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Revenant Elite - Dervish

Game of Bones.8975

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I have a concept for a dervish like rev e-spec.

I posted it under some threads.

Weapon of choice: GS

"Legend" / Class mechanic : Legendary Avatar Razzah

Utilities: Glyphs


F3: Utilize the Power of the Legendary Mist-Being Razzah to transform into your Legend of Choice to gain new abbilities.


The F3 gives you new "Legendary Avatar" weapon skills that depend on your utility Legend.

Each legend gets a different set.

F3 accounts as a legendswap so it refills your energy but it does not change your utilities, only your weaponskills.


You can legendswap during the Channel of Razzahs power, it will just swap all abbilities at once. Idk if it should be a low cost upkeep or a permanent thing like soulbeast beastmode.

F3 skills are not stronger than normal weaponskills but provide additional roles and flexibility, like ranged attacks for shiro, melee CC for Jalis or more condi transfer on mallyx etc.

So its basically just even more a jack of all trades but with better energy management and control.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Weapon of choice: GS


I'm telling you, if revenant ever gets an elite specialization that allows them to use a greatsword, every single player would use the legendary greatsword Twilight. The revenant fits the theme of Twilight perfectly, unlike the warrior and the guardian.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Weapon of choice: GS


> I'm telling you, if revenant ever gets an elite specialization that allows them to use a greatsword, every single player would use the legendary greatsword Twilight. The revenant fits the theme of Twilight perfectly, unlike the warrior and the guardian.


Jepp. Everyone that has Twilight that is.

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I honestly see Dervish being an elementalist elite, if anything.

-Light armour, like the dervish

-Lets you swap between elements, like the dervish (sort of) did


Of course, could just give an F3 that lets you cycle between element types as the revenant... Be interesting if they brought back the 'lose a buff to get a buff' system, but the scrapper is currently doing "Get a boon, but it's not a boon so it's not removed" thing so 'eh'.

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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> I honestly see Dervish being an elementalist elite, if anything.

> -Light armour, like the dervish

> -Lets you swap between elements, like the dervish (sort of) did


> Of course, could just give an F3 that lets you cycle between element types as the revenant... Be interesting if they brought back the 'lose a buff to get a buff' system, but the scrapper is currently doing "Get a boon, but it's not a boon so it's not removed" thing so 'eh'.


Huh? Dervish was a medium armor profession and was centered around enchantment management, not element switching. The most difficult thing to display about a Dervish elite would be it's connection to all the different god aspects. Personally, I would do something like God-Glyphs with an F3 on a long cooldown that acted as a transform based on a given glyph. I.E. The skill bar would look like the following:




1-5 Weapon skills, 6: Glyph of Dwayna 7: Glyph of Lyssa 8: Glyph of Kormir 9: Glyph of Melandru 10: Glyph of Grenth


Instead of being instant effects, the Glyphs would apply some sort of effect or change to how the Revenant plays, and if the F3 is used while one of these effects is active, they transform into the Avatar of that god. The Sixth god being undocumented, my thought was that the 'Base' f3 would be the War God Avatar without a direct Glyph attached to it.

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I might be fuzzy on the armour type (just launched gw1 and it is medium) but my point is with the devish you had various enchantments that were air/earth/holy+fire/ice related. If Dervish was brought back as an elemetnalist elite, you could have a set of utilities that change with the elemental type (a la their glyphs) and the elite would be... I want to say the avatars avatar but with one of the gods trying to lollercaust the world because they're a selfish (censored) and four races that are at best neutral to human gods, I don't see that happening.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> dervish's theme would need tweeking (because you can't just put human gods on a charr) and from what i've seen the simplest thing would be to turn it into an ele spec.

Revenant is literally a race-neutral dervish already in that respect, with the human gods replaced by an assortment of diverse legendary figures.

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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> I honestly see Dervish being an elementalist elite, if anything.

> -Light armour, like the dervish

> -Lets you swap between elements, like the dervish (sort of) did


> Of course, could just give an F3 that lets you cycle between element types as the revenant... Be interesting if they brought back the 'lose a buff to get a buff' system, but the scrapper is currently doing "Get a boon, but it's not a boon so it's not removed" thing so 'eh'.


The bonus effects on removing enchantments is pretty much spellbreaker.

What i rather want to see is a control spec that applies conditions with bonus debuff if the condition gets removed, also similar to some dervish skills.


But id say this mechanic shouldnt be put on rev. On ele it would be interesting , just fue to the fact that ele hasn't got a control spec and a boon and condition controlling spec would be cool IMO.


The avatar theme of dervish though could easily be implemented into legends as i suggested previously.

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My original reasonings for thinking that the Dervish would fit into the Revenant slot best;


* I don't see new professions being added any time soon (if ever with GW2)

* the Dervish in GW1 was a tank (fighter class)

* it channeled the gods (avatars) from beyond (the mists)

* historically the Dervish are on the path to seek enlightenment

* they are not tied to a single weapon (can use any in their dance)


Adding all these things up makes the Dervish as a Revenant elite of all the given professions.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> The bonus effects on removing enchantments is pretty much spellbreaker.


You misunderstand. Mechanically in GW1 the Dervish puts on Enchantments (think boons) that give them bonuses. Almost all of them also have an effect when they end (eg, aoe cripple) and the Devish has many skills (especially attack skills) that will deliberately remove an enchantment from themselves. Doing so also boosts the (in this case) attack skill's performance by doing extra damage or the like. The Spellbreaker is designed to pull down a target's buffs. A Dervish deliberately sacrifices them for a reward.


Could the dervish work as a Revenant elite? Sure, Mehlonni's Sunspear Stance could work thematically and with a bit of jiggling, mechanically too. I just think 'out of the box' the Dervish slots into the elementalist more easily.


Regardless, if it did happen the Scythe's big thing in GW1 was the ability to cleave up to 3 foes a swing in a game where auto attacks and most skills only hit one target. I hope the scythe in gw2 could cleave up to 5 targets!

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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > The bonus effects on removing enchantments is pretty much spellbreaker.


> You misunderstand. Mechanically in GW1 the Dervish puts on Enchantments (think boons) that give them bonuses. Almost all of them also have an effect when they end (eg, aoe cripple) and the Devish has many skills (especially attack skills) that will deliberately remove an enchantment from themselves. Doing so also boosts the (in this case) attack skill's performance by doing extra damage or the like. The Spellbreaker is designed to pull down a target's defences. A Dervish deliberately sacrifices them for a reward.


> Could the dervish work as a Revenant elite? Sure, Mehlonni's Sunspear Stance could work thematically and with a bit of jiggling, mechanically too. I just think 'out of the box' the Dervish slots into the elementalist more easily.


> Regardless, if it did happen the Scythe's big thing in GW1 was the ability to cleave up to 3 foes a swing in a game where auto attacks and most skills only hit one target. I hope the scythe in gw2 could cleave up to 5 targets!


Spellbreaker had bonusses for overall boon removal in its traits. They get bonus dmg when removing boons. Also from self removal. I have to admit it could have been more fleshed out and give warriors more active bonusses like dealing area dmg when removing a boon or get dome of their CD reset etc.

Sbreaker does not needed atm for sure but the overall flavour would be nice.

The boonremoval aspect of the e-spect is definetly dervished inspired, its shallow, but the base idea is for sure somewhat of dervish/Mesmerish idea.



I think giving bonusses to a class everytime they lose a certain boon would be a bit ridiculous just because boons are much more prevalent than in gw1.


For rev:

Something that works like stances would have been interesting.

Like a stance that gives boons depending on legend and is an upkeep. And you get bonusses if boons are removed duribg this upkeep.

And also the opposite with conditions would be funny. Like removing an applied condition punishes your target with some bonus effect.

Sure it would feel like something novel and would peobably the first profession i would play regurarly in PvP if it would work this way.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Spellbreaker had bonusses for overall boon removal in its traits.

For removing enemy boons. Necromancer has that too with some skills and traits such as Spinal Shivers. Dervish's 'gimmick' was/is deliberately giving up your own buffs yourself for an effect beyond 'a bit more damage' which the Spellbreaker usually gets and because of that many of the dervish's own abilities had delayed effects on their stuff.





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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Spellbreaker had bonusses for overall boon removal in its traits.

> For removing enemy boons. Necromancer has that too with some skills and traits such as Spinal Shivers. Dervish's 'gimmick' was/is deliberately giving up your own buffs yourself for an effect beyond 'a bit more damage' which the Spellbreaker usually gets and because of that many of the dervish's own abilities had delayed effects on their stuff.

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Aura_of_Thorns

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dust_Cloak

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Pious_Haste

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Sweep


If you remove your own boons with the heal skill it will trigger attackers insight.

So it also accounts for your own boons as long as you remove them.

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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Spellbreaker had bonusses for overall boon removal in its traits.

> For removing enemy boons. Necromancer has that too with some skills and traits such as Spinal Shivers. Dervish's 'gimmick' was/is deliberately giving up your own buffs yourself for an effect beyond 'a bit more damage' which the Spellbreaker usually gets and because of that many of the dervish's own abilities had delayed effects on their stuff.

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Aura_of_Thorns

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dust_Cloak

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Pious_Haste

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Sweep


If I recall the abilities and traits that the spell breaker uses are from the Dervish. It’s provably the Dervish in a revised form.







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