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Ranger in the next expansion


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In 1 year or less, the next expansion will emerge, i want to talk about the future for ranger (my fav profession):


- Weapon: **the rifle**, i hope it will be the next weapon for rangers, it will suit completely our rangers cause we are hunters after all !!


- New weapon : **the whip**, maybe the devs are thinking about adding new weapons for all professions

- New skills : **having 2 pets **at the same time, the second pet could deals less damage than the 1st pet

- New elite skill: **sumonning several pets** for 30/60 seconds

- New pets: a **big fox**, a **rhino**, a **hippopotamus**


And you guys, what would you like to see for rangers in the next expansion?

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There was a poll about the next elite spec weapon a while ago - think the poll is still on the forum.

I really like the *idea* of having two pets, kind of like how Beastmaster or whatever its called in WoW - and they in fact use rifle as well.


However if it ends up going down the path of the two pets idea then I cant stress how important I think it should be melee oriented; rifle/pistols with two pets is so cancerous while you would sick your pets on a target and just pew pew from range and have TWO of them constantly attacking AND inflicting their conditions/CC.


If they took out pet swap then maybe that would balance things out but I just got incredibly furious with how Beastmaster player out in WoW with the slows and stuns from both pets meanwhile the hunter would just place traps down if you got close run away and just pew pew, LoS hide behind a pillar while the pets hit you.

Point is that its a very boring way to play and doesn't fulfill any skill at all which a lot of people already argue "its so easy to play ranger just go LB and press 2 to win..." -.- so that would only invite for a very unbalanced elite whereas if it were melee then if you chose to play by only allowing your pets to do the damage you are handicapped by not using your weapon the hit the enemy thus forcing you into melee and keeping your pets near you.


Just my two cents :)

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_"At one point in development, according to The Making of Guild Wars 2 book, the ranger profession of the original Guild Wars was split into many different professions, notably the warden and the marksman. Eventually, with only marksman remaining, who only possessed the aspect of ranged weaponry, was combined with already scrapped elements of warden and beastmaster, and renamed the ranger for the sake of the original series."_


Ranger in guildwars2 is not like Hunter in WoW. They have similar playstyle but the concept is different. Hunters in WoW are adventurers that have adapted to survive in hostile environments, while gw2 rangers are a beastmaster-warden-marksman mix. For this reason, i think shield, hammer, and even scepter or focus can fit better the class than rifles and pistols.


Back to the topic, with the next expansions i would like to see one of the following 3 options:

- An AoE damage/control spec (absolutely needed for wvw) with hammer

- A shapeshifting spec with multiple aspects based on our pet's archetype

- A tanky shield spec with AoE ground control, support and barriers


For now i'm really not interested on having multiple active pets.


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I don't want rifle because I don't know they could make it unique. Ranger needs a aoe oriented spec I really want hammer.


1) it's a gw1 throwback to the bunny thumper

2) it would be a good segway into giving ranger power aoe oriented stuff (I'd imagine ranger gets access to phsycial skills and has a focos on aoe, damage and cc)

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> I don't want rifle because I don't know they could make it unique. Ranger needs a aoe oriented spec I really want hammer.


> 1) it's a gw1 throwback to the bunny thumper

> 2) it would be a good segway into giving ranger power aoe oriented stuff (I'd imagine ranger gets access to phsycial skills and has a focos on aoe, damage and cc)


I miss that build too.

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Honestly, I love ranger for the pets, so i really did dislike soulbeast for gobbling it up. So I was thinking about the opposite of that! What if we got a ranger minionmancer, who could summon small animals disney princess style or maybe some weird nature freaks and maybe have the mechanic be that you can temporarily bring out both your pets and have your own little army

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Or At least something where we're not laughed out of WvW or looked down upon. My simple idea was for us to have a skill that looks through stealth or something ALL groups would want.

I think Anet needs to look at this class BIG time. 'We offer nothing to the table' well it's about time we became the main course and dessert.

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So i fleshed out the spec concept a bit. I dont go ingo detail.

Name: Warden

Role: Control, Boon support, dmg type ajustable.


Mechanic: Totem

F4 is replaced with Spirit Invocation of your pet generating a totem at its place channeling its inner energy.


Totem passive: Depending on archetype:

Pulses condis, heavy dmg, heals, boons, buffs etc.


F1 ground target: Send your totem to the desired area. (Similar to ventaris tablet)


F2: Family dependend skill. Accounts as beast skill.


Canine: Knockdown foes in the area.

Smokescale: Randomely dmg enemies and generate might.



F3: Archetype dependend skill, accounts as a concecration.

Examples: Dealing heavy dmg and blastfield, transfer condis and flip boons, break stun in area and generate heavy barrier, heal and cleanse condis, pull and root targets with vines


Totem cannot receive any dmg.

It can receive condis and boons.

It is only affected by weakness, CC, might and stability.

So its dmg can be augmented from friend and foe.

It can be used as a "boonbank" and a condi distributing tool.

It deals intentionally less dmg than the normal pet. Upon releasing its totemform the pet will emerge at the totems position.

Totemform is permanent and only can be cancelled by going down state or petswap. Totem will not follow you and needs to be commanded even out of combat. Range is 1500 units. It is totally indipendend from you. It can be interupted during skill use of F2/3 (except with stab) but its movement (F1) is unimpairable.

Even if the ranger is CCed, the totem can still be controlled.


Weaponry: Double mace: Midrange CC heavy AoE skill. CC is mainly focused on pulls, roots and keeping enemies as packed as possible.

Dmg type: Power oriented

Condi capabbilities can be traited, depended on CC/Condi: Similarly to bodyblows or abyssal chill.


Skilltype: Concecrations: Focussing on Area dmg, CC and defensive buffs and barrier.



- As a boonbank you can place your totem in the middle of an action receiving boons while staying more layed back with a bow. Using WhaO for example will copy all boons on you so you can buff yourself from afar.


- With certain skills you can copy conditions on your totem to your enemies, so you could use SoR (fix the range already) to send all condis to your totem and use a second skill for a huge condi bomb.


- Range CC and area control. F3 skills have a cast time that is performed by your totem (so you have free hands) you can activate the F3 and during the cast time send it to your target with F1 and blow them up when the skill finishes


- etc. (its basically very flexible CC class)



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> @"phaidetublacke.6048" said:

> I want to be able to merge or take control of my pet owl so I can scout my Home BL from the air. :)


Okay tbh i think creating a spec like this is completley unrealistic and it'll never happen, but it seems like a really cool idea. Like taking control over your pet while your body becomes stationary and vulnerable to attacks (maybe making the player body become a totem like a lot of ppl seem to want, pulsing boons to allies while u get a set of transformed beast skills)

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I just want super epic pet like big dragon not some small ass wyverns... and do. ALOT of damage not like the electric/fire wyvern that barely does any dog.. I use them for decoration purpose only which is kinda sad...

2 dragons would be super awesome!! Would love ice and fire dragon or something like that

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Random things I want, might not fit into the same elite spec.


A hammer focused on power dps and maybe CC.


For the brief Moment where Iboga was actually good before raid crybabies ruined it, it was really fun focusing on a build where I just threw as many conditions as I could on an enemy and have the Iboga rip it apart. So maybe an elite spec around that idea, of actually buffing pets and having them do high damage.


Rifle would look good for fashion but what role would it have? We already have 2 single target ranged weapons. What we really need is a ranged aoe weapon but Rifle wouldn't really fit that with how a Ranger would use it while sticking to its themes. Staff would have been better with a nature magic theme but that got stuck on druid. Now I know I already said I want a power hammer and we have 2 power melee weapons already but barring big reworks of ranger they are never going to be good dps weapons outside of meme one shot GS gimmick builds.


Brown bears to have a use, especially in PvE. I picked that poor guy in the character creator but he never gets to go on adventures with me.

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I’m also hoping they rework some of the staff skills to give us more aoe range damage!! I mean come on we are RANGERS and we barely have any range aoe?? I’m forced to use axe to do some aoe (which makes me feel more like a barbarian than ranger tbh)... and does Anet even know how hard is it to line up a group of mobs and try to hit multiple target with piercing?!! We should have staff skill 1 like what Guardians have too!!!! Not piercing on every range weapons... I would rather we shoot out a beam and explode on target with staff skill 1 with (240 radius) or (360 radius) and heals friendly target and damage foe!!


Really not looking forward for ANOTHER melee weapon for new expansion since we already got dagger from POF, for people who wants more melee weapons please go play a thief or some other melee class (which there are plenty out there)... the word ranger it’s meant for range not melee!!! The last time I checked it’s not called meleer. I’d pick rifle, pistol or scepter any day over a hammer... unless I’m shooting out that hammer like Thor with 1200-1500 range and aoe lighting then I’m on board B)

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