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[Suggestion] Zone based "pause" for consumable timers (similar to mount/glider disable around JPs)

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Consumables (food, enhancements, boosters, etc) always tick down time everywhere unless you exit the game.



For longer duration consumables (ie 1 hour or longer) this incentivises exiting the game rather than "wasting time" using the TP, chatting or idling in game while taking a break. While in game there is pressure to make the most of every second, which for longer duration consumables is unhealthy (particularly given consumables would mostly be used in intense activites to maximise their use - ie instanced pve or wvw) compared with short duration consumables where there is the possibility for a break in game usually every 20-30 mins.

During gameplay it may be such that after half an hour a player wants to sit in LA, City or Lounge and chat with other players, manage their inventory, craft etc - but all this time the timer is ticking so the player would be better off closing the game while taking a break from whatever intense gameplay that required consumables.


Proposed solution:

Zone based "pause", similar to the mechanic that disables gliders and mounts in jumping puzzles. The idea is there could be zones in key areas that allow players to "take a break" in game while pausing any consumables timers. The timers would recommence immediately upon exiting these zones, exactly how gliders and mounts are re-enabled upon leaving the vicinity of a jumping puzzle. This could appear in the form of an effect icon on the status bar with some name.

The zones I have in mind are:

- All Lounges (mistlock, lava, airship, royal terrace, elon...)

- The area surrounding all crafting stations, bank, TP and mystic forge in all major cities (and the fractal gate south in Lion's Arch, as well as the gate area in LA to all major cities)

- Fractal lobby

- Heart of the Mists (not that it makes much difference here, but there's no reason why they should tick down here either)

- Raid lobby (people who play raids can suggest other areas here, I have never stepped into a raid so not sure exactly which areas would be suitable)

- The immediate area outside of dungeon entrances


I did not include home instances for the reason of boosters used for gathering, which should tick down there. I also did not include any wvw areas because it would have a negative effect with idle players wasting map slots.


The city areas would have to be very specific and carefully sectioned rather than the whole map, because things like story happen there and consumables should tick down in story. So really only surrounding the crafting areas, bank, TP, mystic forge and gates to LA.


This would allow players to "take breaks" in game without fear/pressure of wasting long duration consumables (ie primers or various boosters, etc), instead of pressured to immediately exit the game once finished with an intense activity requiring consumables.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Can't you use another character (different from the one you have consumables on) for things like using TP and chatting?


I didn't know this was a thing so thank you (I have one character only, no alts), that is a possibility, although I believe the above method would be more convenient if it were implemented as it would make it smoother rather than having to exit to character select, and also be able to make use of crafting, stuff in that character's inventory, as well as adjusting things like fashion etc on the same character.

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Well... consider the main point of long duration boosts and bonuses are either for convenience or marathoning an activity, NOT efficiency. Boosters are also way over valued for what they are, in any instance where RNG is a major factor. Same goes for Food. Which is why most people go with either Cost efficient food, Feasts for large groups, or saving the expensive stuff for Min/Max scenarios (like PvE/WvW Raids).


Food in particular is meant to be an on-going cost, and boosters have a secondary motive of keeping you active for the whole duration, rather then stalling for opportunity. The latter case sounds stupid, but players will abuse any advantage they can think of.... even if it disrupts everything else. To properly take advantage of boosters, you should be either proactive or forward thinking; NOT Opportunistic.

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