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PvP Season 13 Starts August 28

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> > >

> > > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> > >

> > > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.

> >

> > Any chance in hell you're considering bringing team queue back? It sucks that my two brothers and I can't farm pips on the few nights we can play together...


> In a ranked competitive game there shouldnt be anything to farm except your rank and wins. This mentality of "needing rewards to enjoy something" 100% ruins any competive mentality.


Couldn't disagree more.

People like myself who enjoy ranked enjoy earning rating, leaderboard position, and/or achievements that provide us with a long term goal to get better.

This is why ALL competitive sports have such things. Superbowl, Stanley Cup, Overwatch League, DOTA Internationals, SC2 Leaderboards, CS:GO ranks and divisions, RocketLeague ranks and divisions...........

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Worse idea Anet has ever come out with. PvP was the main reason I played this game and now my motivation for it is gone, way to go Anet, pushing the few players still interested in competitive play away from it.




No matter how you look at it, it's unfair to the vast majority of the players. If ranked pvp wasn't dead yet it definitely is now..

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Pretty unsatisfying and horrendous season overall, at least on NA at Plat 1-2. Even if one were to play for the season reward chests, didn't seem worth it all with the exception to ATs. Would rather go do random PvE stuff and get better rewards with less effort and saving my sanity from the abomination that is ranked matchmaking right now. The average quality of games in plat 1 is ridiculously bad. The skill gap is quite jarring when you cross 1600 and you begin to face players who understand rotations not considering mechanical skill. This wide of a gap shouldn't exist in the same division, plat1 just seems like an extension of gold. I don't know with who the fault lies here, I understand the population is a key factor but also the system isn't adjusted between seasons to suit the current population. I don't blame the PvP devs, they try and give thier best with the very limited resources they have and I'm very aware of this. I guess this post is futile even if its just feedback on how S13 felt like.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


> My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


> The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.



And an explanation to this as in the next league the titles return? Or it's just going to stay in the titles and that's it. Saying it was a mistake on our part not to consult or something would be fine.


Thank you

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