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Why is Jacaranda a 'Supportive' archetype for Soulbeast?


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Jacaranda is a great pet, but the synergy with Soulbeast annoys me. What we have is:


* 'Root Slap' - Generic melee attack

* 'Call Lightning' - Pretty good offensive ability {Merged ability]

* 'Photosynthesize' - Selfish heal [Merged Ability']

* High Toughness/Vitality stats


So there is no support basis for it and really should be a 'Stout' archetype. Even 'Ferocious' would be better suited, just anything but the current 'Supportive' as the outgoing healing and healing beast ability aren't useful for any situation you want to use it.


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Uh, I think Supportive fits Jacaranda just right. In Pet mode, it has one of the best pet AoE skill, it has Immobilize and it can heal itself. To me, it fits pretty much the Support theme. When it comes to Stout, it's mostly about sturdy pets like Bears. The only thing Ferocious about Jacaranda is Call Lightning.


The only thing I would change for Jacaranda is make Pet mode Call Lightning a **LASTING FIELD**. This is so dumb. Why do Jacaranda's Call Lightning disappear when you Merge, but when you do BM Call Lightning and unmerge, it doesn't ?


BM Call Lightning could use an animation time shaving and bigger AoE (240 radius would be just fine), because it feels like more 1 1/2 or 2 secs for the casting animation + AoE ground hit. It should be close to Lava Font or Symbol of Punishment casting time **AND** damage, IMO. Can Ranger get a solid ranged AoE for once or one at least ? (Beside Barrage)

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Personally, I want my Jacaranda pet to spam knockdowns like the ones in the wild.

That said, Jacaranda are very vitality and heal heavy, even if it's for self healing so I think it fits that it would have the supportive archetype. If other Jacaranda types were available, then maybe there could be one with stout.

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I'm going to also agree that Supportive on Jacaranda is just fine. Self-healing for you and Ally heal for others.

> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> The only thing I would change for Jacaranda is make Pet mode Call Lightning a **LASTING FIELD**. This is so dumb. Why do Jacaranda's Call Lightning disappear when you Merge, but when you do BM Call Lightning and unmerge, it doesn't ?

IIRC, fields in general are tied to their owner. When you merge, your pet gets completely removed from play and this also removes any effects/skills they were associated with. So the fields disappear with the pet and (I believe) any damage conditions they applied drop to 0 effective condi damage per tick.

On the other hand, your Beastmode version of the field stays and does it's thing because it is instead tied to _you_. You don't mysteriously reset or disappear when you unmerge.


> BM Call Lightning could use an animation time shaving and bigger AoE (240 radius would be just fine), because it feels like more 1 1/2 or 2 secs for the casting animation + AoE ground hit. It should be close to Lava Font or Symbol of Punishment casting time **AND** damage, IMO. Can Ranger get a solid ranged AoE for once or one at least ? (Beside Barrage)


I could be down for some of that. (Next expansion? ) Our only other ranged AoEs are pet tied. Spider, Murellow, Fire wyvern, Iboga, Porcine throwables? Meh.



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