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Land Of The Golden Sun: An Istan Farming Guide For Dummies!

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# **What to do:**

- Go to Istan

- Find a squad that's farming Istan

- Join said squad and follow the commander wherever they go unless expressed instruction not to are given

- Kill everything in your path, particularly champion Awakened

- Open supply chests

- Get loot!


# **How to make gold:**

- Go to: http://www.gw2lunchbox.com/IstanShipments.html to see which material shipment is currently the most profitable

- Spend all of your Volatile Magic on said material shipment (The vendor for the shipments is at [&BAkLAAA=] <--- Chalon Docks Waypoint)

- Open said shipments (not affected by magic find) and sell said contents, listing all items acquired on the Trading Post

- Open all of your Palawan Phylacteries (also not affected by magic find)

- Go to Silverwastes and get the +200% magic find buff (must complete Vinewrath; only need to complete Vinewrath)

- Apply other magic find modifiers (here's a list of all modifiers: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Find#Maximizing_magic_find) **PLEASE NOTE:** The communal bonfire is difficult to obtain and does not stack with other magic find buffs such as the Item Booster (to my knowledge)

- Open _**ALL**_ Unidentified Gear (**IS** affected by magic find)

- Salvage all blue and green armor/weapons and sell the materials

- Salvage all rares and exotics **UNLESS** they are worth more than the current price of Globs of Ectoplasm; sell all of the materials

- $$$


**SIDE NOTE:** Although this isn't required, I suggest buying a 20-Slot Invisible Bag and putting all of your UNID Gear in it so that you don't accidentally salvage them when you go to salvage everything else.

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I can offer a few more suggestions.


Get [YoloMouse](https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/ "https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/") this program makes your mouse cursor more visible. Great for GH fight when there are so many players and things happening on the screen that its easy to lose track of where the cursor is.


**Get a copper-fed salvage-o-matic. No argument.** You will get a lot of items that will need to get salvage constantly. This is a time saver that will make back the cost. Its required when doing consecutive GH runs, in which you dont want to waste time sorting through trash.


Get an invisible bag and put unid bags into them. That way you **dont** salvage them right away. You want to either sell or open up unid bags when magic find boosted. It can even be the cheaper 18 capacity one too.


Get the Karmic Retribution bonus. This is an additional profit generator when buying mapping materials which turns karma into gold. Getting karma this way is also fast if you need it. You can get up to 200 from every mob you kill at tier 3.


You get a lot of spirit shards from the phylacteries. This can be used in the mystic forge to generate additional profit.


You want to use a character that is good at **tagging champ mobs but not overdoing the dmg**. It also shouldnt go down too often and need rezzing all the time.



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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> I can offer a few more suggestions.


> Get [YoloMouse](https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/ "https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/") /snip




You might check that program and make sure it won't tag as a 3rd party mod before you use it. I haven't heard whether it's an "allowed" mod or not. (First I've heard of it.)

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > You know what would make this awesome for us lazy people? A video.


> I actually prefer this. Back in my day even gameplay walkthrough guides were text only. :P Fun times... Ugh, I'm so old.


Ditto. :p If I click on a post and only see a video link, I will just click away without watching almost every time. If it's text, I'll almost always read it, as long as it's not multiple pages of text.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > You know what would make this awesome for us lazy people? A video.

> >

> > I actually prefer this. Back in my day even gameplay walkthrough guides were text only. :P Fun times... Ugh, I'm so old.


> Ditto. :p If I click on a post and only see a video link, I will just click away without watching almost every time. If it's text, I'll almost always read it, as long as it's not multiple pages of text.


Sooo true! :)

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> @"Coyote.8391" said:

> Thanks for the guide! Just one question though: Why do you open the unidentified gear?


Cus if you salve it without opening you get trash PoF mats that don't cost anything. When you open you get a piece of gear that after salvage will get you bit of coins


But being lazy i juts sell blues and greens on TP

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Apparently mirage with greatsword and sigil of stamina is being argued as the best for tagging.


> There is none better then FT engie (core, scrapper, holo, you pick), they don't make anything like it anymore




Yeah I see big debates about using turrets. So long as they can tag things before they spawn, turrets are a good way to go. I only see it really useful for Akili event so you can tag those mobs that pretty much die instantly. I’m seen complaints that FT isn’t necessarily the greatest at tagging as it has some control issues which is have personally experienced as well.


In the end it’s up to what players personally prefer and feel the most comfortable using.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> Yeah I see big debates about using turrets.


Please x.x , read my message again, There is no way I would recommend a turret and I didn't


FT just takes bit of practice to get the grasp on how it tags cus its bit strage



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> > Yeah I see big debates about using turrets.


> Please x.x , read my message again, There is no way I would recommend a turret and I didn't


> FT just takes bit of practice to get the grasp on how it tags cus its bit strage




I was going off what others have said about the engi class for tagging in Istan specifically and not entirely limited to just what you said. In Istan you may not be able to tag everything with FT but turrets can before they even show up on the screen.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Coyote.8391" said:

> > Thanks for the guide! Just one question though: Why do you open the unidentified gear?


> Cus if you salve it without opening you get trash PoF mats that don't cost anything. When you open you get a piece of gear that after salvage will get you bit of coins


> But being lazy i juts sell blues and greens on TP


......... I probably lost a good amount of gold without even realizing it. :scream:

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Coyote.8391" said:

> > Thanks for the guide! Just one question though: Why do you open the unidentified gear?


> Cus if you salve it without opening you get trash PoF mats that don't cost anything. When you open you get a piece of gear that after salvage will get you bit of coins


> But being lazy i juts sell blues and greens on TP


Ha, you're going to feel like a chump when all future Legendaries are built solely from giant stacks of Eyes of Kormir.


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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Coyote.8391" said:

> > > Thanks for the guide! Just one question though: Why do you open the unidentified gear?

> >

> > Cus if you salve it without opening you get trash PoF mats that don't cost anything. When you open you get a piece of gear that after salvage will get you bit of coins

> >

> > But being lazy i juts sell blues and greens on TP


> Ha, you're going to feel like a chump when all future Legendaries are built solely from giant stacks of Eyes of Kormir.



Pssssshhhh, nah, y'all are gonna be the chumps if that happens! I'm overloaded with eyes if kormir already! D:

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Coyote.8391" said:

> > Thanks for the guide! Just one question though: Why do you open the unidentified gear?


> Cus if you salve it without opening you get trash PoF mats that don't cost anything. When you open you get a piece of gear that after salvage will get you bit of coins


> But being lazy i juts sell blues and greens on TP


Numerous times I have gotten Rares from the Blue and Green Unid's.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Is this an effective method for acquiring T6 trophies? Seems like every legendary requires a stack of 250 of each of them =/


Most definitely! The trophy shipments give you a boat-load of both T5 and T6 materials. I'm currently making HOPE and am in the process of farming Istan purely for gathering T5/T6 mats from trophy shipments. :D

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> @"Coyote.8391" said:

> Thanks for the guide! Just one question though: Why do you open the unidentified gear?


I open the UNIDs with as much magic find as possible because at worse you get a ton of blue and green armor/weapons which you can salvage for luck and materials like Mithril ore and Elder Wood Logs both of which are needed en masse!


You also get a lot of rares and a decent amount of exotics which can either be sold for gold or salvaged for Ectos. Then there's always the slim chance of getting a precursor weapon to drop. I once got Zap, which is the precursor for Bolt, to drop from a **BLUE** UNID gear. Needless to say... I was very shocked and happy when I saw that. :P

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> But being lazy i juts sell blues and greens on TP


You're screwing yourself out of a lot of gold by selling them. I too once thought that selling them was the better way to go but then I started opening them all and realized the errors of my ways. By not opening them you're missing out on a lot of mithril and elder wood, and I do mean a LOT. You also get a lot of: silk, thick leather, and even some orichalcum.


It might not seem like a lot, but it definitely adds up and is more profitable then selling them.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Is this an effective method for acquiring T6 trophies? Seems like every legendary requires a stack of 250 of each of them =/


> Most definitely! The trophy shipments give you a boat-load of both T5 and T6 materials. I'm currently making HOPE and am in the process of farming Istan purely for gathering T5/T6 mats from trophy shipments. :D


I have max T5 trophies as I run lots of HoT meta maps, but I'm still about 150 shy of each T6, and I'd rather not buy them off the TP. (angry enough at having to buy 100g worth of runestones lol)


I've been there on my Core Guardian a few times, but my FPS is so horrible (8-10) it wasn't fun, so I haven't done it much since.


Which would be a better character to bring for tagging? Daredevil Thief (w/ Shortbow) or Reveant w/swirly hammers? Don't have a LV80 Mes, Ele, Engy or Warrior.


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