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Thank you anet for the buffs. My necro feels so much better now and fits in with the other dps classes much better.


I love the buffs to core necro to synergise with the elites and quickness in reaper shroud just feels so much better since I feel like the 15% was actually overriding the effect of quickness while in raids. Could be me though.


Thank you :)

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for the first time i feel like the reaper shroud cut (5% degen instead of 3%) is justified. it is enjoyable again **(!!!)** - thanks!


the quickness or the blighters boon compatibility with gluttony+chilling victory (as soon as gluttony works more often than once per weapon swap) makes reaper shroud feel like a hard hitting mechanic - although the dmg projection outside of pve is still more lackluster than e.g. mirage/thief/warrior/dh ... plus the dps in highend pve might be on the edge of "aaaaaaalmost there, but not yet" (the complaining part, so it doesnt look too positive, right?!)

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i think the same. reaper buffs are REALLY an improvement. the quickness solve many Problems with Long casttimes necro has. and reaper feels so much better to Play now.

necro still has a lot of weaknesses, but now you are able to pressure back by good timed burst attacks that dont die in slow casts. and the improved Version of scepter 3 is top, PLZ more of those skill reworks!


awesome changes. THX ANET! after all the years…<3

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Hey I'd like to thank Anet too. They did a really good job, despite the great amount of work on many trait and skills that necromancer still would need. This patch is definetely a step in the right direction, and I'm not saying this just because it's almost all buff and 1 nerf. It say it because it really enhance necro fighting experience, for example with new quickness in shroud finally reaper is able to cast skill with long cast time without getting interrupted each time. This in my opinion is a fair trade off: a glassy shroud for burst, or a tanky shroud with gluttony and blighters boon for less burst. The rework on Terror is awesome because it finally open up again the possibility of using fear to do damage like before HoT. The lingering Curse rework is great to says the least it helps scourge with condi damage while providing more life force regeneration that was always needed on scepter, and also let scourge recover a bit of that area condi corrupt that was reduced with the nerf on the interaction beetween path of corruption and nefarious favor.

Great the change to furious demise and death perception, on core necromancer this change is awesome to buff his power damage, the loss of precision in death perception is compensated by furious demise and you gain more ferocity.

Good job Anet! You're on the right track. I hope to see future patches and rework =)

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I'm not sure why people are excited:


1. Pulling optimal DPS is much more difficult now so the percent of people getting to the DPS ceiling in raids will be lower

2. The DPS gained with the changes isn't actually that much and certainly not enough to get any optimized raid group to consider you


Bottomline is that on AVERAGE ... necro players are probably pulling the same DPS they are from before patch.


Neither of these things bodes well for Necro moving forward in PVE because in perfect conditions, Anet knows they gave exactly what most people wanted; more DPS. I won't lie, I do like the changes because they make Reaper more flexible and interesting to play but for anyone trying to play the class in instanced content with optimal groups ... you just got punched in the gut and said _thank you may I have another_.



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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> this was buffs to power necro and barely any buffs to condi necro, yes the lingering curse is OK but still the change to scepter 3 from this trait is still pathetic since you need the target to have boons to get any decent value from it, condi necro is still crap and needs heavy buffs


50 more condi damage for free is nothing to scoff at. The change to scepter 3 gives more life force even if you dont strip a boon so Condi necro got a buff in PvE, and got a huge buff in wvw. Its not Condi mirage but hey, we cant all be the almighty mesmer.

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> @"Lexan.5930" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > this was buffs to power necro and barely any buffs to condi necro, yes the lingering curse is OK but still the change to scepter 3 from this trait is still pathetic since you need the target to have boons to get any decent value from it, condi necro is still crap and needs heavy buffs


> 50 more condi damage for free is nothing to scoff at. The change to scepter 3 gives more life force even if you dont strip a boon so Condi necro got a buff in PvE, and got a huge buff in wvw. Its not Condi mirage but hey, we cant all be the almighty mesmer.


Don't forget that we also got 180 Precision for free, that (I believe) gets converted to condition damage via Target the Weak. Only another 23.4 condition damage, but it's enough to boost all condition damage ticks. Also helps boost the crit chance by 8.5% (and condi Scourge doesn't enjoy 100% crit rate, even with party buffs).

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I'm not sure why people are excited:


> 1. Pulling optimal DPS is much more difficult now so the percent of people getting to the DPS ceiling in raids will be lower

Camping GS and dropping Well of Suffering every 20 seconds results in 28k DPS. The complex rotation which includes shroud and weapon swaps only grants an additional 2k DPS. So Power Reaper should be one of the most consistent DPS dealers on top of very good sustain.


Yes it's selfish and yes the DPS is low in theory, but hey it's 30k - finally!


> 2. The DPS gained with the changes isn't actually that much and certainly not enough to get any optimized raid group to consider you

Yes, if they think they can all do perfect rotations and never die (= 0 DPS), then Reaper might be subpar.


All the spec now still needs is a party buff, like increase damage of 5 allies by 10% on chilled targets (currently Chilling Victory increases only the Reaper's damage).


Further selfish DPS buffs with the current amount of sustain Reaper has in PvE just don't feel right. The spec already does offer brainless open world PvE gameplay.

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