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Do you feel like game supplies enough new content?

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > I believe it is more then enough. Especially since the living seasons are free if you log in, in time. As much as people don’t pay attention.

> >

> > The last episode we got a new legendary, mount, chapter. We got a new gear stat to test out on new builds. A new map, new meta event, events.

> > Achievements.

> >

> > All of that for free. if people wanted more content, we could get the community to pay for the more content. But everyone wants free for the price of the expansion they paid. So for the price of free, it’s more then enough.

> >

> > As much as people say they are finished with everything. I truly believe they are lying. There is so much content in this game it’s a hard direction to bring out because there is so much.

> >

> > I doubt everyone who says there isn’t enough content finished all raid wings and all raid cms. Got atleast 3 characters full 150 ar, and finished fractal Cms.

> >

> > Finished all legendaries, or have all characters fully ascended. Mastery points close to 280. Achievement points at 30,000.

> > Have all the dungeon skins, finished exotic collection skins. Finished specialization collections. Have all map completion. Not just tyria but hot and pof also.

> > Finish wvw map completion.

> >

> > There’s just so many things in this game it’s hard to say, “Did Arenanet give us enough?”

> > It’s more like people don’t understand what to do because there is so many things to do in the game.

> >


> The question is if theres enough content youre interested in.


I think there’s enough for everything. However as in “everything”. I think raiding content has slowed down from being created.


That would be my only thing. Cause I think hot gave more raids then pof. But with all in all. Hot and pof have a lot of content for whichever you desire.


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To posters discussing the usage of the term "casual" on GW2 forums: it is highly unlikely that posters in general will decide to adopt _your_ definition of the term. Every time the word comes up, there is a "discussion" about what it means (and I do mean every time). Even in the extremely unlikely event that you change another poster's mind about how the term should be used, someone else will be along in a bit who will _not_ agree with your definition and you'll be back to square one.


So what if the word casual might mean something different in someone else's mind? The important thing is that person is trying to communicate something. Once you know he's using "casual" a certain way, it should be possible to understand what he's saying and move the discussion forward, even if you don't agree that's what casual means. Words evolve all the time. Sometime you just have to ride the horse in the direction it's going.


Ah, well, do as you will. It's your time to waste if you want, and the rest of us can just skip your posts if we've grown tired of seeing the argument play out for the eleventy-seventh time. Please don't take this as criticism of how you choose to post. It's more intended as a way out where you both can "win" and move on -- if that's what you want.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> To posters discussing the usage of the term "casual" on GW2 forums: it is highly unlikely that posters in general will decide to adopt _your_ definition of the term. Every time the word comes up, there is a "discussion" about what it means (and I do mean every time). Even in the extremely unlikely event that you change another poster's mind about how the term should be used, someone else will be along in a bit who will _not_ agree with your definition and you'll be back to square one.


> So what if the word casual might mean something different in someone else's mind? The important thing is that person is trying to communicate something. Once you know he's using "casual" a certain way, it should be possible to understand what he's saying and move the discussion forward, even if you don't agree that's what casual means. Words evolve all the time. Sometime you just have to ride the horse in the direction it's going.


> Ah, well, do as you will. It's your time to waste if you want, and the rest of us can just skip your posts if we've grown tired of seeing the argument play out for the eleventy-seventh time. Please don't take this as criticism of how you choose to post. It's more intended as a way out where you both can "win" and move on -- if that's what you want.


It's a shame you didn't read my last post where I said I end the discussion from my side as I didn't see it as fruitful anymore. Could've saved you the time posting this :)

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In terms of amount of content, they're doing quite well. Variety of content, not so much.


- PvE: Aside from the story chapters which are generally improving, the other content is fairly shallow. We've got a few repeatable hearts and events, but these are very restrictive techniques for building a world, and result in GW2 feeling more like a loot farm. If they hadn't rejected quests and side-stories at launch we'd be in a much better place now.


- PvP: Purely because Conquest existed in the first place, I don't like the odds of getting any other game mode that actually catches on. Split a relatively small team of 5 over 3 points, and you've got to have classes able to operate independently much of the time. Yet having limited interdependency between classes makes it very difficult to re-introduce game modes that were actually interesting, such as deathmatch and GvG, because these require balanced and fun full-team fights to succeed. That sort of depth is difficult or impossible when all the classes have been developed with limited weaknesses because they're designed to play solo. So, from my point of view, PvP may be so broken it can't be fixed in GW2.


- WvW: Speaking of fixing broken systems, WvW says hi. Maybe we'll get more to do there than just running around playing Conquest cap-circles-with-walls-around-them but after six years of trying to make this work, I'm not betting on it. I'm somewhat concerned that once the alliance system is done and we've got more balanced matches, people are going to realise that balanced matches in a boring game mode are still boring. It could have had a diversity of content to rival PvE, but so far the only thing that steps outside the meta-event (so to speak) is a PvP jumping puzzle or two. Which have been there since launch.


I suppose it's inevitable that regardless of how much content is being produced, someone like me is going to say "yeah but you're not making the kind of content _I_ want to play". So long as it's keeping enough of the people I play with happy, it's probably going to be enough to keep me around as well.

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Yes, there is more than enough new content. I feel like they've even been overdoing it with the gigantic maps in LS4 compared to LS2 and 3. However, old content and core professions are starting to suffer terribly, we need a huge revision on old content and new NPE.


If the game is going to survive in the long term it needs more lifeblood, more new players sticking with the game.

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Returning beta player here.


After spending the last three months leveling characters through HoT and spending some time with each there, and now in PoF (got 2 more to go), having done Living story 4...and diving back into WvW, and now diving back into Fractals, dailys, world boss routine. Im good. Enough to do.


Slowly marching toward a legendary. Maybe at some point Ill grab the rest of LS2 and all of LS3. Maybe Ill start messing around in sPvP.


1789 hours over the last 2200+ days (most if it I spent not playing GW2).


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > To posters discussing the usage of the term "casual" on GW2 forums: it is highly unlikely that posters in general will decide to adopt _your_ definition of the term. Every time the word comes up, there is a "discussion" about what it means (and I do mean every time). Even in the extremely unlikely event that you change another poster's mind about how the term should be used, someone else will be along in a bit who will _not_ agree with your definition and you'll be back to square one.

> >

> > So what if the word casual might mean something different in someone else's mind? The important thing is that person is trying to communicate something. Once you know he's using "casual" a certain way, it should be possible to understand what he's saying and move the discussion forward, even if you don't agree that's what casual means. Words evolve all the time. Sometime you just have to ride the horse in the direction it's going.

> >

> > Ah, well, do as you will. It's your time to waste if you want, and the rest of us can just skip your posts if we've grown tired of seeing the argument play out for the eleventy-seventh time. Please don't take this as criticism of how you choose to post. It's more intended as a way out where you both can "win" and move on -- if that's what you want.


> It's a shame you didn't read my last post where I said I end the discussion from my side as I didn't see it as fruitful anymore. Could've saved you the time posting this :)


I see that. Still, I won't consider my post wasted if it gives someone beside yourself food for thought. It does, after all, take two to tango. =)

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Probably more than enough. I've still barely touched HoT. I'm doing enough of the LW stuff to unlock maps, but there's still the endless rest of it-- and I do mean endless. I may finish it one day if I feel like it; it'll probably take me ~~weeks~~ months at my current tolerance levels.

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> @"Silencer.3875" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > voted no due to lack of wvw support and balance patches

> >


> Really? That is the only reason why? When there is SO MUCH MORE and WvW isn't even that bad?


I know, i know, there is a lot to do for the pvx'r due to the pve additions but it is just hard to log in to old wvw metas with so little change.

I just can't get excited about pve maps for some reason. I also get disappointed when I log in to the forums and see "this week on guild chat" and "your favorite streamers blah blah" when so many weapons lack updates, so many traits or skills get neglected, so many mesmers running around invinsible (had to throw that one in). There is a lot for many people to work on but my wvw is just not like it use to be :(


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For me the LS updates are maybe 2 hours of play time that we wait months for. And it's typically a let down. the only thing I really look forward to not to mention that we have to tolerate our commander who is a numbskull Mary/Gary sue with the personality of a rock.

After PoF the quality of things has gone down. It's all about the latest glider or mount skin now.

I was set on going for Aurora for my 22nd legendary item but that time gated huge collection for a basic back piece in a horrific map? Nope. And here I thought Astralaria time gate + collection was bad.

I'm burnt out as it is, this game is VERY stale for me. I was considering taking a prolonged break maybe a few months or years if things stay the way they are.

The Scarlett event + Aetherblades was the best thing that happened to the GW2. Eeverything is sub-par short lived (aside from DS meta) and pumped out quickly. Anet doesn't put any longevity to their maps anymore.


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It gives you enough content in installments that you can pace yourself on getting it completed without feeling like a 'must log on every single day' thing. I've done games where you had 24 hour events that only showed up once a month so you basically had to be glued to the computer at that time to complete it or miss out. I've also done games where it dragged onto the point where you were playing other games to fill that gap.

Overall, it's what the user defines. Someone who must complete every little damn thing within the first 48 hours will say there's not enough content because they already crammed it in that short time frame. Someone else will say that there wasn't enough time to complete the same content even though they had 4 months to complete it. Compared to other games, GW2 always seems to have something for me to do, be it going after a legendary, achievements, collections, or story.


As for the amount of content right now, I prefer Arenanet's pace on this. WoW had such huge drought spells that they tried to fix this with Warlords, which also gave them the lowest subscription numbers they've had in a long time because their solution with keeping the huge content munchers engaged was gating. ESO, on the other hand, has been steadily releasing quite a bit of content but at cost. Instead of getting fully fleshed zones and story, they are dealing out dungeon packs that are the same price as the rest of the DLC.

So here we have Arenanet in the middle. They brought back Festival of the Four Winds as an annual summer event, did the Boss Blitz Bonanza, added a new arena, added a new fractal, and added new skins obtainable through a breadcrumb quest chain. That's just going back to June of this year. We have the next chapter of the story and Halloween coming up in the next month or so (I strongly suspect the next chapter will be in September and, of course, Halloween in October). That's things we know will happen, as we don't know if they plan on adding more, like the rest of the winning skins from the design a weapon, etc.

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Generally speaking no.


My primary gripe is that it feels like theres way to much an emphasis on cool looking environments and very little goes into actually fleshing them out so they all seem very sparse with actual content.


Then there's a lack of instanced content releases which makes things look odd by industry standards.

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I am not able to elaborate a straight-forward answer to that question


Quantity of content: the pace seems good for PvE, but extremely slow for WvW / PvP


However, in terms of content quality, I evaluate it quite bad

PVE OW: big empty maps with repeatable hearts and grindy collections - some have decent meta events

PVE instanced: I really don't get why dungeons are a thing of the past

Raids, I have a mild interest so can't really judge

WvW: It was my favorite mode. NO real new content, very bad balance state, little actual PvP involved, reduced to a farm-fest

PvP: Also here, NO real new content - The same old mode since 6 yrs, just with new maps once in a (long) while, not good balance state and frequency


So overall I am not pleased at all with the current state of the game, and my answer reflects that

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