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Core Tyria Guild hall "Claw Island"

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As much as I enjoy the current selection of guild halls, it does leave core Tyria a bit unguarded if all of the heroes are all stationed away from home. So I was thinking that with the rebuild of Lion's Arch what happened to Claw Island ? I think it would make sense to have the Island rebuilt (via guild hall system) by a guild who desires to stand guard over Lion's Arch. Maybe to claim it the guild would have to prove their worth by facing a swarm of Watch knights sent by Divinity's Reach to help test the challengers. So it would still be just like any other guild hall claiming. Plus for those who enjoy the old look of LA , Claw Island would be a welcomed addition.

So thoughts ? and any other places that could make for a Guild Hall in the core maps ?

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Caudecus' Manor.


Add in a ballroom, move the buildings around a bit so it's not actually his place. Or don't move them, I could see his estate being forfeit to the Crown after what he did, and a guild could claim it by being willing to go in and clear out remaining booby traps similar to claiming LP and GH by clearing out mordrem.


But definitely put in a nice spacious ballroom with a gallery and big windows/doors to an elegant marble deck. With a good size kitchen not too far off to supply catering.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Majic.4801" said:

> > A Claw Island guild hall would be great, but only if it comes with a complimentary claw.


> The island is the claw.


That's way too meta for me. I need something I can kill stuff with.


Although I suppose an island, properly wielded...

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I'd like to see them bring back some of the places in GW1 that relate (in general) to core GW2... like maybe the Underworld, The Deep, Urgoz's Warren, or even an open-air forest something like Pre-Searing Ascalon.


Then, of course, there's always the whole list of guild halls from GW1 that could be expanded and tweaked to fit in GW2.


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