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WvW rewards and tournaments

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Is there a chance of this? With the new alliances coming, it's only reasonable to put bi-monthly tournaments in place imo.

The excuse for discarding tournaments was "too many people were burnout and quit wvw/gw2", well you gave away rewards that would never come back again, just like the tournaments, they played them hardcore because who knows when they will be back... Exactly, never, which is a good reason for them to have gone hardcore and quit.


Alliances will be redone every 2 months no? Then after 2 weeks of the start of a new "season/link" start a 4 weeks long automated tournament.

Do you end first in t5 matchup? You'll get the same rewards as ending first in t1 matchup. What matters will be the single matchup, giving people extra tickets and materials for partecipating.

How to counter stacking servers? Just like pips, if you transfer you won't get rewards at all (or unless you are within the 9/10% of free open world transfers for guild members until it's full).


Why i think people won't get burnout too much? Because they know next 2 months there will be another tournament, and the rewards aren't only for top 3 of gold/silver/bronze leagues.


I'd love to hear anet thoughts



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Alliances won't change. Alliances are not the same as the server restructure. Big alliances will be put with pugs to fill in the gaps. This is why they need to consider 500 being too large of a number for a single alliance. Its just way too big and its already ruining match-ups in NA as alliances are forming. I personally don't see tournaments being a thing for at least another year, if ever. They were horrible on all accounts and did nothing to help WvW. It wasn't fun and the rewards weren't good either. Sitting in queue waiting for PvE players to leave with their rewards just so you can get on and play was one of the worst experiences in GW2 I've had. All of the tournaments were so bad.

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