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How to fix the Match making Ranked PvP system!


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The problem with implementations like this is that it gives players incentive to focus on objectives that actually have nothing to do with winning the game.


Case scenario using something like your suggestion:

* It looks like the Red Warrior's team is going to win. The current score is 450 to 400.

* The Red Warrior knows that he has already died too many times in this match and he would rather gain more rating than gain less rating for this win.

* There is one last team fight happening at the mid node. The Red Warrior chooses not to join in that team fight because he doesn't want to risk dying due to his personal score gain.

* He realizes the team fight is going poorly and by the time he shows up to help it's too late. The Blue Team wipes the Red Team at mid and proceeds to triple cap the map while the Red Team is on respawn.

* By the time the Red Team comes off respawn, it's too late. The Blue Team has a stern hold on the map and ends up winning 500 to 480. The Red Team lost because the Red Warrior was more focused on his personal rating gain than he was winning the match.


A lot of the suggestions tossed around about "using the algorithm to track individual win contribution" may sound like good ideas on paper, but in application they will result in nothing more than selfish objectives that encourage players to stray further and further from the idea of "just do what you need to do to win a match."


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