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PvE Spellbreaker tips/build?


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Hey all, pretty inexperienced with the warrior class and brand new to SB elite. My friend is going to buy GW2 for PoF, and I wanted to play with her Ele as a bit of a meat shield/dps.


I was gonna base my build off this from meta battle: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_DPS_Spellbreaker


Just wondering if you think this is optimal for PvE?


I feel very squishy trying it out, but that might be my lack of rhythm/flow when it comes to war/sb. My gear is exotic tier but it’s nothing special, not geared especially well.

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Alternatively you could run a Core Warrior build with Strength/Defense/Discipline as Strength allows you to combo _Forceful Greatsword_ with _Might Makes Right_ for healing.


Combined with _Adrenal Health_ from Defense, as well as _Shield Master_ turning your block into a heal, you’ll end up with the most sustain-y Warrior build possible.


Should help you while you try and get some more experience with the class. When you get more comfortable with it you can switch out Defense for Spellbreaker for more damage.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Alternatively you could run a Core Warrior build with Strength/Defense/Discipline as Strength allows you to combo _Forceful Greatsword_ with _Might Makes Right_ for healing.


> Combined with _Adrenal Health_ from Defense, as well as _Shield Master_ turning your block into a heal, you’ll end up with the most sustain-y Warrior build possible.


> Should help you while you try and get some more experience with the class. When you get more comfortable with it you can switch out Defense for Spellbreaker for more damage.


Cool, thank you for the break down. I’ll take look at that set up tonight.


Would you recommend using banners or no?


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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Alternatively you could run a Core Warrior build with Strength/Defense/Discipline as Strength allows you to combo _Forceful Greatsword_ with _Might Makes Right_ for healing.

> >

> > Combined with _Adrenal Health_ from Defense, as well as _Shield Master_ turning your block into a heal, you’ll end up with the most sustain-y Warrior build possible.

> >

> > Should help you while you try and get some more experience with the class. When you get more comfortable with it you can switch out Defense for Spellbreaker for more damage.


> Cool, thank you for the break down. I’ll take look at that set up tonight.


> Would you recommend using banners or no?



Banners are more for organized, instanced PvE (such as Raids). IMO it is far too annoying to have to lug them around when just running about the open world.



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