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Client side skill usage and international players?


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Man I really wouldn't mind some hinting at least at continued support for international players. One of the coolest things was the glider changes that came with HoT to make them client side, but since then there really hasn't been much else that's as notable. Many of us are playing with 250+ ping mostly because of our location or country's limitations, and I know for sure that's not your problem to deal with, but its SUPER cool to get acknowledged. It does seems like lately we've been a little forgotten :cry: Up until recently it really felt like there was absolutely nothing I couldn't do in the game, but as of late there has been a bunch of new systems introduced that I desperately wish we could have handled by the client instead of by the server. They include things like the special action skills in 100CM not resetting fast enough to make the next bounce and the rifts on skorvald still slamming us into the sides of islands; to just name a couple of big ones.


I mean that game is amazing and really there isn't anything that compares, so I really want to be here, but it just kinda sucks sometimes. WvW and PvP are pretty much out of the question atm and it seems like the endgame pve is slowly getting a bit worse to be laggy in. I always feel like a total knobhead for dying to things like invisible aoes or somehow stepping on oils because I'm a little desynced. Spinning around on the spot when using mobility skills always leads to one of those -_- uhhhhhh moments lol, but wiping groups and failing mechanics for reasons that you just cannot understand, really hurts man.


Anyway, are there any chances that we can have some really annoying parts of the game for international players moved to get handled by the client, or some support or something to make specific skills more reliable in this context?

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> One curious example of this: thief shortbow 5 is apparently supposed to be a valuable mobility skill. On 250+ ping, it's almost as fast to just walk there.


> I find myself wondering how easy this game would be on a low ping. ;)


Have you ever tried using headshot on someones heal skill just to run out of initiative and do nothing? Feel soooo good man.


Lol you gotta try the new deepstone fractal too, if you fall off on the last boss with high ping, you instantly go full dead and your body starts flying around the room. It actually hurts so much to play this game lol


There is one good thing about it all though, there is an exploit (I say exploit so I get picked up in a naughty word filter but its actually a bug which has been reported before and nothing was done about it) in dhuum cm which involves being really laggy.

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