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Will I have to buy more than 2 expansions to experience whole content in GW2? New player.


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> @"hash.6287" said:

> > @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > Is it that you cannot afford it (which is not an issue and understandable for many of us) or that you don't want to spend anything past that in cash? If you have a ton of time gold to gems is ok, if you don't though it sure is nice to have more bank space character slots and other stuff out of the shop without having to farm hour after hour to get it. Wait on your bag slots and bank stuff until sales occur and they do from what I have seen a couple times a year. if nothing save your gold and convert slowly and save up gems until a sale and use fewer :)


> It is more about that I don't like to spend on game more than I need. For example in MOBAs I buy only heroes/champions for money, never skins or mounts.


> It is just weird from my perspective that even if I buy expansions I am still restricted from some content like easier access to ascended trinkets, accessories or farming locations because I wasn't here when this(LWS) stuff was free.


> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > A lot of achievements and the legendary item are linked to Living World maps. You will probably not need them right away but you will probably want them on the long run for the full GW2 experience. The Living World maps are quite good, so you probably want this content in the long run, at least if you find the time to actually play it. :)

> >

> > Some non-content purchases will make your life a lot easier, like some bag slots and bank tabs to expand your storage options. So, yes, this will cost you some extra money, but in comparison with some other MMO's you will save yourself a monthly subscription fee.


> Another restriction just because I don't own LWS maps? Oof.


Only for gen 2 legendarys you need ls, for gen 1 you only need the core game maps

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I think nobody has mentioned this, but you can only play Raids if you have HoT, Raids are literally the hardest and most lucrative PVE content, but take in consideration that for playing that content you need to actually have enough experience with combat mechanics and with your own class, and even follow the metagame.


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