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Alliance open world claim: Cities, Villages and Forts Claiming

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Hi all,


some days ago I was chasing kites around the world and I noticed how beautiful some fortifications and villages are spread around the whole GW2 world. There is some good work from designers there and I think that these places are quite forgotten right now unless Anet puts in some events from time to time. With the future guild alliances arriving to WvW I think we can revive old map locations and empower alliances at the same time: Alliance open world claiming. Similar as it was implemented in GW1, but merging it with both worlds PVE and WVW. In GW1 the amount of reputation needed to claim a world city or fort was all obtained through PVE so all city owners where strong PVE alliances, grinding reputation continuously so they could kept their places conquered. The way it was implemented in GW1 was a mistake: it forced PVE alliances into a non stop crazy PVE event grinding, boring and repetitive. At some point of madness, I remember that guilds not accomplishing with the minimum weekly reputation contribution where even fired from an alliance. Here I propose a different approach: mix WvW and PVE currencies for claiming cities, villages or fortifications in open world (badges and karma could be a possibility). This way you will enhance collaboration between what are, right now, two separate communities. As a result, a friendship collaborative environment would encourage PVE players to try WvW and viceversa. The reward would be similar as it was in GW1, the banners of the guild hanging around the fort and a special merchant only available to the alliance members with some discounts in both PVE and WvW materials, blueprints and guild goodies. We can also go further and think about some way of influencing the weekly matchup depending on the number and importance of open world location claimed by the alliance. It is just a fast idea that crossed my mind, I sure the GW2 community can improve it.

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You'd need something other than karma for the PvE currency, since karma can be earned in WvW. I'm not sure if the Edge of the Mists karma train is still a thing, but it used to be one of the best ways to get it.


Also this seems like one of those things which would be very hard to get right - too little reward and no one will bother, too much and it becomes something players feel pressured to get, which is frustrating when only a relatively small faction of the playerbase can have it at one time. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, just that it would be difficult to get right.


Also, on a minor note, it would need a change to the lore (and in fact the law, at least in Kryta). Guilds owning land on the mainland has been illegal since the Searing, because the in-fighting between them diverted people and resources from the countries armies and made it far easier than it should have been for the charr to invade. (Which in real-life terms was the explanation for not having this system in GW1 initially, and for guild halls all being islands.)

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GW1 was also instance based and you weren't interfering with other's enjoyment. WvW players already loathe PvE players "ruining their fun" by only being their for GoB/Dailes. But I did get a nice chuckle from "friendship collaborative environment".


I can imagine some poor soul trying to do map completion or a heart and a WvW group zerging an entire area because they need to keep their claim. No, keep your WvW in WvW.


Also, karma is easy to get with LS4. Buy the karmic retribution and you will have plenty of it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> WvW won't be separated by alliances, but by Worlds. Each World may have many, or few, alliances. Are locations claimed by Worlds, Alliances, or Guilds? What about different map instances? How to make sure one enters the instance your World, Alliance or Guild has the claimed location? There's no queue in PvE.


Yeah the Megaserver side of this would make it I'm possible.

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