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Condense WvW into 3 tiers only to solve population issue.


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As mentioned above, condensing to 3 (heck even 2!) tiers won't stop people from stacking servers. Fight guilds like to stack on servers with lots of other fight guilds, and similar with PPT guilds. As long as there is a server-based system, people will stack it, abuse rating systems, etc.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> Depends on if they become a host server or not. Way their population is rising, it's hard to say.

I don't see why they wouldn't become a host. There are 12 NA hosts and only 10 servers (one of which is SoR) are above Medium. Sanctum of Rall and Anvil Rock should become hosts and two of the following should become links: Henge of Denravi, Dragonbrand, Stormbluff Isle, and/or Jade Quarry. I suppose some of the Medium links could replace some of the Medium hosts too.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > Don't worry, SoR will be down there on Reset.

> >

> > Depends on if they become a host server or not. Way their population is rising, it's hard to say.


> If Kaineng hit host, so will SoR. I think the only suspense is who becomes a link.


My guess is it will be JQ, but I can see TC becoming one easily as well. Pretty sure one of our links fields more than we do every day.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > T4 was so bad that JQ took first place once and 2nd a couple of times and all of their guilds left that server. Link all servers except for BG. Pretty sure that everyone would enjoy this since it will be more populated. I'm in BG and I know that we have enough to contend for T2 which is better than some linked servers who are in a lower tier. If a server can contend in T2 by themselves; then they shouldn't be linked.

> >

> > Why do you care so much about time zones you don't play? Are you a fight guild? Do you need off hours to move you up tiers so you feel relevant?


> I don't care about timezones or the moving up the ladder lol. It gets so boring when their is only activity for 2 hours a day in WvW during NA prime. Before and after that most tiers are a ghost town. Even playing in T2 in BG is a ghost town before and after NA prime. Also I didn't mention anything about timezones in my original post and I even said that BG shouldn't get a link. I just want WvW to be more populated.


> I went to my alt on SBI to find fights, but it's even worst there. The only option for me was to play my alt on Whiteside Ridge(an EU server).


PST has similar activity to EST. It's just relative on who the commanders are that tag up. Now if you are referring to OCX, that's a whole different story. Commanders that are willing to grind it out and git gud are far and few. Similar to the amount of pugs that are willing to organize. it's a vicious cycle. most tags can't no life raid 7 days a week.

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