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Redeeming IG-6417??

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edit: sorry about the double post, not sure how that happened. can't delete it, can only edit it.


After "thoroughly researching" the matter, they refuse to help me because the way to get the recording is to have a recording device in my inventory when I defeat Ysshi Hessani and Pek Rakt Grag.


THAT'S WHAT I WAS DOING, FOR PETE'S SAKE!!! I had a recording device in my inventory when the event began. A GAME BUG ATE IT so that now I have two Medical Aid Recordings.


Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. I EARNED that Vanquish Branded Recording. I hear people in the game laugh all the time about petitioning to get gem refunds because something they bought went on sale the next day, and Anet accommodates them on that. But I can't get an item I EARNED?


I realize that nothing I do or say will change Anet's mind. But this stinks. I earned that recording. I EARNED IT.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:



> Well since the game ate your recording before the event end you dident earn said recording so they cant give it to you mate.


No, it ate my recording DURING the event.


"So during the boss fight part of Serpent's Ire, I revived a downed player and got a duplicate Medical Aid Recording, which ate the last recording device in my inventory. When the event finished, I could not receive a Vanquish Branded Recording because the game ate my last recording device to give me a duplicate Medical Aid Recording."


Reading comprehension is your friend.

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Holy cow. Well. I just got another email from ArenaNet.


I protested that first decision, and a different GM looked at it. Maybe they kicked it up the line to someone who actually comprehends what they read, I don't know, but THAT one noted that I had, on that same occasion, earned the guardian statue that comes from that event that updates the Exaltation of the Guardians collection -- and informed me that I would receive the Vanquish Branded Recording I had earned.


I logged in, and there it was, in my in-game mail.


So you could knock me over with a feather. They actually did enough research to realize that I was telling the truth about earning that recording, and made good on it.



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Perhaps Gaile, or someone else, could pass this case on to the customer service team as a learning opportunity and see if any improvements to the current procedures could be made in order to be more consistent. Players shouldn’t have to keep trying to eventually get a GM to fix an issue that should be fixable.

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