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Game Crash & Disconnection Issues [merged]

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GW2 is well known to be CPU intensive, but I think it depends greatly on the setup and your settings within GW2. I run it on 4 different machines:


Laptop - i7-Q740 - 8GB RAM - nvidia 445M - HDD (5400rpm) - Windows 10 Home (Has never crashed)

Desktop - i7-2600K - 16GB RAM - nvidia 660 (No factory OC) - HDD (7200rpm) - Windows 10 Ultimate (Has never crashed)

Desktop - i7-3930K - 16GB RAM - nvidia 670SC - SSD - Windows 10 Ultimate (Terrible crashing issues unless I downclock the video card. Hard crash requiring a system hard-boot)

Desktop - i7-7700K - 16GB RAM - nvidia 1080OC - M.2 SSD - Windows 10 Ultimate (Has crashed a couple times, but the type you can log out of Windows with. Started after Halloween for me)


Sitting idle in Crystal Oasis, the laptop (The machine I have in front of me) is using under 50% of the CPU. Try setting your graphics to best performance just to see if it helps, then turn things back up. Is it an old machine? What are your CPU/GPU?


UPDATE: On the laptop, doing the event at Makali Outpost, I spiked at 70% usage, but was averaging closer to 55%.

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> @"Kitty.6219" said:

> Wanna hear something weird? We were doing a map clear with the guild in fireheart rise, and we were about 10 people. 5 people had 2 seconds of freezing at the exact same time, everyone from different parts of the world like in the USA: New York, Alaska, Colorado and from all the way to Argentina, everyone with different rigs, specs and computers. If that's not a server side issue I do not know what it is :L


That actually is the exact definition of "not" a server side issue. You are all connected to the same server and on the same map at the same time. If it would have been a server issue it would have affected everyone in the map, not just 5 people. What you saw was a problem with a node on those players route to the server. Regardless of where they are located each ISP uses different nodes based on their contracts with providers across the globe. As you get closer to the actual server location more people share the same nodes, people who cross oceans usually share the same nodes as well.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"Kitty.6219" said:

> > Wanna hear something weird? We were doing a map clear with the guild in fireheart rise, and we were about 10 people. 5 people had 2 seconds of freezing at the exact same time, everyone from different parts of the world like in the USA: New York, Alaska, Colorado and from all the way to Argentina, everyone with different rigs, specs and computers. If that's not a server side issue I do not know what it is :L


> That actually is the exact definition of "not" a server side issue. You are all connected to the same server and on the same map at the same time. If it would have been a server issue it would have affected everyone in the map, not just 5 people. What you saw was a problem with a node on those players route to the server. Regardless of where they are located each ISP uses different nodes based on their contracts with providers across the globe. As you get closer to the actual server location more people share the same nodes, people who cross oceans usually share the same nodes as well.


My guess is that it's one, or more, of Googles routers having throughput issues since this really wasn't a problem before the move (And before the DDoS attack on Comcast, which started this whole thing). I've recently experienced similar issues during the event at Sebelkeh in Vabbi were large swaths of people would suddenly start lagging and framerates under 10fps (Lasted for about 30s). Last time I did it, not everyone, but a handful of us actually got dismounted and knocked out of the air while gliding down from Market Ruins WP. It may not be ANet's physical server(s) that are having issues, but I'd bet good money on it being a problem with their provider, Google.

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> @"Drxx.3819" said:

> i have same problem cpu usage 70%-80% all time while gw2 is open+pc freeze/crash


on 4 cores cpu thats about the normal usage

at least for my i5-3570k use to be the same. around 50% when the game was minimized

thats about the maximum number of cores this game use.

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Put me down as in the same boat. In my case I have found dropping textures to low as well as sharers to low seems to fix the problem. I have not had the game crash since changing this(Played about 3 hours today no issues running AB meta). As soon as I bump those up to med I can sometimes go an hour or two with no crashes or crash right off the bat. Started for me around Winter's day. Another machine of mine with an older i5 and 660 card does not have this problem. I have done everything short of a full reload,but no other game,benchmark,stress test has problems,so it has to be GW2. I looked at my crash log and its the same as the other posts. I have a ticket open but no reply yet. I also found in my AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\ folder a ton of "Corrupt-XXXXX.dat" files. these seem to show up after the crashes.



All drivers/updates/firmware up to date

Mobo RoG MaxVIII Hero

I5 6700K (No over-clock currently,did have the same crashes with and without my over-clock)

16 GB DDR4 2133Mhz

GTX 970 superclocked

GW2 on SSD

Win10 1709


I hope a fix is found. I will update if I hear back from Anet or figure something out


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The more I read about this issue, the more I'm starting to think, the problem lies with ANet's graphics engine, which is based on DirectX 9. Most modern games are using DX11. DX9 is not designed to so some of the heavy particle and shading effects that are present in GW2, and so they have to jump through hoops and do hack code to get it to work. The only "real" solution would be to use DX11, but that would require a complete redesign/rebuild of the graphics engine right from the ground up. It seems most of the major MMO players, such as WoW, FFXIV and ESO all run on DX11 now, some which were originally DX9, so ANet has fallen gravely behind in technology and I worry that graphics drivers will start deprecating some the out dated functionality in 16 year old DX9. I don't know if ANet has this is in the works, but they should have been planning a DX11 upgrade years ago.

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I agree with you on that comment. Lines up to what I am seeing when I bump textures up and crash. I fogot that I sometimes see texture corruption/swapped textures on myself and npcs before crashing. Hasn't happened since the last client update, but I am also running the game at low now. Any other game I am running is using dx11 or better and not one problem. Other than opening a ticket, is there a way to report this? I haven't gotten a response yet, and I know this is a f2p but I've bought both expansions as well as some gems here and there, so it would be nice to receive even a "we are looking into it" I really enjoy this game but it's frustrating to be crashing like this and having to run at low, when my rig can handle much better.


Anyone seeing this crash try dropping your textures and shaders to low and report back. I'm going to test tonight and leave those to low and log some hours.

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> @"Reboot.4562" said:

> I know this is a f2p but I've bought both expansions as well as some gems here and there, so it would be nice to receive even a "we are looking into it" I really enjoy this game but it's frustrating to be crashing like this and having to run at low, when my rig can handle much better.


Keep in mind, it's F2P now, but it wasn't for the first 3 years, when it was B2P, and a large part of the long term player base bought the original game plus the expansions. It didn't go F2P until the end of August 2015. They should have been more on this and I think it's starting to catch up with them. They really seem to be reaching the limits of what they can achieve with their current engine and it's showing the cracks.

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Just throwing this in the mix, if you're running RTSS and MSI Afterburner, disable them if dropping textures and shaders to low doesn't seem to help. Now I haven't tested this but worth bringing up as I had a CTD with Nier when an older version of RTSS was running. I think I saw an old post on reddit and made me remember this.


I don't think that's the issue but worth putting the info out there.


I plan on doing some deep testing tonight and will report what I find

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Just had another crash right before Teq, running over to a banner on my mount. Since this issue started for me just after the Halloween mounts dropped, and always seems to occur when moving toward/on/around mounts, I'm fairly convinced -something- about them is the issue, but I am not sure what.


Small note: I switched from Full Screen to Windows Full Screen, and instead of a freeze, I got a full frontal crash (same error as always) so that change might let some folks recover from their crashes without rebooting/jumping through Task Manager keyboard hoops. It also means I'll be flooding Anet with crash reports now.

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> @"Erulogos.2591" said:

> Just had another crash right before Teq, running over to a banner on my mount. Since this issue started for me just after the Halloween mounts dropped, and always seems to occur when moving toward/on/around mounts, I'm fairly convinced -something- about them is the issue, but I am not sure what.


> Small note: I switched from Full Screen to Windows Full Screen, and instead of a freeze, I got a full frontal crash (same error as always) so that change might let some folks recover from their crashes without rebooting/jumping through Task Manager keyboard hoops. It also means I'll be flooding Anet with crash reports now.


I just did the same with swiching from full to window so I don't have to sign out of my desktop. I will be sending a report every time it happens. Has anyone else dropped the texture settings and have the issue go away? I am still testing this.

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> @"SimBilly.8047" said:

> Oh, so it's not just me then (somewhat relieved).


Yeah its not just you!

Well what ever that was updated last night or today has made my problem 100% worse. Client crashes at log in/char select screen. Even running the data repair crashes. Every crash I have sent off to Anet. Waiting on ticket reply as I am out of ideas now. When the client did work I could play 2+ hours at low no issue. bump textures to med,load into LA and had a raptor mount spawn up and crash. This machine had no problems until the end of Winter's day.


Going to fully remove the game and re-install (AGAIN) and see if I can get back to just crashing when I bump textures up. Hopefully this issue can be tracked and a solution found and implemented.

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Feel the need to also comment as it's been getting really annoying. Since at least the introduction of mounts, or at least halloween, I have been getting the odd freeze: game music continues to play, but the games locked up. I can alt tab out to kill and restart the game but it usually occurs in group events, meaning I miss out on the reward. Swear it has something to do with mounts since mounts are usually present when it hangs, and Im not always on one when it freezes.

There's no crash log or errors in event viewer so its really frustrating to know somethings up, but I have nothing to go on. Havent changed my system in years as it was rock solid.

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I updated all my drivers, did a client repair, and messed with my game settings ( turned down some stuff) and that helped my game client performance some. ( I also upgraded to my I-5 Asus a while back.) I think some client issues are where people are located. I have Aussie and Asian friends with awful internet for example

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thanks you for these reports. I've noticed there are a few threads about crashing, and I'm hesitant to merge this thread -- started back in November -- with the more current one. I'd point you to [a newer thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/24075/random-crashes "a newer thread"), though, in which I posted a short list of questions. I hope you will share your reports there. A member of the ArenaNet Team is actively monitoring this issue, so please let us hear from you!

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