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Aura changes - Issue with the mechanic blocking another.


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I mostly play PvP and muck around in WvW from time, but mostly PvP... My favourite build for as long as I can remember is D/D Elementalist followed up with D/D Tempest at HoT release.

My current build is Air/Water/Temp with Cleansing Waters and Tempest Defense.


I have an Issue with these new Auras and just 1 issue, otherwise I love them but the issue is they have been getting me killed...

some examples:


- I fight a Warrior who has heaps of stability stacks, he's crit me and put me under heavy CC... I'll switch to Air and use Shocking Aura for the heal to help sustain myself (stack it with Feel the Burn from time to time), but I can't because it wants me to detonate... It has a small cast time and I'm completely locked down with CC so I can't even use that skill OR the shocking Aura skill, that whole dagger 3 ability might as well not exist at that point in time.


- Same situation but there's also a Necro around so I'll use Water for the passive condition removals on water attunement then go to use Frost Aura for the extra heal and Condition removals BUT I have Warrior CC on me so again I'm shut out of a heal and condition removals.



- I'm trying to stomp a downed Necro while attuned to Air, he hits me with a crit during his 1 channel then fears me... I can no longer cleanse break that effect.



- I'm fighting a Mirage and he condi bombs me with mostly confusion and I'm attuned to Air, I used to be able to cleanse with the static Aura quickly enough due to the instacast to be able to react, now if I try that, I either hurt myself on the confusion proc from trying to detonate the aura first or get disrupted and CC repeatedly while trying to use the summoning animation tied to it.




It might not seem like much but I hope it can be looked in too, maybe even if the effects of detonation were reduced for instacast, that could really help a lot.

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Its obvious but when you get CC your overload gets interrupted so you can haven an aura which you donate because of situation like this I wanted longer uptime of stability and 1 or 2 more of it . Basically increasing with every second pulse. From my perspective the amount of might from the fireoverload is also underperforming .


In general it was always like this Tempest is more like a Mage/Priest basically whatever you choose you have an secondary supporter clued to it. In theory they thought with a warhorn it would be a full support built but it was never full up to the task because chrono was just to powerful as competitor and too less boons then nerf and now FB . Its not they couldn't do it to some degree they could push warhorn and main hand scepter/dagger more and add to the warhorn trait more shared boons when used additonal to what I said on top. (there is in pve also the problem that druids became the main might source and replaced Tempests with this)


I love d/w just for fun because it gives great mobility the general the problem is just where they should draw the line because even it isn't increasing the dps in group content it does change a lot in pvp and open world survival if they do that .


So what you can do is searching for another source of stability in your group perhaps an FB and trying avoiding cc where stability don't help.

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I understand the aura skills are meant as a nerf, but in typical ANet manner they went **the** most complicated possible route to do this. now they have 4 more abilities to keep debugged and polished. All for making aura re-casting more difficult :pensive:


And it even became inconsistent. There's 2 more Auras than the 4 Elementalists usually use in the game, but the classes applying those **don't** have burst skills for them. Really weird. It used to be a somewhat concise mechanic, even if they failed to keep up with it later (Aura = non-removable Boon which has an on-hit / on-trigger effect).

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> I understand the aura skills are meant as a nerf, but in typical ANet manner they went **the** most complicated possible route to do this. now they have 4 more abilities to keep debugged and polished. All for making aura re-casting more difficult :pensive:


> And it even became inconsistent. There's 2 more Auras than the 4 Elementalists usually use in the game, but the classes applying those **don't** have burst skills for them. Really weird. It used to be a somewhat concise mechanic, even if they failed to keep up with it later (Aura = non-removable Boon which has an on-hit / on-trigger effect).


I think they werent meant as a nerf rather to make aura skills more interesting.

I think tempest needs an update to interact with them. Like when using a Warhorn skill it detonates the aura you currently have and trigger all aura related effects. If the warhorn skill produces an aura you can even chain detanate them and i think the ICD should be removed to let tempest really shine.

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