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I'm just curious, is there any way to see when which outfits will be available next, approximately, or are they all just put up on a whim? And is giving out a timeline something that we could be given? I've been hawkeyeing this one outfit for awhile now but it hasn't been made available for purchase in forever. So even if I took a break from playing, if I were given a date that it would become available I would hop on that day to get it which would prompt me to get back into the game again.


If the outfits aren't totally randomized, I think this would be a good idea.



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They aren't announced in advance. Anet loves them some false scarcity.


Most (all?) of the outfits are available RIGHT NOW though. They are even at a discount. Buy a "outfit voucher" on the utility tab of the gem store, then rt click the voucher to pick which one you want. It's for the GW2 anniversary sale, which ends on Sep 4.

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They never give us more than a few days notice of when gem store items are going to be available.


As far as I'm aware they haven't said why, but from what I know about marketing I suspect it's for two reasons:

1) They want us to check regularly, ideally by logging into the game to look at the gem store because once we're logged in we might stay to do other things and that makes the game more active

2) It makes it harder to plan ahead and therefore more likely some people will buy gems with real money. I'm waiting for bank tabs to go on sale - if they'd announced weeks or months ago when that would happen I'd be able to save up gold and buy gems when they were cheap. Without knowing I have to weigh up the benefit of doing that against tying up a chunk of gold/gems I could use on something else waiting for a sale that might not happen...or I could just use real money instead which makes the price constant.


Having said that if the outfit is related to a specific season or festival it will almost certainly come back then. For example the Mad King's Outfit is always available during Halloween and the various Wintersday ones during Wintersday. They might be available at other times, but you can guarantee they'll be back during the festival.

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