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Gluttony and Blighter's Boon

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

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I'm going to nip any confusion here in the bud. The new stack of Might on life force gain counts _no matter where the life force came from_. Yes, this does mean that traits giving life force will also give you Might. I have tested with skills giving it directly, deaths, and Soul Eater. All gave the additional Might. I will be testing with Chilling Victory as well.


What this means for Blighter's Boon in particular is that yes, it does loop. However, ANet did put a limiter on this, keeping it from going infinite. It will cycle through twice. In combination, this means that any life force gain when out of Shroud is accompanied by an additional 2% life force and 1 stack of Might (in addition to the 1 stack you get from the initial gain). In Shroud, it's just an additional stack of might and the corresponding healing.


I will now go test what this means in multi-target situations.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> What this means for Blighter's Boon in particular is that yes, it does loop. However, ANet did put a limiter on this, keeping it from going infinite. It will cycle through twice.

Based on my example in the other thread (but only limited testing):


GS1 -> 1% LF -> Gluttony 1 Might -> Blighter's Boon 1% LF -> Gluttony 1 Might = 2 Might and 2% LF (+10% more LF through passive Gluttony buff)


I would say it is not limited to: "cycle twice", but instead: "gain might from each source only one time at once".


My example:


GS1: 1st Gluttony proc

Blighter's Boon: 2nd Gluttony proc



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So, bad news. Gluttony seems to have a weird, inconsistent ICD. It will not proc on every instance of life force gain, and the time between procs is...bizzare, to say the least. I have had Reaper's Touch (focus 4) proc it twice in once cast, while Locust Swarm only procs it once, even when hitting multiple targets. On top of that, it's possible to not get any procs at all on a second skill if you use them back-to-back (eg. Ghaslty Claws into Reaper's Touch). Soul Eater will proc it only once per time you swap to Greatsword (and yes, entering and leaving Shroud counts). The only thing consistent I have found is that it will always proc on your first life force gain upon entering combat.

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> @"Swadow.6213" said:

> The reason Gluttony seems to have ICD is because it gives a might stack every time it itself gives you 1% of Life Force. So every 10% Life Force gained = 1% Life Force from Gluttony = 1 stack of might. And it stops at maximum Life Force


Nope. It will give you a stack off of any life force gain, no matter how small. For example, it will proc on the first tick of Soul Eater, which is only 1/2% life force. It will do this consistently. It won't, however, give you another stack from Soul Eater unless you deactivate the trait by leaving combat or swapping off of Greatsword.


On top of that, it _will_ consistently give a stack for both the base life force gain off of Your Soul is Mine _and_ an additional stack for every 1% you gain from hitting enemies. If you have Blighter's Boon, it will mimic this behavior with You are All Weaklings (with Blighter's Boon, this results in 10 stacks of Might for hitting a single target). But, not if it's procced shortly before that.


Just to add to the weirdness, it won't proc _at all_ if you cast YaaW at the same time as YSiM goes off. If you do that with a single target, you only get 6 stacks of Might, even with Blighter's Boon equipped.

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These changes seem incredibly inconsistent to me though, the Gluttony trait seems to sometimes give might, and sometimes not at all, it may have an ICD, but its not displayed on the trait, but using Locust Swarm as an example, It gave 1 stack of time the first time it hit an enemy, every hit afterwards it grants none, Soul Eater granted 1 stack when swapping into Greatsword then none for the remainder of the time. The trait will also not give any might if your life force is full, or if a multi hit attack misses the first hit (If you use locust swarm, let it run for a second, then strike something with it, you get nothing unless you swap weapons/go into shroud)

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Okay, I think I have it figured out now.


Gluttony only gives a proc under specific circumstances. These are as follows:


1. The strike you make to initiate combat, if it's one that gives life force (or generates a boon with Blighter's Boon).

2. The first instance of life force gain after initiating combat.

3. The first instance of life force gain after weapon swapping. This one applies both in and out of combat.


There's no hard ICD on the trait, and Blighter's Boon gets to trigger it once each time before it blocks further procs, as well as multiple simultaneous instances of life force gain (such as YSiM and Blighter's Boon + YaaW)

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It has nothing to do with entering combat.


Granting might:

- only the first hit/impact of an attack even if the attack has multiple hits (axe2)

- only one might per hit even if it hits multiple targets (the first pulse of Well of Corruption grants 1 might even if it hits 5 targets)

- passive LF gain skills are excluded, such as spectral armor and walk

- traits are not excluded as Chilling Victory and Blighter's Boon do work (each of the two automatically grants an additional might instance when their requirements are met)


There you have your consistency. ;-)


I think it's okay how it works. Not underpowered and not overpowered. Just a nice trait.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> It has nothing to do with entering combat.


> Granting might:

> - only the first hit/impact of an attack even if the attack has multiple hits (axe2)

> - only one might per hit even if it hits multiple targets (the first pulse of Well of Corruption grants 1 might even if it hits 5 targets)

> - passive LF gain skills are excluded, such as spectral armor and walk

> - traits are not excluded as Chilling Victory and Blighter's Boon do work (each of the two automatically grants an additional might instance when their requirements are met)


> There you have your consistency. ;-)


> I think it's okay how it works. Not underpowered and not overpowered. Just a nice trait.


Yeah, you're just not correct at all here. If you were, using Ghastly Claws more than once would grant you an additional proc. It doesn't. In fact, once you get a proc with Ghastly Claws, you don't get another proc with anything at all until you weapon swap or leave combat. The same is true for any other skill.


If you enter combat with Ghastly Claws, then the first strike generates a proc, but, again, you get no more procs at all until you weapon swap or leave combat. Reaper's Touch seems to be an odd one where, if you enter combat with it, it will proc Gluttony twice: once on the initial hit, then once when it bounces to you the first time.


Out of combat, if you gain life force (say via YSiM), you cannot proc Gluttony again until you either enter combat or weapon swap.

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The one thing I haven't been able to reliably test is multiple targets. Either I would get random other players run by and interfere with my tests, or I would get my sigil of strength proc on my warhorn and screw it up. Will test a few more methods to see if it's a per-target per weapon swap or if it's universal.


EDIT: It's universal.

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I dropped a Well of Corruption on multiple targets two times **without weapon swapping** (Blighter's Boon was traited).


The first time 2 might were applied on the first pulse (one from the pulse, one from Blighter's Boon). No might for the other pulses.

The second time I did not receive any might at all.


I think we have figured out everything here.


Only first hit of the skill.

Only one might per skill.

Only active skills.

Trait synergies.

Bug that prevents applying the trait multiple times, when no weapon swapping/re-entering combat did occur.



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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> I dropped a Well of Corruption on multiple targets two times without weapon swapping (Blighter's Boon was traited).


> The first time 2 might were apllied on the first pulse (one from the pulse, one from Blighter's Boon). No might for the other pulses.

> The second time I did not receive any might at all.


> I think we have figured out everything here.


> Only first hit of the skill.

> Only one might per skill.

> Only active skills.

> Trait synergies.

> Bug that prevents applying the trait multiple times, when no weapon swapping/re-entering combat did occur.




It also works with traits. Enter combat with a Greatsword and Soul Eater equipped. Open up with, say, Gravedigger or some other skill that doesn't give you life force. The first interval for Soul Eater gives you a Gluttony proc.


"Passive skills" like Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk, also work with Gluttony, but good luck not gaining life force before those proc in combat. If you have Blighter's Boon on, the initial Protection or Swiftness consumes the proc.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Okay at least this makes things a bit easier. It works with everything but only in combat, on first hit and on one target.

> >

> > If they now can fix the bug, I can deal with this kind of functionality.


> It works out of combat too! But, again, only once until you enter combat or weapon swap.

I know. I don't even know anymore why I did write this. I even tested it with Well of Power out of combat before.


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It works transparently: one instance of might on every first hit of a LF gaining skill or trait.


It just does not make sense at all why a trait should only work one time until a weapon swap. This can't be intended by the developers and that's why it should be classified as a bug.

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> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> The trait is bugged. I've testing it multi times but and can never replicate consistent outcomes. It's definitely bugged and I'm going to save all judgement until it is fixed.


It took me over an hour of testing in the Special Forces arena to figure out how it behaves, but, with three exceptions (Reaper's Touch to initiate combat, Your Soul is Mine, and You Are All Weaklings+Blighter's Boon), it behaves quite consistently; one proc period between entering and leaving combat, resetting upon weapon swap (including Death Shroud and Reaper's Shroud). YSIM and YAAW+BB behave identically to each other.


It's just Reaper's Touch to initiate combat that makes no sense to me, as it procs once on hitting your target, then once upon hitting you.


Not saying any of this behavior is intended, but it is, at least, consistent, which should make it easier to fix.

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I can confirm everything you're tested. Gluttony procs just once after entering or leaving combat and after weapon swapping regardless of skill used or how many targets are hit.


By the way, if Gluttony actually worked without that bug and without an icd:

A necro with Blighter's Boon could go into Shroud after using Well of Corruption or Locust Swarm and be healed for about 1k hp per second if those skills hit 5 targets.

I'm not complaining, but it seems a bit out of character for Anet to give us this much healing potential.

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> @"flow.6043" said:

> I can confirm everything you're tested. Gluttony procs just once after entering or leaving combat and after weapon swapping regardless of skill used or how many targets are hit.


> By the way, if Gluttony actually worked without that bug and without an icd:

> A necro with Blighter's Boon could go into Shroud after using Well of Corruption or Locust Swarm and be healed for about 1k hp per second if those skills hit 5 targets.

> I'm not complaining, but it seems a bit out of character for Anet to give us this much healing potential.

I think it's not intended that multipe hitting LF granting skills apply might on every hit. Imagine a might instance on every LF gain ... that's ridiculous for a minor trait.


This means Blighter's Boon traited a Well of Corruption cast grants you 2 might (one for the cast and ne for Blighter's Boon) and so does Locust Swarm. The bug ist just about that weapon swapping thing which makes no sense.


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