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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Altronrain.1739" said:

> Crafting panels improvement.

> There are people, who fond of collecting recipes, just like me. So i have some suggestions to craft organization.

> I'm not the first, but craft panels still the same, so i want to repeat all suggestions and add my own ones:

> 1) Left panel (list) should receive Favorite tab (or make it as new drop-list).

> Mostly for cooking, though. Seriously, people that follows meta or earning gold have a small list of "approved" food. Searching each one it's a pain.


Favorites would be awesome, also for those that craft for a lot alts. Maybe have a favorite template for say crafting exotic armor where you select which stats you want and have a click build it.


> 2) Re-organize list of crafted weapons/armors by hiding prefixies in sub-lists. For example: we have Pearl greatsword and all his variations hide in drop-list.

> There is a problem though, cause there are unique skins like Corrupted or so. So it need some improvement too. But searching needed item in an ocean of prefixes is a pain (for not an 24/7 player for example).


It would also be nice if we could have a grid display for inscriptions or insignia recipes that mirror the mat storage so you can see if you have enough base mats for doing a set of soldier armor. As an aside, I really need to learn Photoshop to mock up screens.


> 3) Auto-craft of subsequent ingredients (including auto-calc if not enough materials during process).


Maybe also add a checkbox to auto purchase any needed mats for the base ingredients.




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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Can we get a 'Snowflake' node for home instance pretty please?


It would be awesome to have a home node for all festival items, materials, and map specific items.

- Lucky envelopes like the gift tree

- Halloween bags also like the gift tree

- zephyrite chests from Dry Top

- Dragon stand pods

- items from fractals

- Queen's festival tokens


Basically have something that people can use to work towards materials, rewards, or achievements without locking access to a specific map, time-frame, or play type.


Getting items from home nodes or daily boards is a slow build reward that over time gives more opportunities to players for rewards and can help encourage exploring new things.


A part of my entry into WvW was directly from getting badges of honor from achievement chests. The first time I entered PvP was to use the PvP armor from the same chests.

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> @"Kestrel.7890" said:

> My wish list:

> 1. Elementalist summons not having a time limit and to be out permanently, like minions or pets.


They also should also come back after mounting and dismounting like minions or pets.


> 2. Even better would be that all classes had the option to have their own version of permanent minions/pets/summons/clones.


This would be an awesome elite option for the other classes.


> 4. Account-wide gathering tool slots


As someone who has a lot of infinite gathering tools, this would not help me. However, it is an excellent idea and should be implemented for standard gathering tools.


> 5. Account-wide crafting, so all characters can do all the crafts learnt.


+1 to this


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> @"Calador.2804" said:

> 1) Currently I have to use GW2Efficiency to find out what character my dang items are. It would be nice to have a way to see all your characters items and inventory on one screen.


This should be on the character select screen in some fashion.


> 2) Combine all the dang portal scrolls into a single item instead of making me waste slots


This should also incorporate other portal tools like boss timer, home portal, hall of monuments portal, and area passes (Lily of elon, mistlock sanctuary, etc...)


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> @"Luac Agwayen.6419" said:


> 2. Over the years long time players have collected the anniversary expereince scrolls, from the first anniversary lvl 20 scrolls to anniversary lvl 60 scrolls, what if we could combine lets say 2 lvl 20 ones into a 30 one, two lvl 30 into a lvl 40 etc to clear up bank inventory and have better experience level up scrolls


This would be really nice.


> 3. could the economy team and the team responsible look into the refining of elder wood 3 into 1, because the ammount for legendaries is crazy and the 2 to 1 refining would be imo better


I would love for the refinement recipes to get standardized, same amount of ore for each ingot, same amount of logs for planks, etc



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1) Character specific key bindings

2) HUD/Cursor Scaling improvements (1440p/4k)

3) Coloblind Support / Colorable Castbar

4) Personal DPS meter (only my own DPS is enough)

5) Smartcast Checkboxes for every skill individually

6) Keybind to Mousewheel

7) Gear and Build Presets

8) Option to reduce displayed Infusion effects

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Sorry if this has already been suggested.


You know how if you hover over an item, it will now say how many you have in storage, or the bank? Or if you hover over a piece of gear, it will show a pop-up of the gear you currently have equipped in that slot?


I would like to go to a merchant, hover over the gathering tools for sale, and have it show me how many uses I have left on my current gathering tool of that type. I know this is a minor thing, and it's not hard to just open the character window and check for myself. Even though it's a small convenience, it would be appreciated. :-)

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I love the new information on materials that tells us how many we have in storage and bank.


Would it be possible to add an option to view if any and how much of an item is needed for upgrades to your currently represented guild? It is extremely annoying running back and forth to bank and guild treasurer.


Also, along the same lines. Could we get a guild material storage to hold scribe items that are not account bound so that anyone in the guild doing scribe crafting can view it as available? I know there might be an issue with multiple people trying to access the same item at the same time like with guild bank, so I am proposing two possible solutions.

1. Make it so the guild material storage is only accessible for withdrawal/use from within the guild hall itself at the scribing station.

2. Put a lock on withdrawing/using items from the guild material storage to one open interface at a time. Maybe an alert could come up, that the guild material storage is currently in use.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> 2. Put a lock on withdrawing/using items from the guild material storage to one open interface at a time. Maybe an alert could come up, that the guild material storage is currently in use.


This is likely to run into problems, especially in larger guilds where several people may want to use it at the same time, and it is also heavily open to trolling.

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You know what I'd love? A way to queue "teleport to a waypoint while in combat" so that I can warp as soon as I leave combat.


imagine that you want to go elsewhere, and just as you are about to click on the waypoint (which took you like 10 seconds to locate because "gosh, the map is huge") you get hit by a random warg... and now you gotta close the map, deal with the nuisance, and restart the process? This has happened several times and it's driving me crazy.


Maybe I should just click the waypoint to place it in my chat to shortcut the process (to the annoyance of everybody else in the map chat...). ._.


edit: maybe enable this only for pve. Though I can't imagine how it'd actually be exploitable in wvw... if you are in combat and looking at the map, I doubt you'll be able to click any waypoint before already being dead. :P

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> You know what I'd love? A way to queue "teleport to a waypoint while in combat" so that I can warp as soon as I leave combat.


> imagine that you want to go elsewhere, and just as you are about to click on the waypoint (which took you like 10 seconds to locate because "gosh, the map is huge") you get hit by a random warg... and now you gotta close the map, deal with the nuisance, and restart the process? This has happened several times and it's driving me crazy.


> Maybe I should just click the waypoint to place it in my chat to shortcut the process (to the annoyance of everybody else in the map chat...). ._.


> edit: maybe enable this only for pve. Though I can't imagine how it'd actually be exploitable in wvw... if you are in combat and looking at the map, I doubt you'll be able to click any waypoint before already being dead. :P


On that same note, it would be nice if things like WP or mounts would not be disabled in combat, but instead converted to a long, interruptible channeled skill. So, if the game has decided you're in combat for some BS reason, but you can sit still and not take any damage for six seconds or so, you can still use those abilities.


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Could the game make it so that if you need X item to complete a collection, one that drops from Y character, and have killed hundreds of Y with no luck, let us get the darn item! In other words, RNG is fine for a while, but hours and hours of grinding are absolutely NO FUN, and then there could be an override of RNG. Thank you.

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I would like to see Aura Item Previews within the wardrobe and optioned on trade post or pinged in chat while at the same time having the ability to turn off other player auras. Will cause more gold sink but also give others an idea of what they want their character to look like, to help tell a story. Could also increase gemstore sales based on combos.

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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> Maybe Anet could clean "Open world" category in LFG tool.

> Now there are slots for **every map from living world** - can't you compress them into one category?

> Most of them are empty anyway.


I would also like a cleanup to LFG, but have a different take on the proposal.


**Open World**

* original set of maps (each with its own posting by zone: Ascalon; Kryta; Maguuma Jungle; Shiverpeak Mountains; Orr)

* living world season 1 & 2 (combined into one posting: Dry top; Silverwastes, Southsun Cove; Labyrinthine Cliffs [which should be permanent zone])

* HoT (combined into one posting: Verdant Brink; Auric Basin; Tangled Depths; Dragon's Stand)

* Living World Season 3 (combined into one posting: Bloodstone Fen; Ember Bay; Bitterfrost Frontier; Lake Doric; Draconis Mons; Siren's Landing)

* PoF (combined into one posting: Crystal Oasis; Desert Highlands; Elon Riberlands; The Desolation; Domain of Vabbi)

* Living World Season 4 (combined into one posting: Domain of Istan; Sandswept Isles; Domain of Kourna; Jahai Bluffs; Thunderhead Peaks)

* World Bosses (all bosses from all zones)

* Dungeons (combine all dungeons)

* Fractals

* Raids


Further I suggest a checkbox option for each category that would be something like the list below. I am thinking that you set what you are willing or looking to do for each map/section and in the LFG posting area it would show "someone wants to Mentor" or something similar. When a person clicks on that entry, it pops up on your screen either as a party/squad request or like the map empty notice or PvP team balance notice.

* Will Mentor

* Will do story

* Will do achievements

* Will do side story

* Will do Meta (for HOT, LS, and POF maps)

* Will do dailies

* Will do Role-Play

* Will do Festival

* Will do bounties (maybe for PoF and LS 4+ maps but might not be necessary with the other options)


That will reduce the really huge lists and remove some of the confusion about where you post items. It is really kind of silly to have a listing for everything broken out as they currently do. For example, I have seen postings for boss trains in "Central Tyria - Squads", "World Bosses", and the specific map entry. It would also work for achievements, story, or meta's that end up crossing maps.


There is a lot to this that would need cleaned up or tested, but I would really love to see something that is easier for me to use to advertise that I am looking to do any of: Story progress; map complete; elite collection; mount collection (griffin or beetle); meta; all bounties in first PoF maps. As well as saying I can mentor/squad lead for HP train in Auric Basin.


I think there should also be a change to the WvW section in that you list your server for now so you don't accidentally squad up with competing servers. When the rework to the world server thing happens, maybe have a similar check list for the eternal battlegrounds maps and for each of the land maps.


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In WvW, some ppl who use a waypoint have slow computers and their map takes too long to load. When the map loads, the waypoint is contested and their computer loads their map spawn instead, which means twice the loading time, sometimes can be up to 5 minutes in total


Waypoints should be changed so you arrive as soon as you start, and then your toon just waits for the computer to finish loading everything


The Bank window should have a tick option, for if we put our mouse over an item in our inventory, if there's a same one in the Bank, the bank one will flash or have a starry aura around it, so we can see where it is

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