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Bought GW1 on Steam and need a little help getting started.

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I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum for this kind of topic.


I´ve been playing gw2 for a while and I bought gw1 Eye of the North and trilogy on the last sale. I´m aware that I can link both games accounts in order to recieve Hall of Monuments rewards. Once it is done I´ve seen that I´ll have to use gw2 credentials in order to to the access gw1 account.


I have the gw1 launcher installed and I´m on the account creation step and before I do it i´d like to be sure. Should I just create a new account and link them? If so, can (ot should) I use the same address I use on the gw2 account?(I´ve read somewhere that doing so would link both accounts directly) Or is there another procedure for this situation that I´m not aware of? I´ve visited FAQ and Steam discussions concerning the topic but I´d like to be sure what to do before I create the account. (I planned to follow these instructions but I wanted to be sure first : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238445792****)


**TLDR:**I have a gw2 account and recenly I bought gw1 on steam and I am unsure how to proceed at the time of creating a gw1 account.


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