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PoF use of LI and raiding rewards

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With the introduction of Hall of Chains, PoF got a new raid currency that is meant to be an alternative for magnetite shards. Undoubtedly the new wing will also use gaeting crystals, but what is the use of Legendary Insights? One question I keep asking myself is, "If a player can only play PoF raids and get gaeting crystals/LI weekly, why can they only use one? While someone owning only one expansion is rarely, if ever, blocked by a reward of the other, I thought this specific instance was odd. The gift of desert mastery was added to "unblock" gen 2 legendaries from PoF exclusive players, will LI also receive any retroactive change or will legendary armor be HoT exclusive. Furthermore, will future use of LI be limited to PoF even though this currency transcends both expansions?

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Although extremely unlikely that this event currently exists, the only reason I mention it is that the long term effects of this situation will be more noticeable once more PoF raids are released and there comes a time when not having HoT is a viable option. Being able to get LI and not be able to use it was a thing for a very long time, but being able to get LI and having it's only purpose locked behind a different expac is another matter. The long term goal of raiding was to get legendary armor, I hope future raid rewards incorporate LI at an appropriate exchange rate for other pieces of legendary gear and new long term goals keep players engaged. I suppose it is worth mentioning that the description on LI reads "Used in the creation of legendary armor at the mystic forge" and that is slightly deceiving PoF players who actually can't craft legendary armor and will be that way until a new reward that uses LI is introduced and the text is changed.

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