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Returning Player , bought POF , now want to re-enter HOT with mounts to get HP and Mastery points

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Hello friends


Thanks to your suggestion regarding PoF as solo casual friendly , i bought it (at full price ugh) and glad that i did.. it is rekindled my love for GW2 (which was lost in the disappointingly un-solo/casual-friendly HoT content).. Now flush with Raptor (lv3) , Bunny (lv3), Skimmer (lv3) and Jackal (lv3) .. i want to re-visit HoT with my arsenal of mounts .. entering Verdant Brink again (never finish 25% of VB before quitting in disgust back then).. and satisfyingly i found the portal to the next zone (Auric Basin?) and Tangled Depth , thanks to Raptor's canyon jumping saving me to fight mobs..


I'm not PVP/WVW hardcore player , i only do PVP or WVW to get easy dailies and i got enough points (Proof of heroics) to buy some Maguma HP but certainly not many..


My question to the helpful community here :+1:

1) with regards to Heroic points , how many HoT HP are soloable (commune HP or soloable HP combat) ? once i trigger a HP in auric basin and got pummeled by a rolling lizard thing champion..

2) people in other thread saying join LFG HP Train but i rarely saw such HP train nowadays , is HoT become sparser in term of players ? if so isn't it due time to change the HoT HP into soloable content like the PoF and move the champions into Bounties like in POF ?


Thanks all again

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1) There are quite a few commune HPs in HoT, though some of them are guarded by ridiculous enemies (like the Balthazar HP in AB). Some of the HPs need a few people, and some need more.

2) HP trains are still around, as long as you're not looking for one when meta is running or about to start. There are still people who ask about HP trains while meta is running... When meta is not running/it's all pre- events, go ahead and ask in map chat or start one in LFG yourself. There are still players around, but sometimes the game puts you in a severely underpopulated map and you don't see people who want to do things

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> @"ShadowDove.8329" said:

> 1) There are quite a few commune HPs in HoT, though some of them are guarded by ridiculous enemies (like the Balthazar HP in AB). Some of the HPs need a few people, and some need more.

> 2) HP trains are still around, as long as you're not looking for one when meta is running or about to start. There are still people who ask about HP trains while meta is running... When meta is not running/it's all pre- events, go ahead and ask in map chat or start one in LFG yourself. There are still players around, but sometimes the game puts you in a severely underpopulated map and you don't see people who want to do things


how do i join a more populated map ?

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Technically, all of the HoT HPs are solo-able. But as many of them spawn champions, that's not going to be true for every player.


If you'd like some help with them, feel free to hit me up in game. I'm usually up for a run through the jungle.


Btw, that rolling lizard? Just stand close to his back leg and dodge through him when he rolls. If you try to range him, he'll turn toward you and use that stomp wave attack that deals extremely high damage. The animation before he rolls is pretty easy to spot if you're watching for it.

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You should first unlock the Shipwreck waypoint at Verdant Brink, and always check in LFG the HP train from that map. Usually the train start there and going to run 330 HPs through 3 maps: Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangle Depth, the train also help you to unlock all waypoints of 3 said maps. Usually the HP will take approx 2 hours. Basic gliding is needed, commander will portal you, so dont worry.


At the end of Tangled Depth HP train, there is a Portal to Dragon Stand locate at South West of Tangle Depth, go through the portal to unlock the first and very important Way Point at Dragon Stand. then you can park there or do something other stuff, and wait for the meta to begin at Dragon Stand. There are 7 HPs at DS and all communes. 3 of them can get during the meta, stop the flow, when to HP and commune, then come back to the meta. 4 other HPs are only available after the meta, dont worry, after the meta, all way points are available to port. Go get eacch one HP, you should also open Wifi Dragon stand map to locate the HPs.


If you do like mentioned above. 400HPs alrady yours. and PoF HPs are very easy.


Good Luck and have fun gaming.

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> @"dprijadime.6795" said:

> > @"ShadowDove.8329" said:

> > 1) There are quite a few commune HPs in HoT, though some of them are guarded by ridiculous enemies (like the Balthazar HP in AB). Some of the HPs need a few people, and some need more.

> > 2) HP trains are still around, as long as you're not looking for one when meta is running or about to start. There are still people who ask about HP trains while meta is running... When meta is not running/it's all pre- events, go ahead and ask in map chat or start one in LFG yourself. There are still players around, but sometimes the game puts you in a severely underpopulated map and you don't see people who want to do things


> how do i join a more populated map ?


If you joined a tag (commander's tag) and when portal to that tag's map and see noone is there. On the top left, your party, squad panel which show a lot of icons and name, you can either search for the commander name or any other players who does not appear to be Green. Right click on commander name or other player name and click "Join the instance" if map is full, cant join at that moment, keep trying until can or wait for next meta.

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1) > @"dprijadime.6795" said:

> 1) with regards to Heroic points , how many HoT HP are soloable (commune HP or soloable HP combat) ? once i trigger a HP in auric basin and got pummeled by a rolling lizard thing champion..

> 2) people in other thread saying join LFG HP Train but i rarely saw such HP train nowadays , is HoT become sparser in term of players ? if so isn't it due time to change the HoT HP into soloable content like the PoF and move the champions into Bounties like in POF ?


1) Don't have the exact count but I was able solo most including the conjuring ones, enough to completely fill a specialization. That said having more people does help to make it easier and less tedious.


2) There are HP trains from time to time or you could always start one. Mounts will trivialize the terrain making it easy for you, but remember to put a note "with mounts". Tangled Depth is tricky and requires a guide if you're not familar or know it's structure of the layering. Unlike other maps, TD have 4 layers (1st layer: above ground, 2nd layer: ground, 3rd layer: underground, and the 4th layer (hidden)underwater pasageway only accessible from certain points which grant access to numerous("hidden") places in map).

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