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Why is gw2 only using 30% of cpu and gpu?

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So basically all i want is to run the game at high settings (not necessarily ultra) with maintaing 60fps. However, it’s not possible since the game isn’t fully utilizing my gpu. The game is only using 30% of my cpu and gpu. I highly doubt that it’s a bottleneck issue to be honest. I also read online that gw2 isn’t really optimized for multicore cpus, but that would be confusing since I have seen some people running the game at ultra settings with no problems. So what’s really causing this issue?

My system specs:

Gpu: 980ti gigabyte windforce

Cpu: I7 8700k

Ram: 16GB ram 2400mhz

OS: win10


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The game isn't heavily multithreaded(0), and can't use more than 2-3 threads (which is around 25-30% of a 4 core CPU with two threads per core.). One thread in particular will happily run at 100%, so there is, indeed, a bottleneck, and that bottleneck is NOT the main rendering thread.


The dataset is big enough to overflow the CPU cache (especially on the data side), so RAM speed is important. My machine runs an i7-7820X (low-end Skylake X processor) on eight sticks of 3000 MHz DDR4, and I can get around 60 fps in 1080p on the most ultra-ish of ultra settings(1). In this mode, the Intel turbo boost features are running the game cores at 4.3GHz.


(0) Getting heavily multithreaded code right is *hard*, and causes its own kinds of overhead. Further, some tasks cannot easily be broken into mutually-independent pieces that can be calculated in parallel on different cores/hyperthreads, so the benefits will be somewhat limited anyway.


(1) I actually run in 4K, where frame rates are about half what they are in 1080p. (Half, not quarter, even though the GPU is "throwing" four times as many pixels.)

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> @"KoSeKu.6879" said:

> I have AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU, it is using only %25 of it. I don't think games use CPU a lot. You should see your GPU percentage, it is always %100 for me(AMD RX 580)


CPU usage is an aggregate across all the "virtual" / "logical" CPUs(1), and if there are eight vCPUs and the game runs two or three threads, it won't use more than 25-37.5% of that CPU's total capacity, *ever*.


GW2 uses about three threads worth of CPU time, which is 25% of your Ryzen's 12 vCPUs. It's a smaller fraction of my i7's 16 vCPUs, obviously.


(1) A virtual CPU's definition depends on the processor. Before the Pentium 4, each CPU chip had one core with one thread per core, for one vCPU per chip. The P4 added hyperthreading, giving two hyperthreads per core and one core, for two vCPUs per chip. Later came the first Core Duo and Core2 Duo chips that had two hyperthreaded cores for two times two equals four vCPUs per chip. That Ryzen is 6 cores of two hyperthreads each = 12 vCPUs per chip.

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