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Game Crash & Disconnection Issues [merged]

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Just found a similar thread in the Bugs section and commented there as well. I'm running the program with compatability set to Windows 8 now and also turned the computer power saving setting off. Its stopped crashing (hopefully) but I have brief freezes instead.


Relevant stats: i7 CPU 960@3.20 GHz, Windows 10 Home v. 1703, GTX 1060 6GB, 12 GB RAM, x64 system, Windows and Nvida patched to the latest versions. The hard drive is a 256 GB SSD.


With that set up I don't think I should be getting the freezes, crashes or fps I get. I'm not sure where the problem lies - I patched to the latest Nvidia driver after this started so I don't think that is the culprit but I could be wrong. I checked my history and I did have a number of Windows patches recently around the time the problems started.

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If you guys expect help, you need to provide your system specs like Arrow did, because people aren't psychic, you know? ;)


@"Arrow.4619" : Use Google to see which Windows X "features" you urgently should [uninstall](https://www.google.com/search?q=which+windows+10+features+to+turn+off "uninstall") or [disable](https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+10+unnecessary+services "disable"), as Windows X installs a lot of crap nobody needs that is clogging your system's performance and can lead to a variety of problems (especially in gaming, like the Xbox app's DVR for instance). Then google to see what [performance problems](https://www.google.com/search?q=ssd+performance+issue "performance problems") could possibly derive from using a SSD (I don't have one, so I can't help you with that, but know that there are known issues).

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I've avoided the Creators update and still get the freezes, so that's not it. I am able to close it without restarting but it's a royal pain. (Shift-Alt-Del) Task Manager and then when it's on the Processes tab, tab down to the Guild Wars entry and hit the delete key. That closes it so I don't have to reboot. Maybe with the Creators update you're not able to do this, I don't know, but the freezes still happen. It never comes out of the freeze. It's only the game; nothing else is affected.

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From my observations:

1. Windows Fall Creator Edition have nothing in common with the problem. I had freezes before update, then patched Windows and still have the same issue.

2. A little workaround for these occasional freezes (not crashes) [may refer to mount using anyhow]: try to play in Windowed fullscreen. You will get crash window (Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read) instead of hard game freeze where only reset helps.

3. Something totally different are freezes which last for around 20-30 seconds. These are the effects of resetting SSD drive (you can check it at Administrative Tools->Event Viewer). These issues have started to occur over a year ago with Anniversary Update and have never been 100% patched. You can try to fix it by changing power settings (although this haven't help me).

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> @foxyroxy.9521 said:

> I've avoided the Creators update and still get the freezes, so that's not it. I am able to close it without restarting but it's a royal pain. (Shift-Alt-Del) Task Manager and then when it's on the Processes tab, tab down to the Guild Wars entry and hit the delete key. That closes it so I don't have to reboot. Maybe with the Creators update you're not able to do this, I don't know, but the freezes still happen. It never comes out of the freeze. It's only the game; nothing else is affected.


> @Arrow.4619 said:

> Relevant stats: i7 CPU 960@3.20 GHz, Windows 10 Home v. 1703, GTX 1060 6GB, 12 GB RAM, x64 system, Windows and Nvida patched to the latest versions. The hard drive is a 256 GB SSD.


Neither of these 2 systems are running the W10 Fall Creators Update. So this problem/solution might be Anet's? Not sure if that's good or bad news. For me the freezes started around the second week of November and for what it's worth sometime after I got the griffon mount. It's pretty much the only mount I use now. Is it a mount issue? idk.


Maybe the problem lies with Anet's server location move to Amazon and east coast... idk.


> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> If you guys expect help, you need to provide your system specs like Arrow did, because people aren't psychic, you know? ;)


Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.40GHz w/ huge Noctua heatsink

2x Asus GTX 660 sli driver: 388.31

Windows 10 Home x64 v. 1709

8 GB DDR3 RAM (Corsair Vengeance)

Samsung 850 evo SSD

Asus P8P67 WS Revolution motherboard

Seasonic 750W PS

Silverstone Raven 2 Evolution case

64-bit Gw2 game client

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Been having the same issue. Never happened before Halloween event and was fine during. Seems like after this time I started experiencing frequent crashes. Always have to Ctrl Alt Delete and when I get back in there has been a few times where I freeze up right away again within just a few minutes.

Never had issues with freezing in the past and have also noticed the stuttering described here.

Have uninstalled/reinstalled game and run repair.

I have a system that was custom built for the game and is used for nothing else.

Hopefully this issue will be looked in to and resolved in the near future. Thanks.

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> @"Baby Cakes.1539" said:

> Been having the same issue. Never happened before Halloween event and was fine during. Seems like after this time I started experiencing frequent crashes. Always have to Ctrl Alt Delete and when I get back in there has been a few times where I freeze up right away again within just a few minutes.

> Never had issues with freezing in the past and have also noticed the stuttering described here.


Exactly. The November 7th update seems to be the likely cause of these problems. Before it I was fine. After, freezes and stuttering.

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Came back after playing the game years ago, bought both expansions, 6k gems and played through them. Frustrating to have to redo many of the missions but ended up completing them.

However i then tried to go back and finish the original Personal story, and despite trying over a dozen times the game just will not allow me to finish, disconnects (99% of the time at the same point, just before you board the last airship). It should be noted i do not encounter any disconnect in open world whatsoever.


**Things i have tried**:

-Repairing Client

-Reinstalling twice (hell even the uninstall was bugged)

-Using Certain ports

-Lowering GFX settings to minimum

-Skipping Cutscenes

-Actively pressing buttons during Cutscenes

-Trying to move far away from npcs before a cutscene starts

-Windows mode, full screen mode

-Updating GFX drivers

-Grouped up with someone having similar issue, they disconnected a cpl times but then i ofc got cut of at the same point as usual, he/she was able to go on and finish.

-Probably others that i know have forgotten to list


I am actually livid at this company, after so many years to have no save points in instanced content is beyond moronic. Every time i want to test i have to play 30m+ of the same garbage only for the same issue to happen. Had i known after all this time the game was in this state i may have re-evaluated on spending money on the expansions and gems. The sad things is, i feel each expansion i played through added to what in my opinion was originally a fairly mediocre game at best, to one i was really enjoying.


So please can someone from ArenaNet look into this, maybe check my account to see if there is a weird bug after you updated the missions in "My Personal Story" or if anyone else has any other suggestion. I have searched on the net, and it seems many people have had similar dating back years which is even more disheartening to see it not resolved.


Thank you, save my sanity please!




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Put in a ticket. I am having the same issue and I agree as this is nothing but frustrating to play through an instance and have the game crash in the cut scene or just as you are waiting for the rewards. I am doing a fresh install then running the program they asked me to run while I play. This seems to have cropped up since they moved the servers as I have never had an issue before the last two weeks or so. If I can't get it resolved I will have to go back to another game as I hate wasting my game time to have all progress reset for a something on their end.

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> @Emberwind.5976 said:

> Put in a ticket. I am having the same issue and I agree as this is nothing but frustrating to play through an instance and have the game crash in the cut scene or just as you are waiting for the rewards. I am doing a fresh install then running the program they asked me to run while I play. This seems to have cropped up since they moved the servers as I have never had an issue before the last two weeks or so. If I can't get it resolved I will have to go back to another game as I hate wasting my game time to have all progress reset for a something on their end.


Appreciate you commenting, gives it more chance that they will see this issue is effecting a bunch of people. I only came back a few weeks ago so no idea if this is an old problem that has resurfaced or longstanding. I agree, i bought gems to buy the old Living Stories, but now i fear they or any future expansion will have something similar happen :(

I have put in a couple of tickets, but they do state they don't respond to you personally, as far as i am aware there is no point of contact like other mmos, which makes it feel even more searching in the dark for a solution.


Which program did they ask you to run?


With all that said i hope it can be sorted, the latest expansion has made the game so much more fun then it ever was, so at least kudos for that. Hope they add save points to future content, and for instances not to close the moment you go offline.

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Crashed again tonight, ended up dumping me out of a successful Dragonstand before I'd even started hacking away with the machetes. :( This still happened after I turned off multiple apps running in the background (thanks to Ashantara for that suggestion) and had the power set to not sleep/always on and was running it as an Administrator. The only common denominator I've found (I THINK) is that I'm on a mount when it happens (could be wrong about that though).

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I posted earlier in the thread about frequent crashes and it turned out that my graphics card waand defective.


Originally I thought the problem is either with GW2 or the windows 10 updates but after I tried to run other games and also getting crashes from those, I knew it had to be a hardware issue.


If you guys haven't done this yet, try launching other games and see if you are still getting crashes.

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Same here, last few weeks sudden freezes, sometimes after minutes online, sometimes after 8-9 hours

Only option is to Log Off user in Win10 and relog

If lucky I have excel open in background and when it asks if I want to log off anyway I can cancel and only gw2 is shut down, and I can continue/restart gw2


No reports in eventvwr



I7-6700 GTX1070 16Gb, was working fine, never had this issue till some weeks ago

drivers up to date


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Also facing this issue, same as the reports other people have posted, don't think it's a hardware issue as everything is perfectly fine in all other games. People have suggested it being a windows update but there was a new windows update today and I got the same crash today as before the update so I'm thinking it's something within the game.


The crashes are super inconsistent, but I have never crashed in WvW or Spvp, honestly have found myself crashing most when running around lions arch or in the general PVE world. (I originally though it was to do with the volume of players in Lions Arch causing it but I've run around it far bigger zergs in WvW and no crashes there and other people are having exactly the same issues) Also found a few crashes occur when clicking on certain things such as something within the LFG tool for example.


The crash is the same as others posted starting with this.

--> Crash <--

Exception: c0000005

Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read

App: Gw2-64.exe


I've run Memtest and everything checks out and as I said before, it's only happening in this game.


Specs are i7 5820k, 16gb RAM, 980ti.


Super weird issue, hoping it can be fixed in a future patch as more people seem to be coming forward with the issue, I've had it for a few weeks now I think it started around the Halloween update.


Just a thought but reading through the thread most people seem to be using an Nvidia card, could it be a driver update causing this maybe

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I am not using Windows 10.

Just for more info: I crash 2-3 times during 4-5 hours of play on average and in between, during events particularly, things are choppy and my character does odd things like turn around backward in the middle of a fight due to "catches" in the flow of game play. Mouse cursor wont grab the screen if I happen to click to turn unless I repeat 2 or more times.

I've noticed as well that several of my crashes have happened when I'm around people mounting and dismounting that have the new skin graphics and during events where people are mounting and dismounting to run from chest to chest. Very rarely in towns unless there are a lot of people around me. I thought at first it could have been the new mount skins incorporation. Not so sure now.

Sadly, losing the desire to play because I spend so much time dirt napping as a result.




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I am also getting daily freezing. The screen locks up but music still plays. I have to use Ctrl+Alt+Del and sign out to force quit the client, since it won't minimize so I can use the Task Manager. It has only started in the past week or so. I have tried repairing the client and deleting the Local.dat cache. My DxDiag is in the link.



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> @HyperLooser.2698 said:

> Happening now very often with the LWS4 update, out of nowhere. WIN10 and nvidia gpu here.


i have the same, also w10 and nvidia card. before i had sometimes 100+ fps in zones and high graphics. on big boss fights 30 fps all graphics max.

so pc is fine but today game freeze 3 times. wtf is going on here. i got problems since ls4.

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