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Game Crash & Disconnection Issues [merged]

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After the last -big- update my game has been crashing randomly... Here is the first part of the crashing log thingy


*--> Crash <--*

Exception: c0000005

Memory at address 00000000`00000100 could not be read

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 3780


BaseAddr: 000000013F460000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 91694

When: 2018-08-11T17:42:50Z 2018-08-11T13:42:50-04:00

Uptime: 0 days 0:05:23

Flags: 0

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I just installed and returned to the game yesterday. The game keeps crashing on me and it happens as fast as every couple minutes. It just goes to the desktop and there is nothing open. No launcher or error message, just the desktop as if nothing is being used. What is causing this and how do I fix it? It is unplayable at this point. Thanks.

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Everything started at yesterdays evening. I was playing game and boom. Game shuted down and i see desktop. No crash information or something. From there i have this all the time. It is impossible to play with this. Sometimes its 30 minutes after i launch game, sometimes 30 seconds. Somewhere i saw information about windowed fullscreen displaying but that didint help me. Anyone has answer for that? Otherwise I can't play.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

**This thread does not in any way replace a ticket that you may wish to submit to our Customer Support Team. Please do feel free to submit a ticket for crash or disconnection issues, choosing Technical Support as the prompt. Providing the information listed below would be very helpful.**


From a forum perspective, I'd like to be a little more organized about these reports and merge them into this one main thread, to aid our team is reviewing such issues.


A lot of times, crashing and disconnection issues are individual issues, such as a problem with an ISP, a regional "Internet backbone" issues, or things of that sort. But sometimes they point to a game issue. And in either case, we would like to know about them to see what we can do to correct them. Therefore, I've started this thread and will merge the threads of players experiencing crash and disconnection issues -- even if they may be different in cause or description -- in order to create a thread that is super helpful and efficient for the devs to review. The merged thread will give them a single place to check on crash and diconnection issues, review your Game Advisor data, and so forth.


So please post here if you have a crash issue, and remember that sharing some additional information would be very helpful:

* Date and time of crash

* Your general location (state, country, etc.)

* Whether you're on a NA or EU world

* Error code you received, if any, when you crashed

* Your Game Advisor info, if you have run the program


Thank you.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> The -repair command should fix this, I normally get the c0000005 error after the game has been patched, ( rarely mind you ) or if i somehow manage to get a broken texture ingame ( the pink box one ) and the -repair command fixes it everytime.


I have actually done repair around 4 times (the game asked me twice to check if there were problems) the problem was gone for a while but after yesterday fixes it started crashing again.

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Exact same story here. I left the game after living world season 2, just recently came back and started playing through the expansions. I get disconnected with error code 7:11:3:191:101, on average, once per instance. I got through HoT and season 3, and I'm most of the way through PoF, but it's just not fun anymore; It feels like a chore when I know I'm probably going to have to do it over again anyway.




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Just occurred again in To Kill a God. Kill the boss, get a cutscene, booted out to character select with 7:11:3:191:101.


Because Beast of War flows into this one, I am now stuck; unable to get to the To kill a God instance because the gate (that was open in the instance) is closed, and I was left at the place where Beast of War begins.

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Still blocked. In the week since I filed a ticket, I have been given a total of one suggestion from support to solve this problem, and that suggestion was stupid: change the game to windowed mode. Tried it anyway, and that's the attempt that got me stuck.


Maybe I just need to seek a refund for PoF; I can't play it because of this bug that ANet refuses to do anything about, so what did I pay for?

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> @"Puddles.6385" said:

> I'm having a hard time understanding how this thread can go completely untouched by the devs for almost a year. What is the point of even having a tech support forum if no one at Anet is even listening?


Well, I feel your Pain...the frustration is real.

Up above in the January dates 2018, there is some discussion alternatives offered but, afraid seems complicated to do for me.

Will be rereading those.

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I was plagued with this problem too. Tried 5 times to complete Victory or Death. Something I read in one of the forums got me thinking and I changed one setting that seems to have helped. I'm not going to guarantee it will work and requires more testing to be confident... but I was able to complete 2 story quests where I'd disconnected repeatedly and my wife also finished one she'd tried 3 times.


Options > General > Streaming > Content Streaming >> change to "On Demand"


The setting was set to 'Idle'. Something someone said in a forum post regarding the disconnects seeming to come during transitions from cutscene to non-cutscene made me think that perhaps the game was trying to get some piece of content and since the download setting was set to Idle, it was waiting for the connection to be Idle. After waiting a period of time, it failed out the download which caused it to lose the instance. By setting it to On Demand, it allows the game to download that content when needed. This is totally just a theory, but has been working for me so far. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.

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> @"Valdacil.5367" said:

> I was plagued with this problem too. Tried 5 times to complete Victory or Death. Something I read in one of the forums got me thinking and I changed one setting that seems to have helped. I'm not going to guarantee it will work and requires more testing to be confident... but I was able to complete 2 story quests where I'd disconnected repeatedly and my wife also finished one she'd tried 3 times.


> Options > General > Streaming > Content Streaming >> change to "On Demand"


> The setting was set to 'Idle'. Something someone said in a forum post regarding the disconnects seeming to come during transitions from cutscene to non-cutscene made me think that perhaps the game was trying to get some piece of content and since the download setting was set to Idle, it was waiting for the connection to be Idle. After waiting a period of time, it failed out the download which caused it to lose the instance. By setting it to On Demand, it allows the game to download that content when needed. This is totally just a theory, but has been working for me so far. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.


Funny enough, this is the exact same as the most recent suggestion I got from support. Unfortunately, I can't tell if it worked because I still can't get to the entrance of the To Kill a God instance.

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I finally had this issue resolved and it was not an issue with the game or my computer, it was the modem that I had from the cable company. Even though I had had several tech's out to fix the packet loss issue, I finally got one that looked at the modem and said that the modem was obsolete for almost 4 years. He replaced the modem a few months back and I've not had any disconnects due to packet loss since he did.


If you' haven't replaced the modem in the last year or so (especially if it's a cable company provided modem), it may be the issue. I know that's not going to be the case for everyone but it fixed the issue for me.

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After 2 days of waiting to hear back from support on this issue, I ended up using a Teleport to Friend to a friend with a Griffon to get to the entrance.


I got through the instance without disconnecting this time by skipping both post-fight cutscenes as quickly as possible. Then, I had to go find the cutscenes on youtube to see what happened. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder for this bug while trying to play through the story; what a terrible way to have to play the game.



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