to do any really annoying part more than once (Chalice of Tears is unfortunately unavoidable; you need to do it to unlock Aurora, and as part of the Ember Bay collection). You need to do the three White Mantle journal collections in Bloodstone Fen, the Mursaat Token achievement in Ember Bay, Cin Business in Lake Doric, and Zinn's recorders in Draconis Mons. Each gives you a consumer gizmo -- you combine all four in the Mystic Forge to get a much more convenient consumer that can do what all of them do, while using mats straight from the bank. It also sells an item that unlocks all the LS3 collections for Aurora.

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