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Game Crash & Disconnection Issues [merged]

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I have also been experiencing the game suddenly freezing and having to hard reboot it to get it to stop. Fortunately, I have not been doing anything important in game when it freezes like other people. I think it might be mount related as well. Usually it happens when I am on a mount or about to mount. However, I do spend a lot of time on my mount, so the chances of it occurring while on my mount are high. I got bored with gw2 for a while and only recently started playing again for about 2 weeks. I got a new gaming laptop and wanted to see how it would handle games. Initially I was worried it was my new laptop not performing but it does not crash in anything else that I have done thus far. I have a i7-7700hq, 16gb ram, gtx 1060. I am running the game on full graphics with a low ping and a normal fps in the 80s.

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Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Not that I'm minimizing the frustration this causes (probably at least another 50 or 100 experience it for every person who has bothered posting), but I was starting to wonder how I could diagnose this seemingly random problem with my PC.


From other posts, I now know that my PC is entirely blameless and Windows 10 is also blameless. It doesn't seem to matter which operating system or what build of PC you're using, since the problem only became apparent after GW2's Halloween update.


So now that we've eliminated our PCs and our operating systems as being the source of the problem, there seems to be only one source left. Please sort it out Arenanet, or you'll lose players, players that might spend cash for gems.

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Installed the Windows Creator Update today. No problems running GW2 before the update. Now, the start screen and area maps flicker, and the frame rate is so minimal it feels the game itself is stuttering. If this is the new normal, I'm definitely bummed. Wondering if all the talk about optimizing Windows for gaming has backfired?

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I have a fresh inside into this problem since i bought new computer in friday 12.1. ( amd ryzen 3, nvidia GTX1050Ti, 8gb ram) That day installed just windows and from cd graphics drivers and copied gw2 from external hard to test graphics etc.. played 1 hour on max settings, all great no freezes. Saturday 12.3. updated windows and only 1 out of 4 windows creator update privacy settings installed successfully 3 of them failed! and now after update i experience this freezes randomly but game normalizes itself after 10-20 sec don't have to force shutdown, but its really frustrating since its new computer, everything should run smoothly.

So mi first guess is windows creator too, second maybe nvidia update since i updated that too but it is update from 27.10. nvidia display and i doubt that is the problem and third first freezes i encounter was around halloween too but on my laptop and after 4 force shutdowns that laptop is dead now i supposed its because it was old but now im not so sure about that. question is wondows creator or halloween update

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So far, since November, 10th, because my collection of


_Exception: c0000005

Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read_


(That ONLY have been happening when I run HoT metas, I run Silverwastes squad chests farming and today I got my first crash running Palawadan event. So basically: many people around = crashes)


I ran 2 memory tests (Windows Memory Diagnostic tool and MemTest86): nothing wrong with my computer RAM in both tests.


I already formatted my computer 3 times. On the 2nd time I tried the Creators Edition (build 1703) with Nvidia Drivers (385.28) from August, 14th and I still kept crashing on the HoT metas and SW.


So for me, my crashes have nothing to Windows 10 version and/or Nvidia driver version. My guess still remains about something that might be (re)placed in the game in one of the post Halloween event patches or even in the Halloween patch.

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Additional data: On game loading startup I get a lockout similar to when the game freezes. Eventually the game loads and I can play and drop out to Windows etc.


I've updated my Nvidia driver to 388.43. That update partially cured the no mount on load-in problem (where you could ride off underground without the mount and the camera stays stationary). No the mount still lags on appearing but you can move, the camera follows and eventually the mount appears.


BTW - Istan is awful to play on. I've never had meta events bog down so hard that I cannot really see or do anything. Incredibly choppy lag and massive frame rate hits seem to be the norm. I've found the only way I can do the meta events is to set the graphics to best performance. Game looks crappy but at least I can play.

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I am having same problem too I noticed it started around the time I updated windows 10. I thought it was mount relatesd too because it always happened on a mount, usually raptor and usually mid long jump. However the last 2 times I have froze I have not been on a mount and the last time I was just standing in timberline falls waiting for Anomoly to spawn. Also the last time i was not able to log back in after signing out and back into windows. I got the error that client lost connection with the server. I had my alt account up on my laptop and it showed me going online and offline several times when I tried and then I just had to restart the whole computer to get back in. Very frustrating!

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I uninstalled/reinstalled the game again and double checked the drivers. Nvidia came out with an update just 3 days after my last post and I installed that as well. So far I Have not frozen and have crashed only once in the past few days. This time it came up with an option to send a report to ANet. (never did before) I still get occasional catches in game play but nothing like before. Also as a note, previously when I watched people mount the graphic was a checkerboard for a second before it would load. (new skins). Hopefully those with Nvidia have installed the new update for the driver and find a solution as well. Best of luck to those of you who are still struggling. I know how frustrating it is. Thanks for listening to my rants and for all the input from those who offered their help. Happy journeys! =)

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Add me to the list of people suffering this freezing and crashing issue since after Halloween. Played the game flawlessly for a year before that on the same system i7 6700K, 32GB, Win10 Home, nVidia GTX 1080.


- I've crashed just like others have described, where the whole game freezes and there's nothing to do but to ctrl-alt-del and sign out to make W10 kill the game.

- I've also experienced it mostly in heavily populated areas, and usually where a lot of people are mounting up (tequatl, karka queen, ls4 zone etc).

- It started with just a few crashes a week initially, growing worse with time, and today I had three crashes in less than two hours.


I'm also suspecting the new mount skins, the more people getting these "hollow star filled" birds everyone is after (can't remember the name) and the other "special" ones, the more crashes. If you've been playing Gw2 for some time, you may remember a skin added to the gem store a few years ago that made everyone crash if they looked at it. Along with the bone errors and the game trying to read memory at ffff ffff, it sure does look like something that's Gw2-related, not Windows 10 / nvidia driver related.


Any chance we can get a response from Anet on this?

It's been going on for a fair while now and like someone said, it's disheartening to logon when you know you're going to crash.

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> @darksome.1697 said:

> I'm also suspecting the new mount skins, the more people getting these "hollow star filled" birds everyone is after (can't remember the name) and the other "special" ones, the more crashes. If you've been playing Gw2 for some time, you may remember a skin added to the gem store a few years ago that made everyone crash if they looked at it. Along with the bone errors and the game trying to read memory at ffff ffff, it sure does look like something that's Gw2-related, not Windows 10 / nvidia driver related.


That is a really good clue.

As i am playing since january/2017, I didn't know this skin issue.



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I noticed something was up when I started lagging on my Raptor about 2 weeks ago. I'd be in mid air for a few seconds, still be able to move around like Wonder Woman riding in her invisible jet or something. Then the screen would quickly pan into where I was presently and load the mount properly... only to flippin crash during a boss fight (which I noticed someone commenting earlier that more people = more problems) but before this started happening, the game was fine, the bosses were fine, the mass of people on my screen were fine, the mounting was fine... shit was all gravy, I think Daybreak might have a crapton of bugs too and not to mention this server switch to Amazon crap...


For a month old player that had no issues to suddenly a poopton, this is definitely discouraging and it breaks my little heart when I start thinking that I made a mistake in investing time/effort/money into this game as a whole.

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This started for me about a week to 10 days ago but only once every few days. Same type of crash, music and game sounds still play, no way to alt tab to desktop and must user log out to reset client. As of last night its happening every 10-15 minutes no matter what zone im in or how populated my surroundings are. This has made this game unplayable. Im not even contemplating crafting legendaries or putting any real time or money investments into this game if it remains in this ridiculous state. My rig isnt even a month old, i7 8700k 16g 3200 ram gtx 1080ti. Needless to say it not the rig, this build could run 10 instances of gw2 in 4k at high fps. It's the client in my humble uneducated opinion. Ive tried now changing the setting recommended in this thread, putting ssd to 0, quick start off, and the 2 compatibility options mentioned on page 1. Im about to start [laying now so we shall see if those help. Most, but not all of mine occur when I first mount up on raptor or griffin and im mid lunge or flight on first spacebar press. Also the theory of letting it sit will eventually rebound wont work, It happened at tequatl with 9 minutes left, I just let it sit for 10 minutes frozen and reset client and had rewards from the kill when i relogged, so the game has you still in the fight while frozen for at least 10 minutes.

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Based on a recommendation that its DirectX related, and that Microsoft had actually released a patch to fix problems with DX9 that a previous patch has caused [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963 "https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963"), I ran Windows update and updated to OS Build 162998.98. I guess if I don't comment again on this issue then you can assume this fixed the freezing crash problem.

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> @"Arrow.4619" said:

> Based on a recommendation that its DirectX related, and that Microsoft had actually released a patch to fix problems with DX9 that a previous patch has caused [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963 "https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963"), I ran Windows update and updated to OS Build 162998.98. I guess if I don't comment again on this issue then you can assume this fixed the freezing crash problem.


Hmm "Addressed a performance regression when users run full-screen Microsoft DirectX 9 games and applications."

I guess it's worth a shot, thanks for the heads-up Arrow.


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> @"Arrow.4619" said:

> Based on a recommendation that its DirectX related, and that Microsoft had actually released a patch to fix problems with DX9 that a previous patch has caused [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963 "https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4051963/windows-10-update-kb4051963"), I ran Windows update and updated to OS Build 162998.98. I guess if I don't comment again on this issue then you can assume this fixed the freezing crash problem.


Actually it would be super helpful to give quick shout back after a good session when you know it would have surely frozen to let the many ppl know experiencing this issue that something did indeed work for you. Ive tried every suggestion posted so far and will rersearch this now.

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> @"Neil Holmes.8507" said:

> Every time win 10 updates my drivers I re-install the one I was using and run directx_Jun2010_redist because I find its all about the dx9 compatibility. I'm not clever enough to explain why / how this works but works for me every time and I have seen all the issues listed above. Hope this helps someone


So when you say "the one I was using" what exactly are you talking about? Which driver?

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I don't think it is entirely a nVidia-related issue. I have an MSI R9 390X in my machine, and my son has an R9 270X in his. Both of us are running Windows 10 Pro, 16GB RAM (I have a 500GB SSD for boot and 1TB for storage, his is only a 128GB SSD boot drive, with 1TB storage drive), both using i7 CPUs. We both have experienced the freeze. Mine more often than his, but for both of us we have to do a restart to recover. No other games or apps seem to have issues. We can play other games for hours with no issues, but GW2 gives us freezes. (We can still alt+tab out, but can't kill the game from Task Manager. We have to do a restart to get back into the game...)


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Happening to me as well multiple times a day. Made sure all drivers and such were up to date. Nice to know it isn't just my pc, but something on their end. This is pretty recent, also around when the Halloween event started running. Irritating, as I have to restart computer every time this happens.

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