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Warrior Balance Patch


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* **Rousing Resilience:** The duration of bonus toughness granted by this trait has been reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. Healing per level has been reduced by 20% in PvP only.

* **Aimed Shot:** The damage of this skill has been **increased by 33%.**

* **Volley:** The damage of this skill has been **increased by 25%.**

* **Brutal Shot:** The damage of this skill has been **increased by 100%.**

* **Hammer Shock:** The damage of this skill has been **increased by 15%.**

* **Signet of Might:** When activated, this signet **now additionally gives 10 stacks of might for 6 seconds in PvE and WvW and 5 stacks for 6 seconds in PvP.**

* **Signet of Stamina:** When activated, this signet **now additionally gives 50 endurance in PvE and WvW and 25 in PvP.**

* **Signet of Fury:** When activated, this signet **now additionally gives bonus precision and ferocity for 4 seconds.**

* **Dolyak Signet:** When activated, this signet n**ow additionally heals for a small amount.**

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It is underwhelming as usual (also everyone else got buffed mostly, too).

Rifle buffs are too small to make it useful in PvE, in PvP/WvW using rifle is only good as berserker -> gunflame is lvl 1 burst (worst change ever) = meh.

Signet changes with additional effects are more interesting in PvP/WvW, but it doens't look like it will make any huge meta changes.

Maybe removing casting times on signet of fury and stamina wouldn't be that OP?

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Rifle is still weak. I have no intention to use it.


I like the signet changes cause i often plays armed traits, they are actually effective (yeah, i'm a weird warrior). It's just so a shame theu didn't also add an effect on activation for the two signet that needed it most: healing and rage. Also, the bonus healing on dolyak signet is so small that it's just a joke.


We still have several useless traits, no ranged option beyond berserker, useless wind of dischantment in pve, weak elites, nothing to compensate the last power debuff,...


I expected much more.


A thought for revenants. I hope the patch will bring them higher

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> @"Luna.6203" said:

> > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:


> > * **Rousing Resilience:** The duration of bonus toughness granted by this trait has been reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. Healing per level has been reduced by 20% in PvP only.


> This is sad :'(




Could have been alot worse.


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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> >

> > > * **Rousing Resilience:** The duration of bonus toughness granted by this trait has been reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. Healing per level has been reduced by 20% in PvP only.

> >

> > This is sad :'(

> >

> >


> Could have been alot worse.




![](https://i.imgur.com/V6MxBPF.jpg "")


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> @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

> LOL. What's the point of rifle warrior? Just run the copy paste Soulbeast build that everyone is running. They can do what killshot can do with just their auto attacks.


> One change I've been really wanting is that rifle 4 needs to be an instant dodge rather than dodging after the shot is fired.


its just a meme.... just to show that they did something.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

> >

> > > * **Rousing Resilience:** The duration of bonus toughness granted by this trait has been reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. Healing per level has been reduced by 20% in PvP only.

> >

> > This is sad :'(

> >

> >


> Could have been alot worse.



yeah anet could have deleted warrior from pvp altogether or something more random like they could have simply decreased the power coeffients for greatsword by 100%. Base dmg is enough, war is op already. Glad they nerfed this op class. So op it is braindead.

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I played a signet rifle warrior in wvw last night and had tons of fun and seemed to do well with the build but I got the feeling that I wasn't playing against particularly skilled players or that other people were also experimenting with builds. I think the main reason I had fun was because it was a different experience. I had pretty much shelved the rifle since they removed the ability to have piercing on all skills.


Signet mastery gives me a lot of ferocity, the signet of might attached to it was also giving 10 stacks of might which I hope is intentional and stays. With the signet of might attached to signet mastery and signet of might equipped I had access to a lot of might and unblockable attacks which I think was catching people off guard, the 350/350 bonus from activating signet of fury was a nice boost and getting adrenaline was easy with quick recharge on signet of fury and having the grandmaster trait equipped that gives adrenaline on crit. I was running defense, discipline, and arms with sword/shield and rifle. Could really blow someone up if defense was dropped for strength but I like some survivability. I think it is a build I can add to roaming and under 20 opponent fights. It seems serviceable but certainly not worthy of being mentioned as a good build when someone asks what builds to run on a warrior.

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> @"KittyRiv.5291" said:

> I played a signet rifle warrior in wvw last night and had tons of fun and seemed to do well with the build but I got the feeling that I wasn't playing against particularly skilled players or that other people were also experimenting with builds. I think the main reason I had fun was because it was a different experience. I had pretty much shelved the rifle since they removed the ability to have piercing on all skills.


I got completely insta-spiked on my Spellbreaker by a rifle warrior, getting hit for 11k on killshot and 3x3,942 on volley. I have no idea what the other guy was running but I know I will be theorycrafting a bit for rifle WvW.

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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> > @"KittyRiv.5291" said:

> > I played a signet rifle warrior in wvw last night and had tons of fun and seemed to do well with the build but I got the feeling that I wasn't playing against particularly skilled players or that other people were also experimenting with builds. I think the main reason I had fun was because it was a different experience. I had pretty much shelved the rifle since they removed the ability to have piercing on all skills.


> I got completely insta-spiked on my Spellbreaker by a rifle warrior, getting hit for 11k on killshot and 3x3,942 on volley. I have no idea what the other guy was running but I know I will be theorycrafting a bit for rifle WvW.


happens, especially if you don't know what to dodge or what the skills of the enemy do. Play rifle in pvp a couple of times and see for yourself how far you can go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

## Defense / discipline / spellbreaker is nerfer too far...


Last few days i saw a lot of rifle // axe/axe wars even berserker... berserker in pvp is realy bad. But i dont like that god-mode button spec anyway.


Rifle and axe... I dont know... They might have a bit more dps but no utility to survive...


Whats the point of playing rifle war when deadeye perform a lot better and i mean a lot. Skilled deadeye cant be catch by war. Even with build GS/dagger with bull charge and chain pull which can be bypassed with stability just with all war mobillity ... no way unless that dedeye is bad.


I think boost rifle is good we all wanted that but that include rework skills. I should be like **charge to target** instead of dodge out.. and **at least one aoe skill**. Push target away is also bad .. **you dont want to run away form target as warrior** .. you want to charge to target even with rifle you want charge and swap to melee.. _Like vanguard rifle in starwars old republic.._


And i dont know why offhand axe is so popular in pvp these days. Its joke i mean how bad your enemy must be to get killed by this axe wirl.. :p


defense / discipline / spellbreaker with GS/shield,dagger was only viable build decent survivability to effectively fight on melee range and enough mobility to not being totally kitted still unable to catch super mobile classes.


With defense trait line damage and hybrid stat amulet warrior wasnt great damage dealer it was trade for defense. It is now gone... fully offensive war doesnt work for me. I thing if you want to be more offensive warrior it is ranger...


Meanwhile mesmer near immortal with a lot better damage and defense is not nerfed but warrior getting nerfed more and more.. Im getting really upset. :/


I have to admit that somewhere at beginning defense spellbreaker was really strong but its no longer true many patches ago.. They went to far with nerfs.. and boost for rifle signets whatever do not gives us anything good that can be used. They just make broken things less broken but still broken and underpowered.


I bet that next patch they will boost longbow damage skills for useless berserker (in pvp) and nerf another usefull defense trait... (in pvp)


Spellbreaker is still visually nice and i like to play it but some **traits and active abilities (meditation) are so useless.**. damn it supposed to be elite spec.


**Warrior just need sustain for melee only fight** stop nerfing it of give us viable range weapon.


Im still playing classic defense / discipline / spellbreaker ...** I can still win** ... but i really feel in huge disadvantage against other classes.


## One more nerf to "def-breaker" and ... ![](https://i.imgur.com/Obnq8uy.jpg "")



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> @"Luna.6203" said:

> ## Defense / discipline / spellbreaker is nerfer too far...


> Last few days i saw a lot of rifle // axe/axe wars even berserker... berserker in pvp is realy bad. But i dont like that god-mode button spec anyway.


> Rifle and axe... I dont know... They might have a bit more dps but no utility to survive...


> Whats the point of playing rifle war when deadeye perform a lot better and i mean a lot. Skilled deadeye cant be catch by war. Even with build GS/dagger with bull charge and chain pull which can be bypassed with stability just with all war mobillity ... no way unless that dedeye is bad.


> I think boost rifle is good we all wanted that but that include rework skills. I should be like **charge to target** instead of dodge out.. and **at least one aoe skill**. Push target away is also bad .. **you dont want to run away form target as warrior** .. you want to charge to target even with rifle you want charge and swap to melee.. _Like vanguard rifle in starwars old republic.._


> And i dont know why offhand axe is so popular in pvp these days. Its joke i mean how bad your enemy must be to get killed by this axe wirl.. :p


> defense / discipline / spellbreaker with GS/shield,dagger was only viable build decent survivability to effectively fight on melee range and enough mobility to not being totally kitted still unable to catch super mobile classes.


> With defense trait line damage and hybrid stat amulet warrior wasnt great damage dealer it was trade for defense. It is now gone... fully offensive war doesnt work for me. I thing if you want to be more offensive warrior it is ranger...


> Meanwhile mesmer near immortal with a lot better damage and defense is not nerfed but warrior getting nerfed more and more.. Im getting really upset. :/


> I have to admit that somewhere at beginning defense spellbreaker was really strong but its no longer true many patches ago.. They went to far with nerfs.. and boost for rifle signets whatever do not gives us anything good that can be used. They just make broken things less broken but still broken and underpowered.


> I bet that next patch they will boost longbow damage skills for useless berserker (in pvp) and nerf another usefull defense trait... (in pvp)


> Spellbreaker is still visually nice and i like to play it but some **traits and active abilities (meditation) are so useless.**. kitten it supposed to be elite spec.


> **Warrior just need sustain for melee only fight** stop nerfing it of give us viable range weapon.


> Im still playing classic defense / discipline / spellbreaker ...** I can still win** ... but i really feel in huge disadvantage against other classes.


> ## One more nerf to "def-breaker" and ... ![](https://i.imgur.com/Obnq8uy.jpg "")




good thing is, there is almost nothing left to nerf in the defense trait line xD. All three grandmaster traits are now mediocre and all three master traits are trash xD. Well i guess you could always nerf adrenal health some more. And shield could lose reflect! You know that is op. Warrior is simply a brainddead easy class and everyone on this forum can faceroll as warrior vs every other class the first time they play it, it's that easy. Warrior is a 10/10 on the "easymeter" (the easiest)!!! Scourge is only 5/10 and thief or mirage are 0.1/10!!! See, warrior deserves all those nerfs and a lot more, because uhm they have immeasurable amounts of mobility and dmg and sustain and all these passives. TheSE PASSIVES NERFTHEM TO THE GROUND NOOOOOOWWWWW. because they are sooooo unhealthy and make warrior so easy to play. But invis, teleport and instant cast abilites aswell as dozens of chainable (real) invulns are ok and are a sign of your otherwordly godly skill. Just stop playing warrior in pvp and join the soulbeasts, thief(whatever build :D), mirage, scourge, firebrand etc....

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