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Peripheral Vision Change Suggestion for the better of all playstyles

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

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[Peripheral Vision](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Peripheral_Vision "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Peripheral_Vision")


"Stolen skills apply their boons to allies ** near you** and apply their conditions to foes around your marked target."


:'( This promotes stacking around a thief, and since thief itself isnt really one playstyle wise supposed to be in the fray unless running a crazy gimmick build, i have a small suggestion that would benefit all playstyles including examples below.


1. make the stolen skills apply the boons to allies near your **Marked Target** and keep the conditions applied to foes around your marked target the same. =)

What this does, is if playing ranged with rifle or shortbow or even if you need to get out and still give support you can still do so with boons rather than stay in the fray. atm this skill forces you to stay melee or your targeted mark stay on you.


2. Peripheral Vision would be weird for a name after the above change, adjust it afterwards to something like "Eyes Peeled" or somehow incorporate the "Enter Sandman" song lyric "One eye open..." (just kidding on the song part)


3. increase the radius from 600 to something more possible to prevent huddling around a target


so, if you arent using rifle or shortbow and you want to still use this trait...good, you can, because if you mark your target and are melee, you can use those skills and anyone else near the target during stolen skill use can get it.... but ya know what, you can have a shortbow or a rifle as well if you want and get outta dodge city to disengage and still help.


if you are strictly range? yup, you can.


[Neat information on What this technique is called in RL -

BINDON AIMING CONCEPT](https://www.trijicon.com/na_en/company/unique_to_trijicon.php "https://trijicon.com/na_en/company/unique_to_trijicon.php")

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