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Does PoF need meta events and/or world boss fights?


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Does it matter ?


Gamers will always take the path of least resistance to achieve their end goals. Meta's or Not the game will continue on and people will find out where to go when so long as there's an incentive for them to do it.


I can guarantee this is the case and so could Anet by removing all rewards and titles from Tarrir, and completely dumpstering the SilverWastes to be 1 chest per day per account. If said things happened you'd see people move to whatever the next IT spot is.

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Unfortunately my favourite answer wasnt available. So I voted yes because it is the closet thing to it. What I actually want are some metas to make the the maps less .... static.... I currently have only explorated the first two maps and they are both great, but they dont change, it kind of doesnt matter if you complete events or if they fail ...... they are always the same. Remember the atmosphere in that one mission when an outpost was under siege? I want something similiar to happen in the Open World. There are so many great locations on the new maps. It would be a shame if we cant fight for them.



(I also thing that the bounties need a few changes to make them optimal, but that is another topic.......)

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I think having newer meta maps would kill HoT maps, which are still fun and worth being populated. If they could figure out a way to keep HoT metas attractive, then I think having a few meta events/WB on the PoF maps would be fine?

Of course, I think I just like the lack of...acrimony on the PoF maps right now. Metas are amazing, but pretty much every time I visit an HoT map to open chests or nab east hero points, there's an argument in chat about the purpose of the map. Granted, PoF requires way less teamwork for even basic functions, like map completion, but it's nice not having that "BUT THE META!" tension happening all the time.

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> @AstralDusk.1670 said:

> This poll has five answers for no, two for 'whatever' and one for yes. Pretty heavily skewed.

> In any case, I voted yes, but the followup is 'because they're the best part of the game.'


Well, sorry about this. I have observed several threads on this topic and most answers are covered here. Usually, the players that want the meta events want them just for one reason - to have something interesting and challenging on the maps. While on the other hand, those players that don't want meta-events/world bosses got several reasons. But I can assure you I haven't made the poll so more people actually choose negative options for the meta events. You are all welcome to extend the option you have chosen with your comments.


The point of this is to see different point of views, their problems, and benefits and if one can work with another. And of course what the majority of people want.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> I can't (and won't) vote in a poll like this. Why do all the answers include motivations that don't represent my point of view? Why not a simple "Yes", "No", "Don't care", "Other" and let people motivate their opinions by replying?


Mate, as I stated above you are free to give us your opinion in your comment.

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > I can't (and won't) vote in a poll like this. Why do all the answers include motivations that don't represent my point of view? Why not a simple "Yes", "No", "Don't care", "Other" and let people motivate their opinions by replying?


> Mate, as I stated above you are free to give us your opinion in your comment.


Of course I am. And I was free to do that even before you said that. But I can't vote because all your options are bad.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > I can't (and won't) vote in a poll like this. Why do all the answers include motivations that don't represent my point of view? Why not a simple "Yes", "No", "Don't care", "Other" and let people motivate their opinions by replying?

> >

> > Mate, as I stated above you are free to give us your opinion in your comment.


> Of course I am. And I was free to do that even before you said that. But I can't vote because all your options are bad.


Ok, what is your answer, your own opinion?

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This Poll is bad, you have so many choices that interfere with each other which results in lower bars for people who do not want metas while people who do want metas have a larger bar by default. The Poll should be only "Yes" or "No" (and maybe "I don't care"), people can expand on that in their comments - this way the poll is meaningless.

As for my opinion: I do not want or need more metas, I barely have the time to complete HoT Metas every single day, why would I want even more metas that could never possibly fit on anyones shedule?


EDIT: I think it's funny btw that people arguing for the metas say they want challenging content while other (or maybe the same people) cry about mobs beeing too strong or story bosses beeing too strong, I don't think you seek challenges, you seek easy loot with simple zergmind ;) Try soloing bounties or Champions throughout PoF, it's possible and it's fun - not neccessarily challenging since that depends on how good you are but why don't you try and find out before you complain that there is nothing to do? I also don't understand how people are already done with the map, did you skip every single detail just to rush through everything asap? If yes then I now understand why you don't like PoF and prefer HoT...

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > > I can't (and won't) vote in a poll like this. Why do all the answers include motivations that don't represent my point of view? Why not a simple "Yes", "No", "Don't care", "Other" and let people motivate their opinions by replying?

> > >

> > > Mate, as I stated above you are free to give us your opinion in your comment.

> >

> > Of course I am. And I was free to do that even before you said that. But I can't vote because all your options are bad.


> Ok, what is your answer, your own opinion?


Yes, because I believe an expansion should have a bit of everything, to serve a wide audience.

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I would like to explain why I voted for yes.


First of all I want to start by saying that I have played a minimum of 12 hours a day since the game launched up to 17 hours on Saturday, I have full map completion, I have the story done, all masteries maxed and almost all bounties done. I have wondered around the maps just to see the places and the events and so one, took part in a large part of what the new maps have to offer.


I said that first so there is no question as if I did not do enough of the content, to have a decent idea about what's going on.


That being said, the maps feel active enough, many events and so on but they don't have any map wide metas, they have regional ones, and they are great but nothing that needs a a bit more organizing, maybe a teamspeak/discord and an encounter that its more than just kill this one dude and you are good.


I am thinking of Auric Basin, Tripple Trouble, Chak Gerent before it got balanced into a snooze fest, BUT, with no gating of areas behind it or make them less often, even to a point where its just once a day or something like that. I pointed this aspect down even tho I do not see the point that people missing the entrance window into a meta map as being the games fault and besides Dragon Stand, HoT did not have that many areas locked down permanently, they were very few and at the end of the day, that's ok, its ok to have places gated behind events and so on, that should not be a problem, but players in GW2 feel like they should be allowed to do anything they want at any given point, but I get it, its probably not ok to gate stuff behind a meta that takes to many people to finish.


So this brings me to the idea that, having no PoF map wide meta it disappointing and the game will suffer, I don't want them for loot but for the experience of working together with people to defeat a big baddie, is that so much to ask for one map of 5 to have that? and don't even tell me the maps are too big, they are not, you traverse them faster then you would any HoT map on foot so that is not a valid point.


What I hope, is that when we get Living world updates, these will introduce at least a map wide meta because remember how before GW2 came out devs said they have a system in place to do dynamic events very fast? we did not see much of that happening since the beta weekends when we had a hunger games inspired event, that was nice and I think this will be the best time to bring that system out and give us some nice stuff.


Anyway, that's what I think, and it is possible to do it in a way that pleases everyone, by not gating content behind it or make the event less frequent or even just once a day.


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From what I've read, there are a few multi-event, zerg split meta-ish things out there. I've still have not played them to decide wether they might qualify as metas or not, but at least there's something. With the amount of new map delivered, there was more than enough room for at least one serious and scheduled meta or world boss tough, so it would be kinda disappointing to not have it. Hope they use some LS4 map for something like this.


Anyway, there's something I feel is lacking more than metas: some gameplay and reward relevant solo activity.

There's plenty of stuff that can be done solo, and by the end one might think it has been a challenging/fun experience, but there's always a little problem: either the reward is crap or the same thing could have been done with a few more people easier, faster and for exactly the same reward (which often means the reward is crap when doing it solo). Yes, it's an MMO, we're supposed to play with other people ... but when pretty much 100% of the game already favors group play (which is fine and expected), is that much to ask for something, anything, that can provide a challenging solo experience and doesn't feel like a slap in the face reward wise? Really sick of gathering :(

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The last option should be removed, unless there was an interview stating new Meta Events are going to be put into place. It could be taken as fact from people, which as far as I know, I haven't heard anything along that line.


Also, I would have put the option "Yes, but they don't have to involve the whole map like HoT". Just give me a quarter of the map or something for an awesome meta.

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But...there are meta events. Not map wide events sure but there are large scale events akin to say...a world boss but with the mechanics more akin to a meta map event. People just haven't nailed them all down yet on a timer to farm regularly. I think Anet could definitely have done more to point them out and lead people to them. But they're there.

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Voting for number five just because it seems like you put that on there just to be a dick. Just because people don't rush through the maps to the point that this content will suffice them for quite a while, doesn't mean they're some kind of mentally incapacitated person that deserves to be mocked about how long they take to go through content.

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