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Will scrapper ever be viable as a tank/bruiser again?

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Currently the scrapper doesn't really fit much of anywhere except as an off-healer/support spec that somewhat... bastardizes its use. The basic scrapper as it was intended doesn't seem to exist in any game mode whatsoever. Its damage is subpar in all game modes, and it's ok at support in WvW and PvE, but still not as good as another class.


For example, compare with a chronotank in PvE -- chronotank is not only capable of tanking, but also buffing the entire team at the same time. Not only is scrapper worse at tanking than chronotank (fewer active defenses), but it is also worse at buffing the team, and still can't deal all that much damage.


Or compare scrapper with the damage of holosmith. There's absolutely no contest. Holosmith can usually last as long (or longer) than the scrapper, and put out way more damage.


Also, the function gyro (the unique mechanic) is almost entirely garbage in PvE. It just doesn't have much use outside of the hybrid healing build. And this also ignores the bad AI of the gyros. Many have suggested just outright removing gyro AI, making them act more like signets "floating" around the character's head when activated.


Are there any intentions to address this disparity? Scrapper's "purity of purpose" has meant "no purpose" for a long time now.

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